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package main

import (

    . ""

const (
    nrOfKeys    = 129 // Number of possible keys
    invalidRune = -1
    invalidWord = 0

var (
    currentKeyStrokeSignal = make(chan rune)
    hhook                  HHOOK
    autoCompleteJustDone   bool
    bufferStr              string

// Initialize DLLs and start listening to keyboard hook
func setupWindowsHook() {
    log.Println("Keyboard listener started ......")

    // Load all required DLLs
    _ = LoadDLLs()

    // Setup hook annd receive message
    go receiveHook()

// Detect hook
func receiveHook() {
    // Declare a keyboard hook callback function (type HOOKPROC)
    hookCallback := func(code int, wParam WPARAM, lParam LPARAM) LRESULT {
        // If keystroke is pressed down
        if wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN {
            // Retrieve the keyboard hook struct
            keyboardHookData := (*TagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(lParam))) // skipcq: GSC-G103

            // Retrieve current keystroke from keyboard hook struct's vkCode
            currentKeystroke := rune((*keyboardHookData).VkCode)

            // Send the keystroke to be processed
            select {
            case currentKeyStrokeSignal <- currentKeystroke:

                // Skip if the channel currentKeyStrokeSignal is busy,
                // as it means the current keystroke is sent by the processHook while processing,
                // we want to ignore keystrokes that we sent ourself

        // Return CallNextHookEx result to allow keystroke to be displayed on user screen
        return CallNextHookEx(0, code, wParam, lParam)

    // Install a Windows hook that listen to keyboard input
    hhook, _ = SetWindowsHookExW(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, hookCallback, 0, 0)
    if hhook == 0 {
        panic("Failed to set Windows hook")

    // Run hook processing goroutine
    go processHook()

    // Start retrieving message from the hook
    if b, _ := GetMessageW(0, 0, 0, 0); !b {
        panic("Failed to get message")

// Process your received keystroke here
func processHook() {
    for {
        // Receive keystroke as rune from channel
        currentKeyStroke := <-currentKeyStrokeSignal

        // Process keystroke
        fmt.Printf("Current key: %d 0x0%X %c\n", currentKeyStroke, currentKeyStroke, currentKeyStroke)

        shiftKeyState, _ := GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)
        capsLockState, _ := GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL)
        isShiftEnabled := getKeyState(shiftKeyState)
        isCapsEnabled := getKeyState(capsLockState, true)

        key := getKeyByKeyCode(uint16(currentKeyStroke), isShiftEnabled, isCapsEnabled)
        var char rune
        if key == nil {
            char = invalidRune
        } else {
            char = key.Char

        if isAutoComplete(char) {
            // Process auto complete
            tagInputs := processAutoComplete(char, isShiftEnabled, isCapsEnabled)

            // Send input
            _, _ = SendInput(uint(len(tagInputs)), (*LPINPUT)(&tagInputs[0]), int(unsafe.Sizeof(tagInputs[0]))) // skipcq: GSC-G103

        // Reset if character is not a letter/symbol/number
        if char == -1 {
            bufferStr = ""

            if currentKeyStroke != VK_SHIFT && currentKeyStroke != VK_LSHIFT && currentKeyStroke != VK_RSHIFT {
                autoCompleteJustDone = false


        // User pre-collectionCommands can be CTRL, ALT, SHIFT and 1 letter afterwards
        // User can create shortcut MODIFIER + a key or text collectionCommands + tab or space (remove collectionCommands)
        readSingleCharacter(char, isShiftEnabled, isCapsEnabled)

        autoCompleteJustDone = false
        fmt.Println("Buffer string:", bufferStr)

// Read single character and update buffer, for ending key like tab or enter
func readSingleCharacter(char rune, isShiftEnabled, isCapsEnabled bool) {
    switch char {
    case '\b':
        if len(bufferStr) > 0 {
            bufferStr = bufferStr[:len(bufferStr)-1]

        if autoCompleteJustDone {
            // Send input
            tagInputs := getKeyByKeyCode(VK_DELETE).KeyPress()
            _, _ = SendInput(uint(len(tagInputs)), (*LPINPUT)(&tagInputs[0]), int(unsafe.Sizeof(tagInputs[0]))) // skipcq: GSC-G103
    case '\r':
        bufferStr += windowsNewLine
        bufferStr = ""
    case '\t':
        if ok, command := hasValidCommand(); ok {
            // Send input
            sendInput(createTagInputs(command.Output, isShiftEnabled, isCapsEnabled))

        bufferStr = ""
    case ' ':
        if ok, command := hasValidCommand(); ok {
            // Send input
            fmt.Println(len(bufferStr) - len(command.Command))
            tagInputsBackspace := getKeyByKeyCode(VK_BACK).KeyPress(len(command.Command) + 1)
            _, _ = SendInput(uint(len(tagInputsBackspace)), (*LPINPUT)(&tagInputsBackspace[0]), int(unsafe.Sizeof(tagInputsBackspace[0]))) // skipcq: GSC-G103

            sendInput(createTagInputs(command.Output, isShiftEnabled, isCapsEnabled))

        bufferStr = ""
        // If buffer full, trim
        if len(bufferStr) >= maxCommandLen && len(bufferStr) > 0 {
            bufferStr = bufferStr[1:]

        bufferStr += string(char)

func sendInput(tagInputs []TagINPUT) {
    _, _ = SendInput(uint(len(tagInputs)), (*LPINPUT)(&tagInputs[0]), int(unsafe.Sizeof(tagInputs[0]))) // skipcq: GSC-G103

func hasValidCommand() (bool, *Command) {
    bufferLen := len(bufferStr)

    for k := range sliceCommandLen {
        if k > bufferLen {

        if command, ok := userCommands[bufferStr[bufferLen-k:]]; ok {
            return true, command

    return false, nil