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<?php namespace WooGateWayCoreLib\admin\functions;

 * Settings
 * @package WAPG Admin
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @author CoinMarketStats <support@coinmarketstats.online>

if ( ! defined( 'CS_WAPG_VERSION' ) ) {

use WooGateWayCoreLib\lib\Util;
use WooGateWayCoreLib\lib\cartFunctions;
use WooGateWayCoreLib\admin\builders\CsWapgForm;
use WooGateWayCoreLib\frontend\scripts\CsWapgScript;
use WooGateWayCoreLib\admin\functions\CsPaymentGateway;

class CsWapgFunctions extends \WC_Payment_Gateway {

     * Hold Default option value
     * @var type
    public $defaultOptn;

    function __construct() {
        // global ID
        $this->id = 'wapg_altcoin_payment';

        // Show Title
        $this->method_title = __( 'AltCoin Payment', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' );

        // Show Description
        $this->method_description = __( 'AltCoin Payment Gateway Plugin for WooCommerce.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' );

        // vertical tab title
        $this->title = __( 'AltCoin Payment', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' );

        $this->defaultOptn = get_option( $this->get_option_key() );

        // get icons
        $this->icon = $this->get_icon_url();

        $this->has_fields = true;

        // setting defines
        CsWapgForm::getAdminSettings( $this );

        // load time variable setting

        // Turn these settings into variables we can use
        foreach ( $this->settings as $setting_key => $value ) {
            $this->$setting_key = $value;

        // Save settings
        if ( is_admin() ) {
            add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_payment_gateways_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'process_admin_options' ), 5 );

        // checkout scripts
        add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'wapg_checkout_scripts' ), 16 );

    } // Here is the  End __construct()

     * Process payment
     * @param type $order_id
     * @return boolean
    public function process_payment( $order_id ) {

        $order           = wc_get_order( $order_id );
        $payment_confirm = isset( $_POST['payment_confirm'] ) ? $this->validate_text_field( false, $_POST['payment_confirm'] ) : '';
        $payment_info    = $this->validate_text_field( false, $_POST['payment_info'] );
        $reference_trxid = $this->validate_text_field( false, $_POST['trxid'] );

        if ( empty( $payment_info ) ) {
            wc_add_notice( __( 'Sorry! Something went wrong. Please refresh this page and try again.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ), 'error' );
            return false;
        $payment_info = explode( '__', $payment_info );

        if ( empty( $reference_trxid ) ) {
            wc_add_notice( sprintf( __( 'Please enter your %s transaction trxID.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ), $payment_info[2] ), 'error' );
            return false;
        if ( empty( $payment_confirm ) && isset( $payment_info[5] ) && $payment_info[5] != 2 ) {
            wc_add_notice( __( 'Please click the confirmation checkbox that you have already transferred the coin successfully!', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ), 'error' );
            return false;

        // save order info
                'coin_db_id'       => sanitize_text_field( $_POST['altcoin'] ),
                'special_discount' => isset( $_POST['special_discount_amount'] ) ? $_POST['special_discount_amount'] : '',
                'cart_total'       => $order->get_order_item_totals()['order_total']['value'],
                'coin_name'        => $payment_info[2],
                'total_coin'       => $payment_info[1],
                'coin_price'       => $payment_info[4],
                'ref_trxid'        => $reference_trxid,
                'your_address'     => $payment_info[3],
                'datetime'         => Util::get_current_datetime(),

        if ( isset( $payment_info[5] ) && $payment_info[5] == 2 ) {

            // remove temp info
            cartFunctions::temp_remove_trx_info( $reference_trxid );

            $auto_setting_config = CsAutomaticOrderConfirmationSettings::get_order_confirm_settings_data();
            $status              = isset( $auto_setting_config['order_status'] ) && ! empty( $auto_setting_config['order_status'] ) ? $auto_setting_config['order_status'] : 'completed';
            // automatic confirmation
            $order->update_status( $status, __( 'Coin transaction has completed successfully.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ) );

        } else {
            // manual confirmation
            $order->update_status( 'on-hold', __( 'Awaiting for admin payment confirmation checking.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ) );

        // Reduce stock levels
        wc_reduce_stock_levels( $order_id );

        // Remove cart

        // Return thankyou redirect
        return array(
            'result'   => 'success',
            'redirect' => $this->get_return_url( $order ),

     * Get Icon
     * @return type
    public function get_icon_url() {
        if ( isset( $this->defaultOptn['payment_icon_url'] ) && ! empty( $this->defaultOptn['payment_icon_url'] ) ) {
            return trim( $this->defaultOptn['payment_icon_url'] );
        } else {
            return CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . 'img/icon-24x24.png';

     * Generate payment form
     * @return String
    public function payment_fields() {
        // get the custom settings if exists
        // $custom_settings_options = CsPaymentGateway::get_wapg_options();

        // $options = \array_merge( (array) $this, (array) $custom_settings_options );

        $options = $this->get_checkout_options();

        // check default loader image
        if ( ! isset( $options['loader_gif_url'] ) ) {
            $options += array(
                'loader_gif_url' => CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . 'img/calc_hand.gif',
        } elseif ( empty( $options['loader_gif_url'] ) ) {
            $options['loader_gif_url'] = CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . 'img/calc_hand.gif';

        if ( ! isset( $options['autotracking_gif_url'] ) ) {
            $options += array(
                'autotracking_gif_url' => CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . 'img/auto-tracking.gif',
        } elseif ( empty( $options['autotracking_gif_url'] ) ) {
            $options['autotracking_gif_url'] = CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . 'img/auto-tracking.gif';

        $options = (object) $options;

        // new CsWapgScript( $options );

        return CsWapgForm::customForm( $options );

     * Admin Options Generator
     * @return String
    function admin_options() {
        echo '<h2>' . esc_html( $this->get_method_title() ) . '</h2>';
        echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( $this->get_method_description() ) );
        echo is_checkout();
         <table class="form-table">
             <?php $this->generate_settings_html(); ?>
                     <td style='text-align: left;'><a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'admin.php?page=cs-woo-altcoin-gateway-settings' ); ?>" class='button-secondary'> <?php _e( 'Advance Settings', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ); ?>  >></a></td>

     * Get checkout options
     * @return void
    private function get_checkout_options() {
        $custom_settings_options = CsPaymentGateway::get_wapg_options();
        return \array_merge( (array) $this, (array) $custom_settings_options );

     * Checkout scripts
     * @return void
    public function wapg_checkout_scripts() {

            CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . '/css/checkout.min.css',

        wp_enqueue_script( 'wapg-checkout-scripts', CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . 'js/checkout.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), CS_WAPG_VERSION, true );

        $checkout_options = $this->get_checkout_options();

        $title = isset( $checkout_options['price_section_title'] ) &&
            ! empty( $checkout_options['price_section_title'] ) ?
            $checkout_options['price_section_title'] : __( 'You have to pay:', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' );

                'options'              => $checkout_options,
                'checkout_script_hook' => do_action( 'cs_wapg_checkout_script' ),
                'nonce'                => wp_create_nonce( SECURE_AUTH_SALT ),
                'custom_text'          => array(
                    'sd'       => __( 'Special Discount', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'ctc'      => __( 'I have completed the coin transfer successfully! ', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'sw'       => __( 'Please enter a secret word.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'swph'     => __( 'please enter a secret word.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'swh'      => __( 'Incidentally if you close this window or somehow you disconnected from the internet, You can use this secret word to submit your order. Save the word in safe place.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'tbtntext' => __( 'Track My Coin Transfer ', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'tn'       => __( 'N.B: After initiate the coin transfer, please click the "Track My Coin Transfer" button immediately. Do not close the window until the tracking process get done. Otherwise your order will not be proceed.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'stitle'   => $title,
                    'c'        => __( 'Coin', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    't'        => __( 'Total', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'st'       => __( 'Subtotal', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'np'       => __( 'Net Payable Amount', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'npn'      => __( '(*Transfer Fee Not Included)', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'ca'       => __( 'Please pay to following address:', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'ctt'      => __( 'Please enter your ', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'ctt1'     => __( ' transaction hash / id :', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'ctxid'    => __( 'please enter here your coin transaction id', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    'acc'      => __( 'Address has been copied to clipboard!', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                    's'        => __( 'Successful..', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),

