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<?php namespace WooGateWayCoreLib\admin\options\pages;

 * Class: Add New Coin
 * @package Admin
 * @since 1.2.4
 * @author CoinMarketStats <support@coinmarketstats.online>

if ( ! defined( 'CS_WAPG_VERSION' ) ) {

use WooGateWayCoreLib\admin\builders\CsFormBuilder;
use WooGateWayCoreLib\admin\functions\CsPaymentGateway;
use WooGateWayCoreLib\admin\builders\CsAdminPageBuilder;

class CheckoutPageSettings {

     * Hold page generator class
     * @var type
    private $Admin_Page_Generator;

     * Form Generator
     * @var type
    private $Form_Generator;

    public function __construct( CsAdminPageBuilder $AdminPageGenerator ) {
        $this->Admin_Page_Generator = $AdminPageGenerator;

        /*create obj form generator*/
        $this->Form_Generator = new CsFormBuilder();

        add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'default_page_scripts' ) );

     * Generate add new coin page
     * @param type $args
     * @return type
    public function generate_checkout_settings( $args ) {
        $settings = CsPaymentGateway::get_checkout_page_options();

        $fields = array(
            'st1'                                        => array(
                'type'     => 'section_title',
                'title'    => __( 'Coin List - Select Box', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'desc_tip' => __( 'Please use the following options if you want to change the text of Select box label and placeholder text', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
            'cs_altcoin_config[select_box_lebel]'        => array(
                'title'       => __( 'Select Box Lebel Text', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'type'        => 'text',
                'class'       => 'form-control',
                'required'    => true,
                'value'       => CsFormBuilder::get_value( 'select_box_lebel', $settings, 'Please select coin you want to pay:' ),
                'placeholder' => __( 'Enter select box lebel', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'desc_tip'    => __( 'Enter select box lebel. It will show in checkout page. e.g : Please select coin you want to pay:', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
            'cs_altcoin_config[select_box_option_lebel]' => array(
                'title'       => __( 'Select Box Placeholder Text', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'type'        => 'text',
                'class'       => 'form-control',
                'required'    => true,
                'value'       => CsFormBuilder::get_value( 'select_box_option_lebel', $settings, 'Please Select An AltCoin' ),
                'placeholder' => __( 'Enter select box option lebel', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'desc_tip'    => __( 'Enter select box option lebel. It will show in checkout page. e.g : Please Select An AltCoin', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
            'st2'                                        => array(
                'type'     => 'section_title',
                'title'    => __( 'Coin Price Section', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'desc_tip' => __( 'Please use the following options to change the coin price section\'s text and images.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
            'cs_altcoin_config[price_section_title]'     => array(
                'title'       => __( 'Price Section Title', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'type'        => 'text',
                'class'       => 'form-control',
                'required'    => true,
                'value'       => CsFormBuilder::get_value( 'price_section_title', $settings, 'You have to pay:' ),
                'placeholder' => __( 'Enter price section title', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'desc_tip'    => __( 'Enter price section title. It will show in checkout page. e.g : You have to pay:', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),

            'cs_altcoin_config[loader_gif_url]'          => array(
                'title'                  => __( 'Calculator Gif URL', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'type'                   => 'text',
                'class'                  => 'form-control coin_name',
                'required'               => true,
                'placeholder'            => __( 'Calculator Gif URL', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'input_field_wrap_start' => '<div class="smartcat-uploader">',
                'input_field_wrap_end'   => '</div>',
                'custom_attributes'      => array(
                    'readonly' => '',
                'value'                  => CsFormBuilder::get_value( 'loader_gif_url', $settings, CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . 'img/calc_hand.gif' ),
                'desc_tip'               => __( 'Choose a gif / loading image. This gif image will show in checkout page during the live price calculation', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
            'cs_altcoin_config[autotracking_gif_url]'    => array(
                'title'                  => __( 'Coin Tracking Gif URL', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'type'                   => 'text',
                'class'                  => 'form-control coin_name',
                'required'               => true,
                'placeholder'            => __( 'Auto Tracking Gif URL', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),
                'input_field_wrap_start' => '<div class="smartcat-uploader">',
                'input_field_wrap_end'   => '</div>',
                'custom_attributes'      => array(
                    'readonly' => '',
                'value'                  => CsFormBuilder::get_value( 'autotracking_gif_url', $settings, CS_WAPG_PLUGIN_ASSET_URI . 'img/auto-tracking.gif' ),
                'desc_tip'               => __( 'Choose a gif / loading image. This gif image will show during the coin tracking for automatic order confirmation.', 'woo-altcoin-payment-gateway' ),

        $args['content'] = $this->Form_Generator->generate_html_fields( $fields );

        $hidden_fields = array(
            'method'     => array(
                'id'    => 'method',
                'type'  => 'hidden',
                'value' => "admin\\functions\\CsPaymentGateway@save_checkout_page_options",
            'swal_title' => array(
                'id'    => 'swal_title',
                'type'  => 'hidden',
                'value' => 'Settings Updating',

        $args['hidden_fields'] = $this->Form_Generator->generate_hidden_fields( $hidden_fields );

        $args['btn_text']   = 'Save Settings';
        $args['show_btn']   = true;
        $args['body_class'] = 'no-bottom-margin';

        return $this->Admin_Page_Generator->generate_page( $args );

     * Add custom scripts
    public function default_page_scripts() {
            <script type="text/javascript">
                    $.wpMediaUploader( { buttonClass : '.button-secondary' } );
