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package data

import (


const timersCollectionName = "timers"

// TimerRepository todo
type TimerRepository struct {
    session    *mgo.Session
    collection *mgo.Collection

// NewTimerRepository todo
func NewTimerRepository(session *mgo.Session) *TimerRepository {
    return &TimerRepository{
        session:    session,
        collection: session.DB("").C(timersCollectionName),

func (r *TimerRepository) findByID(timerID string) (*models.Timer, error) {
    result := &models.Timer{}
    err := r.collection.FindId(bson.ObjectIdHex(timerID)).One(&result)
    return result, err

func (r *TimerRepository) findActiveByTimezoneOffset(timezoneOffset int) ([]*models.Timer, error) {
    result := []*models.Timer{}

    err := r.collection.Find(bson.M{
        "tz_offset":   timezoneOffset,
        "finished_at": nil,
        "deleted_at":  nil}).All(&result)

    return result, err

func (r *TimerRepository) findActiveByTeamAndUser(teamID, userID string) (*models.Timer, error) {

    result := &models.Timer{}

    err := r.collection.Find(bson.M{
        "team_id":      teamID,
        "team_user_id": userID,
        "finished_at":  nil,
        "deleted_at":   nil}).One(result)

    if err != nil && err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
        result = nil
        err = nil
    return result, err

func (r *TimerRepository) findActiveByUser(userID string) (*models.Timer, error) {

    result := &models.Timer{}

    err := r.collection.Find(bson.M{
        "team_user_id": userID,
        "finished_at":  nil,
        "deleted_at":   nil}).One(result)

    if err != nil && err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
        result = nil
        err = nil
    return result, err

func (r *TimerRepository) create(teamID string, project *models.Project, user *models.TeamUser, taskName string) (*models.Timer, error) {

    timer := &models.Timer{
        ID:                  bson.NewObjectId(),
        TeamID:              teamID,
        ProjectID:           project.ID.Hex(),
        ProjectExternalName: project.ExternalProjectName,
        ProjectExternalID:   project.ExternalProjectID,
        TeamUserID:          user.ID.Hex(),
        TeamUserTZOffset:    user.SlackUserInfo.TZOffset,
        CreatedAt:           time.Now(),
        TaskName:            taskName,
        TaskHash:            taskSHA256(teamID, project.ID.Hex(), taskName),
        Minutes:             0,
        ModelVersion:        models.ModelVersionTimer,

    return r.CreateTimer(timer)

    $match: {
        'task_hash': 'nisl',
        'created_at' : {
            $gte: ISODate("2014-09-30T03:44:54.000Z"),
            $lt: ISODate("2017-09-30T03:44:54.000Z")
        'deleted_at': null,
        'team_user_id': '12341234'
    $group: {
        _id: { task_hash: '$task_hash' },
        minutes: { $sum: '$minutes' },
        total_timers: { $sum: 1 },

func (r *TimerRepository) totalMinutesForTaskAndUser(taskHash, userID string, startDate, endDate time.Time) int {
    pipeConfig := []map[string]interface{}{
            "$match": bson.M{
                "task_hash":    taskHash,
                "team_user_id": userID,
                "created_at": bson.M{
                    "$gte": startDate,
                    "$lte": endDate,
                "deleted_at": nil,
            "$group": bson.M{
                "_id":          bson.M{"task_hash": "$task_hash"},
                "minutes":      bson.M{"$sum": "$minutes"},
                "total_timers": bson.M{"$sum": 1},

    var result map[string]interface{}
    err := r.collection.Pipe(pipeConfig).One(&result)
    if err != nil && err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
        log.Printf("Error: %s", err)

    if result == nil {
        return 0

    return result["minutes"].(int)

func (r *TimerRepository) totalMinutesForUser(userID string, startDate, endDate time.Time) int {
    pipeConfig := []map[string]interface{}{
            "$match": bson.M{
                "team_user_id": userID,
                "created_at": bson.M{
                    "$gte": startDate,
                    "$lte": endDate,
                "deleted_at": nil,
            "$group": bson.M{
                "_id":          bson.M{"user_id": "$team_user_id"},
                "minutes":      bson.M{"$sum": "$minutes"},
                "total_timers": bson.M{"$sum": 1},

    var result map[string]interface{}
    err := r.collection.Pipe(pipeConfig).One(&result)
    if err != nil && err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
        log.Printf("Error: %s", err)

    if result == nil {
        return 0

    return result["minutes"].(int)

func (r *TimerRepository) completedTasksForUser(userID string, startDate, endDate time.Time) ([]*models.TaskAggregation, error) {

    pipeConfig := []map[string]interface{}{
            "$match": bson.M{
                "team_user_id": userID,
                "created_at": bson.M{
                    "$gte": startDate,
                    "$lte": endDate,
                "finished_at": bson.M{"$ne": nil},
                "deleted_at":  nil,
            "$sort": bson.M{"created_at": -1},
            "$group": bson.M{
                "_id":     bson.M{"task_name": "$task_name", "task_hash": "$task_hash", "project_ext_name": "$project_ext_name", "project_ext_id": "$project_ext_id"},
                "minutes": bson.M{"$sum": "$minutes"},
            "$project": bson.M{
                "_id":              0,
                "task_name":        "$_id.task_name",
                "minutes":          "$minutes",
                "task_hash":        "$_id.task_hash",
                "project_ext_name": "$_id.project_ext_name",
                "project_ext_id":   "$_id.project_ext_id",

    var results []*models.TaskAggregation
    err := r.collection.Pipe(pipeConfig).All(&results)
    if err != nil && err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
        return nil, err

    return results, nil

func (r *TimerRepository) CreateTimer(timer *models.Timer) (*models.Timer, error) {
    err := r.collection.Insert(timer)
    return timer, err

func (r *TimerRepository) update(timer *models.Timer) error {
    return r.collection.UpdateId(timer.ID, timer)

// split into two - hash and trim?
func taskSHA256(teamID, projectID, taskName string) string {
    hashSeed := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", teamID, projectID, taskName)
    return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha256.Sum256([]byte(hashSeed)))[0:6]

func (r *TimerRepository) findUserTasksByRange(userID string, startDate, endDate time.Time) ([]*models.Timer, error) {
    var results []*models.Timer

    err := r.collection.Find(bson.M{
        "team_user_id": userID,
        "created_at":      bson.M{
            "$gte": startDate,
            "$lte": endDate,
        "deleted_at": nil,

    return results, err

func (r *TimerRepository) userStatistics(user *models.TeamUser, startDate, endDate time.Time) ([]*models.UserStatisticsAggregation, error) {
    pipeConfig := []bson.M{
            "$match": bson.M{
                "team_user_id": user.ID.Hex(),
                "created_at": bson.M{
                    "$gte": startDate,
                    "$lte": endDate,
                "finished_at": bson.M{"$ne": nil},
                "deleted_at":  nil,
            "$group": bson.M{
                // Converts created_at timestamp to user's timezone and gets it's day
                "_id": bson.M{
                    "$dayOfMonth": bson.M{
                        "$add": []interface{}{"$created_at", user.SlackUserInfo.TZOffset},
                "minutes": bson.M{"$sum": "$minutes"},
                "projects_names": bson.M{"$addToSet": "$project_ext_name"},
            "$project": bson.M{
                "_id":      0,
                "day":      "$_id",
                "minutes":  "$minutes",
                "projects_names": "$projects_names",
            "$sort": bson.M{"day": 1},

    var results []*models.UserStatisticsAggregation
    err := r.collection.Pipe(pipeConfig).All(&results)

    return results, err