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package models

import (


const (
    ModelVersionTeam     = 1
    ModelVersionTeamUser = 1
    ModelVersionTimer    = 1
    ModelVersionPass     = 1

// Team represents a Slack team
type Team struct {
    ID bson.ObjectId `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty"`

    // slack channel ID or
    // skype group ID or
    // hipchat channel ID
    ExternalSystem   string               `json:"system" bson:"system"`
    ExternalTeamID   string               `json:"ext_id" bson:"ext_id"`
    ExternalTeamName string               `json:"ext_name" bson:"ext_name"`
    Projects         []*Project           `json:"projects" bson:"projects"`
    CreatedAt        time.Time            `json:"created_at" bson:"created_at"`
    SlackOAuth       *slack.OAuthResponse `json:"slack_oauth" bson:"slack_oauth"`
    ModelVersion     int                  `json:"ver" bson:"ver"`

// Project - is a project you can associate tasks with and tracks their time. It is embedded in Team
type Project struct {
    ID                  bson.ObjectId `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
    ExternalProjectID   string        `json:"ext_id" bson:"ext_id"`
    ExternalProjectName string        `json:"ext_name" bson:"ext_name"`
    CreatedAt           time.Time     `json:"created_at" bson:"created_at"`

// TeamUser represents a Slack user that belongs to a team.
// We not going to call it `User` because we may want to have admin users to administer stuff via UI etc
type TeamUser struct {
    ID               bson.ObjectId `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
    TeamID           string        `json:"team_id" bson:"team_id"`
    SlackUserInfo    *slack.User   `json:"slack_user_info" bson:"slack_user_info"`
    ExternalUserID   string        `json:"ext_id" bson:"ext_id"`
    ExternalUserName string        `json:"ext_name" bson:"ext_name"`
    CreatedAt        time.Time     `json:"created_at" bson:"created_at"`
    ModelVersion     int           `json:"ver" bson:"ver"`

// Timer - a time record that has start and finish dates. Belongs to a slack user and a task
type Timer struct {
    ID                  bson.ObjectId `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
    TeamID              string        `json:"team_id" bson:"team_id"`
    ProjectID           string        `json:"project_id" bson:"project_id"`
    ProjectExternalName string        `json:"project_ext_name" bson:"project_ext_name"`
    ProjectExternalID   string        `json:"project_ext_id" bson:"project_ext_id"`
    TeamUserID          string        `json:"team_user_id" bson:"team_user_id"`
    TeamUserTZOffset    int           `json:"tz_offset" bson:"tz_offset"`
    TaskName            string        `json:"task_name" bson:"task_name"`
    TaskHash            string        `json:"task_hash" bson:"task_hash"`
    CreatedAt           time.Time     `json:"created_at" bson:"created_at"`
    FinishedAt          *time.Time    `json:"finished_at" bson:"finished_at"`
    Minutes             int           `json:"minutes" bson:"minutes"`
    ActualMinutes        int          `json:"actual_minutes" bson:"actual_minutes"`
    Edits            []*TimeEdit   `json:"edits" bson:"edits"`
    DeletedAt           *time.Time    `json:"deleted_at" bson:"deleted_at"`
    ModelVersion        int           `json:"ver" bson:"ver"`

type TimeEdit struct {
    TeamUserID          string        `json:"team_user_id" bson:"team_user_id"`
    CreatedAt           time.Time     `json:"created_at" bson:"created_at"`
    Minutes             int           `json:"minutes" bson:"minutes"`

// Pass - a one time login token that is used by frontend to get JWT from the backend
type Pass struct {
    ID           bson.ObjectId `json:"id" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
    Token        string        `json:"token" bson:"token"`
    TeamID       string        `json:"team_id" bson:"team_id"`
    ProjectID    string        `json:"project_id" bson:"project_id"`
    TeamUserID   string        `json:"team_user_id" bson:"team_user_id"`
    CreatedAt    time.Time     `json:"created_at" bson:"created_at"`
    ExpiresAt    time.Time     `json:"expires_at" bson:"expires_at"`
    ClaimedAt    *time.Time    `json:"claimed_at" bson:"claimed_at"`
    ModelVersion int           `json:"ver" bson:"ver"`

// SlackCustomCommand todo
type SlackCustomCommand struct {
    ID          int64
    Token       string `json:"token"`
    TeamID      string `json:"team_id"`
    TeamDomain  string `json:"team_domain"`
    ChannelID   string `json:"channel_id"`
    ChannelName string `json:"channel_name"`
    UserID      string `json:"user_id"`
    UserName    string `json:"user_name"`
    Command     string `json:"command"`
    SubCommand  string
    Text        string `json:"text"`
    ResponseURL string `json:"response_url"`
    CreatedAt   time.Time