* base-extract-comments <>
* Copyright (c) 2016 Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
var utils = require('./utils')
* > Plugin that adds `.extractComments` method to
* your [base][] application, that extracts JSDoc-style
* code comments using [acorn-extract-comments][] lib.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var extract = require('base-extract-comments')
* var Base = require('base')
* var app = new Base({ isApp: true })
* app.use(extract({ foo: 'option' }))
* console.log(app.extractComments) // => [Function: extractComments]
* ```
* @name baseExtractComments
* @param {Object} `opts` merged with `app.options` and passed to [acorn-extract-comments][]
* @return {Function} the actual plugin
* @api public
module.exports = function baseExtractComments (opts) {
return function extractComments (app) {
if (!utils.isValid(app, 'base-extract-comments')) return
* > Extract code comments from `input` string and returns
* an array of comment objects or pass it to `done` callback.
* Notice that `.extractComments` have sync and async mode, so
* if you do not pass `done` callback it will throw or return an Array.
* You also can pass `input` to the constructor of your app to
* the `this.cache` object such as `{ cache: { input: 'some str' } }`
* **Example**
* ```js
* // sync mode
* app.use(extract())
* var comments = app.extractComments('some string')
* // => array of comment objects
* // or
* var app = new Base({ cache: { input: 'foo bar baz' } })
* app.use(extract())
* var comments = app.extractComments()
* // => array of comment objects
* // or in async mode
* app.use(extract())
* app.extractComments('foo bar', function done (err, comments) {
* // => `comments` is array of comment objects
* })
* ```
* @name .extractComments
* @param {String|Object|Function} `input` input string, `options` or `done` callback
* @param {Object|Function} `options` merged with `app.options` and passed to [acorn-extract-comments][] or `done` callback
* @param {Function} `done` callback function (optional)
* @return {Array} an Array of comment objects or `done(null, comments)`
* @api public
this.define('extractComments', function parse (input, options, done) { /* eslint complexity: [2, 20] */
/* eslint complexity: [2, 20] */
done = typeof input === 'function' ? input : done
done = typeof options === 'function' ? options : done
done = typeof done === 'function' ? done : null
if (utils.isObject(input)) {
this.options = utils.extend({}, this.options, input)
input = null
this.cache = utils.extend({}, this.cache)
this.cache.input = typeof input === 'string' ? input : this.cache.input
this.options = utils.extend({
preserve: false,
block: true,
line: false
}, opts, this.options, options, {
locations: true,
unwrap: true
try {
this.cache.comments = utils.extract(this.cache.input, this.options).comments
var len = this.cache.comments.length
var idx = -1
while (++idx < len) {
// not so cool workaround,
// but we can't pass different than object currently
// waiting `use` PR{
current: this.cache.comments[idx],
index: idx,
next: this.cache.comments[idx + 1]
} catch (err) {
if (done) return done(err)
throw err
return done
? done(null, this.cache.comments)
: this.cache.comments