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## Usage

module.exports = {
  presets: ['babel-preset-optimise'],

_**Note:** initially it was meant to be called `babel-preset-optimize`, but the
package was squatted before I get able to push all this things. Born in
discussion with [@JounQin](https://github.com/JounQin) in
[1stG/configs issue#8](https://github.com/1stG/configs/issues/8)._

## What it includes?

It uses the most recent and modern preset by the Babel Team -
[@babel/preset-modules](https://ghub.now.sh/@babel/preset-modules), plus
optionally the TypeScript and the React presets. It also includes a several
optimization plugins from the Babel Minify project which are very well curated
for best and small output.

## API

<!-- docks-start -->

{%= include(process.cwd() + "/docs/src/index.md") %}

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