'use strict';
* Be aware that when you use `minifyBuiltins: true` you _MAY_ get a bigger output,
* but that's not always guaranteed, just try for your case.
* If you want to use JSX (React) pass `options.jsx: true`.
* If you want to use JSX (React) + TypeScript pass both `{ jsx: true, typescript: true }`.
* If you wan to use Preact + TypeScript, `{ jsx: { pragma: 'h' }, typescript: true }`,
* if `options.jsx` is an object, it is directly passed to `preset-react`.
* @name babelPresetOptimize
* @param {object} options - optionally control what can be included
* @param {boolean} options.jsx - default `false`, pass `true` if you want `react`; pass an object for more customization (passed to react preset)
* @param {boolean} options.commonjs - default `false`, pass non-falsey value to transform ESModules to CommonJS
* @param {boolean} options.typescript - default `false`, includes the TypeScript preset
* @param {boolean} options.development - default `false`, disables few plugins; when it is `true` and `options.jsx` is enabled (true or object) we add `options.jsx.development: true` too
* @param {boolean} options.minifyBuiltins - default `false`, includes [babel-plugin-minify-builtins][]
* @public
module.exports = function babelPresetOptimize(api, options) {
// NOTE: minifyBuiltins: true might output a bigger output - it depends, try your codebase.
const opts = {
jsx: false,
commonjs: false,
typescript: false,
development: false,
minifyBuiltins: false,
if (opts.development === true && opts.jsx) {
opts.jsx =
opts.jsx === true
? { development: true }
: { ...opts.jsx, development: true };
const hasJsxOptions = opts.jsx && typeof opts.jsx === 'object';
const pragma = hasJsxOptions ? opts.jsx.pragma : undefined;
const jsxPreset = hasJsxOptions
? ['@babel/preset-react', opts.jsx]
: undefined;
const react = opts.jsx === true ? '@babel/preset-react' : jsxPreset;
return {
presets: [
opts.typescript && [
{ jsxPragma: pragma, isTSX: true, allExtensions: true },
plugins: [
opts.commonjs && '@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs',
opts.minifyBuiltins && 'babel-plugin-minify-builtins',
['babel-plugin-transform-remove-console', { exclude: ['error', 'warn'] }],
opts.development !== true && 'babel-plugin-unassert',
// ! enable when fix https://github.com/babel/minify/issues/973
// ! use `terser` instead! through rollup for example.
// When unused variable, it doesn't removes the value of the var
// 'babel-plugin-minify-dead-code-elimination',
react && 'babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements',
react && 'babel-plugin-transform-react-pure-class-to-function',
opts.development !== true &&
react && [
{ removeImport: true },