* parse-git-log <>
* Copyright (c) Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const vfile = require('vfile')
const spawn = require('cross-spawn')
const split2 = require('split2')
const through2 = require('through2')
* Helpers
const delimParts = '~&>8~#@~8<&~'
const delimiter = '~!---------------------- >8~ ----------------------!~'
const formats = [
'%P', '%H', '%at', '%b', '%T',
'%an', '%ae', '%ar', '%aI',
'%s', '%D'
* > Parses an advanced `git log` output using
* streams. Allows custom `plugin` function to be passed
* to update/modify the commit object (which is [vfile][]).
* It also emits `data` and `commit` events, so you may not
* need such `plugin` function. But in case you want to do some
* more parsing and interesting stuff, this `plugin` function
* allows you to do cool things. That `plugin` function is called
* with "transform stream" context and this is also passed as
* first argument. When you return a function from that plugin,
* it is called with [vfile][] object (commit object) as first argument.
* **Example**
* ```js
* const parseGitLog = require('parse-git-log')
* // optionally pass `cwd` as first argument
* parseGitLog()
* .once('error', (err) => console.error('err:', err))
* .on('commit', (commit) => console.log('commit:', commit))
* .once('finish', () => console.log('done'))
* ```
* @name parseGitLog
* @emits `commit` passed with [vfile][] object for each commit
* @emits `data` same as `commit` event; passed with [vfile][] object for each commit
* @param {String} `[cwd]` path to where is the `.git` folder; defaults to `process.cwd()`
* @param {Function} `[plugin]` smart plugin function, passed with `stream, file` signature,
* if returns another function, that function is passed
* with `file` object which represent each commit object.
* @return {Stream} transform stream, using [through2][] behind
* @api public
const parseGitLog = module.exports = function parseGitLog (cwd, plugin) {
cwd = typeof cwd === 'string' ? cwd : process.cwd()
plugin = typeof plugin === 'function' ? plugin : () => () => {}
const format = '--format=' + formats + delimiter
let id = 0
let stream = through2.obj()
const gitDir = path.resolve(cwd, '.git')
const proc = spawn('git', ['--git-dir=' + gitDir, 'log', format])
// transform command output chunks to virtual "files"
// with useful data on it
const transform = through2.obj(function (chunk, enc, callback) {
chunk = chunk.toString().trim()
// we don't want to process empty chunks
if (!chunk.length) {
return callback()
// create virtual "file" from each chunk (for each commit)
const file = createFile(delimParts, chunk) = id++
// allow `file.push(file)`, `this.push(file)`
// and `stream.push(file)`, so from everywhere you want
file.push = stream.push.bind(stream)
// call plugin
const fn =, stream, file)
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
// call the smart plugin, file)
// emit `data` and `commit` events
stream.emit('commit', file)
// get errors (in most cases)
let stderr = ''
proc.stderr.on('data', function (buf) {
stderr += buf.toString().trim()
// done callback on child_proc close/error events
function done (err, c) {
// save originals
let a = err
let b = c
// cleanup
proc.removeListener('close', done)
proc.removeListener('error', done)
// close can give us error code
let code = typeof err === 'number' ? err : err && err.code
// if first arg is zero we are fine
if (code === 0) {
// close event is always last,
// and always fired
stream.emit('close', a, b)
// if first arg is error passthrough
if (typeof err === 'object') {
stream.emit('error', err)
// close event is always last,
// and always fired
stream.emit('close', a, b)
// otherwise create error from child_proc's stderr
err = new Error(stderr)
// set err code if we have it from close
err.code = code
stream.emit('error', err)
// close event is always last,
// and always fired
stream.emit('close', a, b)
// error from main `proc` is rarely fired
// I even not sure enough (we have proc.stderr for this?),
// but we should try to handle it
proc.once('error', done)
// useful to get the code and create
// new error object combined with the string/buffer
// that comes from `proc.stderr`
proc.once('close', done)
// split and transform
// the command output
return stream
* > Creates a virtual file ([vfile][]) chunk metadata,
* which represents the commit object,
* full with useful metadata for it.
* @param {String} `delimParts`
* @param {String} `chunk`
* @return {Object} virtual file, [vfile][]
const createFile = (delimParts, chunk) => {
let str = chunk
str = str.charAt(1) === ')' ? str.slice(2) : str
str = str.charAt(str.length - 2) === '<'
? str.slice(0, str.length - 2)
: str
const m = str.split(delimParts)
const parents = m[0].length ? m[0].split(' ') : []
const body = m[3] && m[3].trim()
const contents = body && body.length ? m[9] + '\n\n' + body : m[9]
return vfile({
path: m[1] + '-' + m[2],
contents: contents,
data: {
// chuck which is coming directly
// from `git log` command
chunk: chunk,
// parsed parts by special delimiter
chunks: m,
// from header can get `type`, scope, etc
// from body can get references, mentions, footer
header: m[9],
body: body,
// general commit info
ref: m[10],
tree: m[4],
hash: m[1],
abbrev: m[1].slice(0, 7),
parent: parents,
// author info
author: {
name: m[5],
email: m[6],
timestamp: +m[2]
// dates of commit
date: {
relative: m[7],
unix: +m[2],
iso: m[8]
timestamp: +m[2]
* > Thin Promise wrapper over the streaming API.
* **Example**
* ```js
* const parseGitLog = require('parse-git-log')
* parseGitLog.promise('../foo-bar')
* .then((commits) => {
* console.log('list of commit objects:')
* commits.forEach((commit) => console.log('commit:', commit))
* })
* .catch(console.error)
* ```
* @name .promise
* @param {String} `[cwd]` path to where is the `.git` folder; defaults to `process.cwd()`
* @param {Function} `[plugin]` smart plugin function, passed with `stream, file` signature,
* if returns another function, that function is passed
* with `file` object which represent each commit object.
* @return {Promise} resolves array of [vfile][] commit objects, otherwise rejected promise
* @api public
parseGitLog.promise = (cwd, plugin) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const commits = []
parseGitLog(cwd, plugin)
.once('error', reject)
.on('commit', (commit) => commits.push(commit))
.once('finish', () => {