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Test Coverage
package conveyor

import (


var (
    // ErrEmptyConveyor error
    ErrEmptyConveyor = errors.New("conveyor is empty, no workers employed")

// Conveyor is base
type Conveyor struct {
    id           string
    Name         string
    ctx          CnvContext
    needProgress bool
    tickProgress time.Duration
    bufferLen    int

    progress         chan float64
    duration         time.Duration
    expectedDuration time.Duration
    lifeCycle        LifeCycleHandler

    workers []NodeWorker
    joints  []JointWorker

    startOnce           sync.Once // To ensure that conveyor can't start again
    openForConfigChange bool

    cleanupOnce sync.Once // To ensure that conveyor can't be cleaned up again

// NewConveyor creates a new Conveyor instance, with all options set to default values/implementations
func NewConveyor(name string, bufferLen int) (*Conveyor, error) {

    if bufferLen <= 0 {
        bufferLen = 100

    cnv := &Conveyor{
        Name:      name,
        bufferLen: bufferLen,

    // Set ID to a default UUID string
    id := uuid.NewV4()
    cnv.id = id.String()

    // Set expected duration to default value
    cnv.expectedDuration = time.Hour

    // Set lifeCycle to nil (default value)
    cnv.lifeCycle = nil

    // Set needProgress to false by default
    cnv.needProgress = false

    _ctx := &cnvContext{
        Context: context.Background(),
        Data: CtxData{
            Name:   name,
            logs:   make(chan Message, 100),
            status: make(chan string, 100),

    cnv.ctx = _ctx.WithCancel()

    // Keep the conveyor open for config change for now
    // Once this value is turned to false by "lockConfig()", config change will have no effect.
    cnv.openForConfigChange = true

    return cnv, nil

func (cnv *Conveyor) lockConfig() {
    cnv.startOnce.Do(func() {
        cnv.openForConfigChange = false

// SetID sets the id of Conveyor to a given string
// Will have no effect, once you add your first node
func (cnv *Conveyor) SetID(id string) *Conveyor {
    if cnv.openForConfigChange == false {
        return cnv
    cnv.id = id
    return cnv

// SetTimeout sets the timeout of Conveyor to a given value
// Will have no effect, once you add your first node
// If you change the context using "SetCustomContext()" after calling this method,
// timeout will get reset
func (cnv *Conveyor) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Conveyor {
    if cnv.openForConfigChange == false {
        return cnv
    if timeout <= 0 {
        cnv.ctx = cnv.ctx.WithCancel()
    } else {
        cnv.ctx = cnv.ctx.WithTimeout(timeout)
    return cnv

// EnableProgress sets the expectedDuration of Conveyor to a given value.
// Also enables progress based on this value of expectedDuration
// Will have no effect, once you add your first node
func (cnv *Conveyor) EnableProgress(expectedDuration time.Duration) *Conveyor {
    if cnv.openForConfigChange == false {
        return cnv

    cnv.needProgress = true
    cnv.progress = make(chan float64, 1)
    cnv.tickProgress = time.Millisecond * 500

    if expectedDuration == 0 {
        expectedDuration = time.Hour
    cnv.expectedDuration = expectedDuration

    return cnv

// SetLifeCycleHandler sets the conveyor's LifeCycleHandler interface to a given implementation
// Will have no effect, once you add your first node
func (cnv *Conveyor) SetLifeCycleHandler(lch LifeCycleHandler) *Conveyor {
    if cnv.openForConfigChange == false {
        return cnv
    cnv.lifeCycle = lch
    return cnv

// SetCustomContext sets the conveyor's CnvContext interface to a given implementation
// Will have no effect, once you add your first node
// This method must be called before you call "SetTimeout()"
func (cnv *Conveyor) SetCustomContext(ctx CnvContext) *Conveyor {
    if cnv.openForConfigChange == false {
        return cnv
    cnv.ctx = ctx
    return cnv

// GetConveyorContext gives the conveyor's context object
func (cnv *Conveyor) GetConveyorContext() CnvContext {
    return cnv.ctx

// Done returns the context.Done() channel of Conveyor
func (cnv *Conveyor) Done() <-chan struct{} {
    return cnv.ctx.Done()

// Logs returns a channel on which Conveyor Statuses will be published
func (cnv *Conveyor) Logs() <-chan Message {
    iCtxData := cnv.ctx.GetData()
    if iCtxData != nil {
        ctxData, _ := iCtxData.(CtxData)
        return ctxData.logs
    return nil

// Status returns a channel on which Conveyor Statuses will be published
func (cnv *Conveyor) Status() <-chan string {
    iCtxData := cnv.ctx.GetData()
    if iCtxData != nil {
        ctxData, _ := iCtxData.(CtxData)
        return ctxData.status
    return nil

// Progress returns a channel which is regularly updated with progress %
func (cnv *Conveyor) Progress() <-chan float64 {
    if cnv.needProgress {
        return cnv.progress
    return nil

// GetLastWorker returns the last added worker, or error if conveyor is empty
func (cnv *Conveyor) GetLastWorker() (NodeWorker, error) {
    workerCount := len(cnv.workers)
    if workerCount > 0 {
        return cnv.workers[workerCount-1], nil

    return nil, ErrEmptyConveyor

// AddNodeExecutor creates a worker for a given executor (based on workerMode & workerType)
// And then links it to the last "Node" added to the conveyor, by creating and mapping connecting channels
// In case there was no node added previously, it skips the linking part
func (cnv *Conveyor) AddNodeExecutor(nodeExecutor NodeExecutor, workerMode WorkerMode, workerType string) error {
    nodeWorker, err := newNodeWorker(nodeExecutor, workerMode, workerType)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if addErr := cnv.AddNodeWorker(nodeWorker, true); addErr != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Adding %s [type:%s] to conveyor failed. Error:[%v]\n",
            nodeExecutor.GetName(), workerType, addErr)
        return addErr

    // As a node is now added successfully, can't change configuration anymore

    return nil

// AddJointExecutor creates a worker for a given executor (based on workerMode & workerType)
// And then links it to the last "Node" added to the conveyor, by creating and mapping connecting channels
// In case there was no node added previously, it skips the linking part
func (cnv *Conveyor) AddJointExecutor(jointExecutor JointExecutor) error {

    jointWorker := NewJointWorkerPool(jointExecutor)

    if err := cnv.AddJointWorker(jointWorker); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Adding %s to conveyor failed. Error:[%v]\n",
            jointExecutor.GetName(), err)
        return err

    // As a node is now added successfully, can't change configuration anymore

    return nil

// AddJointExecutorAfterNode creates a worker for a given executor (based on workerMode & workerType)
// And then links it to the last "Joint" added to the conveyor, by creating and mapping connecting channels
// In case there was no "Joint" added previously, it returns an error
func (cnv *Conveyor) AddJointExecutorAfterNode(jointExecutor JointExecutor, workerMode WorkerMode, workerType string) error {

    nodeCount := len(cnv.workers)

    if nodeCount == 0 {
        return ErrNoNodesAvailable

    jointWorker := NewJointWorkerPool(jointExecutor)

    if addErr := cnv.AddJointWorker(jointWorker); addErr != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Adding joint-%s after node[type:%s] to conveyor failed. Error:[%v]\n",
            jointExecutor.GetName(), workerType, addErr)
        return addErr

    // Pick the last node that was added to this conveyor
    nodeWorker := cnv.workers[nodeCount-1]

    // Link last node before sinks to 0th input channel of the broadcast joint
    linkErr := LinkJointAfterNode(nodeWorker, jointWorker, 0)
    if linkErr != nil {
        return linkErr

    return nil

// AddNodeExecutorAfterJoint creates a worker for a given executor (based on workerMode & workerType)
// And then links it to the last "Joint" added to the conveyor, by creating and mapping connecting channels
// In case there was no "Joint" added previously, it returns an error
func (cnv *Conveyor) AddNodeExecutorAfterJoint(nodeExecutor NodeExecutor, workerMode WorkerMode, workerType string) error {

    jointCount := len(cnv.joints)

    if jointCount == 0 {
        return ErrNoJointsAvailable

    nodeWorker, err := newNodeWorker(nodeExecutor, workerMode, workerType)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Add nodeWorker to list, but don't link it's channels yet
    if addErr := cnv.AddNodeWorker(nodeWorker, false); addErr != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Adding node-%s[type:%s] after joint to conveyor failed. Error:[%v]\n",
            nodeExecutor.GetName(), workerType, addErr)
        return addErr

    // Pick the last joint that was added to this conveyor
    jointWorker := cnv.joints[jointCount-1]

    // Now link the newly created node after last joint
    if err := LinkNodeAfterJoint(jointWorker, nodeWorker); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Adding node-%s[type:%s] after joint to conveyor failed. Error:[%v]\n",
            nodeExecutor.GetName(), workerType, err)
        return err

    return nil

// AddNodeWorker employs a new worker station to the conveyor
func (cnv *Conveyor) AddNodeWorker(worker NodeWorker, toLink bool) error {
    cnv.workers = append(cnv.workers, worker)

    workerCount := len(cnv.workers)
    if toLink && workerCount > 1 {
        currWorker := cnv.workers[workerCount-1]
        prevWorker := cnv.workers[workerCount-2]
        err := LinkWorker2Worker(prevWorker, currWorker) // Linking adjacent worker nodes
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // As a node is now added successfully, can't change configuration anymore

    return nil

// AddJointWorker employs a new joint station to the conveyor
func (cnv *Conveyor) AddJointWorker(joint JointWorker) error {

    cnv.joints = append(cnv.joints, joint)

    return nil

// Start the Conveyor
func (cnv *Conveyor) Start() error {

    // As a conveyor is now being started, can't change configuration anymore

    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

    if cnv.needProgress {
        go cnv.updateProgress()

    workerCount := len(cnv.workers)
    if workerCount == 0 {
        return ErrEmptyConveyor

    for _, nodeWorker := range cnv.workers {
        go func(nodeWorker NodeWorker) {
            defer wg.Done()
            if err := nodeWorker.Start(cnv.ctx); err != nil {
                log.Println("node worker start failed", err)

            if err := nodeWorker.WaitAndStop(cnv.ctx); err != nil {
                log.Println("node worker stop failed", err)

    for _, jointWorker := range cnv.joints {
        go func(jointWorker JointWorker) {
            defer wg.Done()

            if err := jointWorker.Start(cnv.ctx); err != nil {
                log.Println("join worker start failed", err)

            if err := jointWorker.WaitAndStop(); err != nil {
                log.Println("join worker stop failed", err)


    // wait for the conveyor to finish

    cnv.cleanup(false) // Cleanup() will be called from here, in case of success or timeout

    return nil

// Stop Conveyor by cancelling context. It's used to kill a pipeline while it's running.
// No need to call it if the pipeline is finishing on it's own
func (cnv *Conveyor) Stop() time.Duration {
    // Cancel ctx
    cnv.cleanup(true) // cleanup() will be called from here, in case of killing conveyor
    return cnv.duration

// cleanup should be called in all the termination cases: success, kill, & timeout
func (cnv *Conveyor) cleanup(abruptKill bool) {
    // In case, conveyor was killed, ctx.Cancel() night have been already called, but it's an idempotent method
    if cnv.needProgress {
        cnv.cleanupOnce.Do(func() {
    if abruptKill == false && cnv.lifeCycle != nil {
        if err := cnv.MarkCurrentState(StateFinished); err != nil {
            log.Printf("Conveyor:[%s] unable to set status as 'finished': Error:[%v]\n", cnv.Name, err)

func (cnv *Conveyor) updateProgress() {

    start := time.Now()

    ticker := time.NewTicker(cnv.tickProgress)
    defer ticker.Stop()
    for range ticker.C {
        cnv.duration = time.Since(start)

        percentDone := float64((cnv.duration.Seconds() / cnv.expectedDuration.Seconds()) * 100)
        // if estimate is incorrect, don't overflow progress end
        if percentDone > 100 {
            percentDone = 99.0

        // Seperated out, contex closed check, as in the next check, "default" is always picked.
        // Even if ctx is done, and "cleanup()" function above, has closed "cnv.progress"
        select {
        case <-cnv.ctx.Done():
            break trackProgress

        select {
        case cnv.progress <- percentDone:
            cnv.progress <- percentDone

// MarkCurrentState marks the current stage of conveyor using internal life-cycle handler interface
func (cnv *Conveyor) MarkCurrentState(state string) error {
    if cnv.lifeCycle == nil {
        return ErrLifeCycleNotSupported

    statusMarkerFunc := getStateMarker(state, cnv.lifeCycle)
    if statusMarkerFunc == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("given state '%s' is not supported by conveyor. "+
            "Look for 'Valid States for a Conveyor' in docs", state)

    return statusMarkerFunc()