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import {
} from 'lib/model/user';
import { getAlgoliaAvailability, sliceAvailability } from 'lib/utils/time';
import { APIError } from 'lib/model/error';
import { Availability } from 'lib/model/availability';
import { MeetingsQuery } from 'lib/model/query/meetings';
import { UsersQuery } from 'lib/model/query/users';
import { getMeetings } from 'lib/api/db/meeting';
import handle from 'lib/api/db/error';
import logger from 'lib/api/logger';
import supabase from 'lib/api/supabase';

async function times(user: User): Promise<number[]> {
  const query = new MeetingsQuery({
    people: [user.id],
    to: new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth() + 3),
    from: new Date(),
  const meetings = (await getMeetings(query)).results;
  const booked = new Availability(...meetings.map((m) => m.time));
  return getAlgoliaAvailability(user.availability, booked, query.to);

export async function createUser(user: User): Promise<User> {
  logger.debug(`Inserting user (${user.toString()}) row...`);
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .insert({ ...user.toDB(), times: await times(user) });
  handle('creating', 'user', user, error);
  const u = data ? User.fromDB(data[0]) : user;
  const subjects: DBRelationUserSubject[] = user.subjects.map((s) => ({
    subject: s.id,
    user: u.id,
  logger.debug(`Inserting subjects (${JSON.stringify(subjects)}) rows...`);
  const { error: erro } = await supabase
  handle('creating', 'user subjects', subjects, erro);
  const parents = user.parents.map((p) => ({ parent: p, user: u.id }));
  logger.debug(`Inserting user parent (${JSON.stringify(parents)}) rows...`);
  const { error: err } = await supabase
  handle('creating', 'user parents', parents, err);
  const orgs = user.orgs.map((o) => ({ org: o, user: u.id }));
  logger.debug(`Inserting user org (${JSON.stringify(orgs)}) rows...`);
  const { error: e } = await supabase
  handle('creating', 'user orgs', orgs, e);
  return new User({ ...u, parents: user.parents, orgs: user.orgs });

export async function updateUser(user: User): Promise<User> {
  logger.debug(`Updating user (${user.toString()}) row...`);
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .update({ ...user.toDB(), times: await times(user) })
    .eq('id', user.id);
  handle('updating', 'user', user, error);
  const u = data ? User.fromDB(data[0]) : user;

  const subjects: DBRelationUserSubject[] = user.subjects.map((s) => ({
    subject: s.id,
    user: u.id,
  logger.debug(`Replacing subjects (${JSON.stringify(subjects)}) rows...`);
  const { error: deleteSubjectsErr } = await supabase
    .eq('user', u.id);
  handle('deleting', 'user subjects', u.id, deleteSubjectsErr);
  const { error: insertSubjectsErr } = await supabase
  handle('inserting', 'user subjects', subjects, insertSubjectsErr);

  const parents = user.parents.map((p) => ({ parent: p, user: u.id }));
  logger.debug(`Replacing user parent (${JSON.stringify(parents)}) rows...`);
  const { error: deleteParentsErr } = await supabase
    .eq('user', u.id);
  handle('deleting', 'user parents', parents, deleteParentsErr);
  const { error: insertParentsErr } = await supabase
  handle('inserting', 'user parents', parents, insertParentsErr);

  const orgs = user.orgs.map((o) => ({ org: o, user: u.id }));
  logger.debug(`Replacing user org (${JSON.stringify(orgs)}) rows...`);
  const { error: deleteOrgsErr } = await supabase
    .eq('user', u.id);
  handle('deleting', 'user orgs', orgs, deleteOrgsErr);
  const { error: insertOrgsErr } = await supabase
  handle('inserting', 'user orgs', orgs, insertOrgsErr);

  return new User({ ...u, parents: user.parents, orgs: user.orgs });

export async function deleteUser(id: string): Promise<User> {
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .eq('id', id);
  handle('deleting', 'user', id, error);
  return data ? User.fromDB(data[0]) : new User({ id });

export async function getUser(uid: string): Promise<User> {
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .eq('id', uid);
  handle('getting', 'user', uid, error);
  if (!data?.length) throw new APIError(`User (${uid}) does not exist`, 404);
  return User.fromDB(data[0]);

export async function getUsers(
  query: UsersQuery
): Promise<{ hits: number; results: User[] }> {
  // TODO: Order by multiple attributes to show featured results first.
  let select = query.met
    ? supabase.rpc<DBViewUser>('met', {
        user_id: query.met[0],
        user_role: query.met[1],
    : supabase.from<DBViewUser>('view_users');
  select = select
    .select('*', { count: 'exact' })
    .contains('tags', query.tags)
    .contains('langs', query.langs)
      query.subjects.map((s) => s.id)
    .ilike('name', `%${query.search}%`)
    .order('id', { ascending: false })
      query.hitsPerPage * query.page,
      query.hitsPerPage * (query.page + 1) - 1
  if (typeof query.visible === 'boolean')
    select = select.eq('visible', query.visible);
  if (query.visible === true) select = select.neq('bio', '');
  if (query.parents.length) select = select.overlaps('parents', query.parents);
  if (query.orgs.length) select = select.overlaps('orgs', query.orgs);
  // Filtering by availability shows volunteers that the student can book. In
  // other (more technical) terms, we show volunteers who have at least one
  // hour-long timeslot within the student's availability in the next 3 months
  // (because we allow booking 3 months ahead with our `TimeSelect`).
  // TODO: Perhaps use a more useful 2-3 week window instead of 3 months.
  // Most of the heavy lifting for this feature is done at index time:
  // 1. Generate an array of hour-long timeslot start times for a week (these
  //    are stored as strings with weekday and time data only).
  //    - Slice the volunteer's availability to get start times.
  //    - Exclude a time when the volunteer has meetings for every instance of
  //      that time in the next 3 months (e.g. if a volunteer has a meeting on
  //      every Monday at 11 AM for the next 3 months, then we exclude Mondays
  //      at 11 AM from the volunteer's availability).
  // 2. At search time, filter by results that contain any of the hour-long
  //    timeslot start times within the student's requested availability.
  if (query.available && !query.availability.length) {
    // If `query.available` is true, we only show results that have at least one
    // available time (even if `query.availability` is empty).
    select = select.eq('available', true);
  } else if (query.availability.length) {
    // TODO: There is probably a bigger limitation here than with Algolia. I bet
    // I won't be able to filter by all ~600 slices for a full availability.
    const sliced = sliceAvailability(query.availability);
    const nums = sliced.map((t) => t.from.valueOf());
    select = select.overlaps('times', nums);
  const { data, error, count } = await select;
  // TODO: Remove this weird edge case workaround for no results.
  // @see {@link https://github.com/supabase/postgrest-js/issues/202}
  if (error instanceof Array) return { results: [], hits: 0 };
  handle('getting', 'users', query, error);
  const results = (data || []).map((u) => User.fromDB(u));
  return { results, hits: count || results.length };