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import {
} from 'lib/model/timeslot';
import clone from 'lib/utils/clone';
import { sameDate } from 'lib/utils/time';

 * One's availability contains all your open timeslots (the inverse of one's
 * schedule).
export type AvailabilityAlias = TimeslotInterface[];
export type AvailabilityJSON = TimeslotJSON[];

export function isAvailabilityJSON(json: unknown): json is AvailabilityJSON {
  if (!(json instanceof Array)) return false;
  if (json.some((t) => !isTimeslotJSON(t))) return false;
  return true;

 * Checks if a timeslot occurs on a given date.
 * @param timeslot - The timeslot to check.
 * @param date - The date which we expect the timeslot to be on.
 * @return Whether or not the timeslot occurs on the given date.
export function timeslotOnDate(timeslot: Timeslot, date: Date): boolean {
  return sameDate(timeslot.from, date) && sameDate(timeslot.to, date);

 * Class that contains a bunch of time slots or openings that represents a
 * user's availability (inverse of their schedule, which contains a bunch of
 * booked time slots or appointments). This provides some useful methods for
 * finding time slots and a better `toString` representation than
 * `[Object object]`.
export class Availability extends Array<Timeslot> implements AvailabilityAlias {
  public get clone(): Availability {
    return new Availability(...clone(this));

   * Sorts this availability (in-place) from the earliest to the latest timeslot
   * start time and returns the sorted list.
   * @example
   * const avail = new Availability(future, past, now);
   * avail.sort(); // Returns [past, now, future] sort.
  public sort(): this {
    return super.sort((a, b) => a.from.valueOf() - b.from.valueOf());

   * Returns whether or not there is any availability on a given date.
   * @param date - The JavaScript `Date` object from which we determine the
   * date (e.g. 1st or 31st), month, and year.
   * @return Whether or not there is any available on the given date.
  public hasDate(date: Date): boolean {
    return this.some((t) => timeslotOnDate(t, date));

   * Returns the timeslots that are available on a given date.
   * @param date - The JavaScript `Date` object from which we determine the
   * date (e.g. 1st or 31st), month, and year.
   * @return An array of timeslots of the requested duration that are available
   * on the given date.
  public onDate(date: Date): Availability {
    return new Availability(...this.filter((t) => timeslotOnDate(t, date)));

   * @param timeslot - The timeslot to check for overlap.
   * @param [allowBackToBack] - If true, this will allow the timeslots to touch
   * (but not overlap). Defaults to false.
   * @return Whether this availability overlaps at all with the given timeslot.
  public overlaps(
    timeslot: Timeslot,
    allowBackToBack: boolean = false
  ): boolean {
    return this.some((t) => t.overlaps(timeslot, allowBackToBack));

   * @return Whether there is availability during a given timeslot.
   * @param timeslot - The timeslot to verify is in this availability.
  public contains(timeslot: Timeslot): boolean {
    return this.some((t) => t.contains(timeslot));

   * Removes a given timeslot from this availability.
   * @param timeslot - The timeslot to remove from this availability (i.e. a
   * timeslot in which the user is now booked).
   * @return Nothing; modifies the existing availability object to ensure there
   * are no timeslots that overlap with the given timeslot.
  public remove(timeslot: Timeslot): void {
    const a = new Timeslot(timeslot);
    const updated = new Availability();
    const aFrom = a.from.valueOf();
    const aTo = a.to.valueOf();
    this.forEach((b: Timeslot) => {
      // A is the given timeslot and B is a timeslot in this availability.
      const bFrom = b.from.valueOf();
      const bTo = b.to.valueOf();
      if (bFrom < aFrom && bTo < aTo && bTo > aFrom) {
        // 1. If (they overlap; B's close time is contained w/in A):
        // - B's open time is before A's open time AND;
        // - B's close time is before A's close time AND;
        // - B's close time is after A's open time.
        // Adjust B such that its close time is equal to A's open time.
        updated.push(new Timeslot({ ...b, to: new Date(aFrom) }));
      } else if (bTo > aTo && bFrom < aTo && bFrom > aFrom) {
        // 2. If (B's open time is contained w/in A; opposite of scenario #1):
        // - B's close time is after A's close time AND;
        // - B's open time is before A's close time AND;
        // - B's open time is after A's open time.
        // Adjust B such that its open time is equal to A's close time.
        updated.push(new Timeslot({ ...b, from: new Date(aTo) }));
      } else if (a.contains(b)) {
        // 3. If (A contains B):
        // - B's open time is after A's open time AND;
        // - B's close time is before A's close time.
        // Remove B altogether (by not adding it to `updated`).
      } else if (b.contains(a)) {
        // 4. If (B contains A; opposite of scenario #2):
        // - B's open time is before A's open time AND;
        // - B's close time is after A's close time.
        // Split B into two timeslots (i.e. essentially cutting out A):
        // - One timeslot will be `{ from: B.from, to: A.from }`
        // - The other timeslot will be `{ from: A.to, to: B.to }`
          new Timeslot({
            from: new Date(bFrom),
            to: new Date(aFrom),
          new Timeslot({
            from: new Date(aTo),
            to: new Date(bTo),
      } else if (a.equalTo(b)) {
        // 5. If B and A are equal, we just remove B altogether (by not adding
        // it to `updated`).
      } else {
        // 6. Otherwise, we keep B and continue to the next check.
    this.length = 0;
    updated.forEach((time: Timeslot) => this.push(time));

  public toString(
    locale = 'en',
    timeZone = 'America/Los_Angeles',
    showTimeZone = false
  ): string {
    return this.map((t) => {
      const hideAMPM =
        (t.from.getHours() >= 12 && t.to.getHours() >= 12) ||
        (t.from.getHours() < 12 && t.to.getHours() < 12);
      const showSecondDate =
        t.from.getDate() !== t.to.getDate() ||
        t.from.getMonth() !== t.to.getMonth() ||
        t.from.getFullYear() !== t.to.getFullYear();

      // We follow Google's Material Design guidelines while formatting these
      // durations. We use an en dash without spaces between the time range.
      // @see {@link https://material.io/design/communication/data-formats.html}
      return `${t.from
        .toLocaleString(locale, {
          timeZone: timeZone || 'America/Los_Angeles',
          weekday: 'long',
          hour: 'numeric',
          minute: 'numeric',
        .replace(hideAMPM && !showSecondDate ? ' AM' : '', '')
          hideAMPM && !showSecondDate ? ' PM' : '',
        )}–${t.to.toLocaleString(locale, {
        timeZone: timeZone || 'America/Los_Angeles',
        weekday: showSecondDate ? 'long' : undefined,
        hour: 'numeric',
        minute: 'numeric',
        timeZoneName: showTimeZone ? 'short' : undefined,
    }).join(', ');

  public toDB(): DBTimeslot[] {
    return Array.from(this.map((t) => t.toDB()));

  public static fromDB(record: DBTimeslot[]): Availability {
    return new Availability(...record.map((t) => Timeslot.fromDB(t)));

  public toJSON(): AvailabilityJSON {
    return Array.from(this.map((t) => t.toJSON()));

  public static fromJSON(json: AvailabilityJSON): Availability {
    return new Availability(...json.map((t) => Timeslot.fromJSON(t)));

  public toURLParam(): string {
    return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(this));

  public static fromURLParam(param: string): Availability {
    const availability: Availability = new Availability();
    const params: string[] = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(param)) as string[];
    params.forEach((timeslotParam: string) => {
    return availability;

  public toSegment(): TimeslotSegment[] {
    return Array.from(this.map((t) => t.toSegment()));