import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring';
import { GetStaticPaths, GetStaticProps, GetStaticPropsContext } from 'next';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import useSWR from 'swr';
import Page from 'components/page';
import { TabHeader } from 'components/navigation';
import UserEdit from 'components/user/edit';
import { Org, OrgJSON } from 'lib/model/org';
import { PageProps, getPageProps } from 'lib/page';
import { User, UserJSON } from 'lib/model/user';
import { OrgContext } from 'lib/context/org';
import { getOrg } from 'lib/api/db/org';
import { getUser } from 'lib/api/db/user';
import usePage from 'lib/hooks/page';
import { withI18n } from 'lib/intl';
import common from 'locales/en/common.json';
import user from 'locales/en/user.json';
interface UserEditPageProps extends PageProps {
user?: UserJSON;
org?: OrgJSON;
function UserEditPage({
user: fallbackData,
}: UserEditPageProps): JSX.Element {
const { query } = useRouter();
const { data } = useSWR<UserJSON>(
typeof === 'string' ? `/api/users/${}` : null,
{ fallbackData, revalidateOnMount: true }
usePage('User Edit', { login: true, admin: true });
return (
<OrgContext.Provider value={{ org: org ? Org.fromJSON(org) : undefined }}>
<Page title={`${data?.name || 'Loading'} - Edit - Tutorbook`} {...props}>
label: 'About',
href: `/${ as string}/users/${ as string}`,
active: true,
label: 'Edit',
href: `/${ as string}/users/${ as string}/edit`,
label: 'Hours',
href: `/${ as string}/users/${ as string}/hours`,
<UserEdit user={data ? User.fromJSON(data) : undefined} />
interface UserEditPageQuery extends ParsedUrlQuery {
org: string;
id: string;
// Only public (truncated) data is used when generating static pages. Once
// hydrated, SWR is used client-side to continually update the full page data.
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<
> = async (ctx: GetStaticPropsContext<UserEditPageQuery>) => {
if (!ctx.params) throw new Error('Cannot fetch org and user w/out params.');
try {
const [org, user] = await Promise.all([
const { props } = await getPageProps();
return {
props: { org: org.toJSON(), user: user.toJSON(), ...props },
revalidate: 1,
} catch (e) {
return { notFound: true, revalidate: 1 };
// TODO: We want to statically generate skeleton loading pages for each org.
// @see {@link}
// @see {@link}
export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths<UserEditPageQuery> = async () => ({
paths: [],
fallback: true,
export default withI18n(UserEditPage, { common, user });