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# Manifold: Cross Origin Resource Sharing for Public API's

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Use this if you don't care about CORS problems and never want to see
them again.

Don't use this if you have more complex CORS policies.

## Background

CORS is a bitch. It's annoying when you just want to develop your
application. You need to GET/POST/PUT/DELETE to some api in a browser
but it's stopping you. Drop this rack middleware into your stack and
make that it work.

## How It Works

* Handles simple CORS and preflight CORS requests.
* `Access-Control-Accept-Origin: *`.
* Echo's back `Access-Control-Request-Method` for
  `Access-Control-Allow-Method` for preflight requests.
* Echo's back `Access-Control-Request-Headers` for
  `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` for preflight requests.
* Makes preflight requests cachcable.
* Configurable options for `Access-Control-Expose-Headers`.
* Configurable options for `Access-Control-Accept-Headers`.
* Add `Access-Control-Accept-Origin: *` to simple requests.

## Preflight Requests

CORS preflight requests are sent as OPTIONS requests to whatever URL the
request will made to. Browsers add `Access-Control-Request-Method` and
`Access-Control-Request-Headers`to these requests. The middleware short
circuit these reqeusts to return the CORS response. So be warned: **If
your application accepts `OPTIONS` for routing then you should not use
this code.**

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'manifold'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install manifold

## Usage

require 'manifold'

Manifold.expose += %w(X-Custom-Header)

use Manifold::Middleware
run MyApp

## Rails

Manifold integrates cleanly with Rails. It inserts it's middleware at
the top of the stack and exposes it's configuration through
`Rails.config`. Manifold also add exposes headers added by Rails for

# application.rb
config.manifold.accept += %w(X-Custom-Input-Header) # add custom headers you need
config.manifold.expose += %(X-Custom-Output-Header)

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request