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"""Django Template Helper Methods.

For more information, please see:
import collections
import logging
import math

import tldextract
from django.template.defaulttags import register
from django.urls import reverse  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from openach.models import AuthLevels, Eval, Evaluation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

def get_class(obj):
    """Return the class name of obj."""
    return obj.__class__.__name__

def contains(collection, element):
    """Return True if collection contains element."""
    return element in collection

def contains_tag(collection, element):
    """Return True if collection contains element."""
    return element in collection

def dict_get(dictionary, key):
    """Return the value for key in dictionary or None."""
    return dictionary.get(key, None)

def get_detail(dictionary, evidence_id, hypothesis_id):
    """Return the evaluation Eval for a given hypothesis and piece of evidence."""
    return dictionary.get((evidence_id, hypothesis_id))

def anon_or_voted(request, vote):
    """Return true if user is not authenticated, or they have voted."""
    return not request.user.is_authenticated or vote

def detail_name(eval_):
    """Return the human-readable name for the given evaluation."""
    if eval_:
        return next(e[1] for e in Evaluation.EVALUATION_OPTIONS if e[0] == eval_.value)
        return _("No Assessments")

def detail_classname(eval_):
    """Return the CSS style associate with the given evaluation."""
    mapping = {
        None: "eval-no-assessments",
        Eval.consistent: "eval-consistent",
        Eval.inconsistent: "eval-inconsistent",
        Eval.very_inconsistent: "eval-very-inconsistent",
        Eval.very_consistent: "eval-very-consistent",
        Eval.not_applicable: "eval-not-applicable",
        Eval.neutral: "eval-neutral",
    result = mapping.get(eval_)
    return result

def get_source_tags(dictionary, source_id, tag_id):
    """Perform a dictionary lookup, returning None if the key is not in the dictionary."""
    return dictionary.get((source_id, tag_id))

DisputeLevel = collections.namedtuple(
    "DisputeLevel", ["max_level", "name", "css_class"]
# NOTE: the levels here need to match the levels in _detail_icons
    DisputeLevel(max_level=0.5, name=_("Consensus"), css_class="disagree-consensus"),
        max_level=1.5, name=_("Mild Dispute"), css_class="disagree-mild-dispute"
        max_level=2.0, name=_("Large Dispute"), css_class="disagree-large-dispute"
        name=_("Extreme Dispute"),

def _dispute_level(value):
    return next(level for level in DISPUTE_LEVELS if value < level.max_level)

def disagreement_category(value):
    """Return a human-readable description of the level of disagreement given by the value."""
    return _("No Assessments") if value is None else _dispute_level(value).name

def disagreement_style(value):
    """Return the CSS class name associated with the given level of disagreement."""
    return (
        "disagree-no-assessments" if value is None else _dispute_level(value).css_class

def comparison_style(user, aggregate):
    """Return the CSS class name for the analysis cell given a user evaluation and the consensus evaluation.

    Requires that the user disagrees with the consensus. If the user roughly agrees, return the weak consistent
    or inconsistent CSS class. Otherwise, return the dispute style depending on the distance between the evaluations.
    if user == aggregate:
        raise ValueError("user evaluation must differ from consensus")
    if user is None:
        raise ValueError("user evaluation cannot be None")
    if aggregate is None:
        raise ValueError("aggregate evaluation cannot be None")

    diff = abs(user.value - aggregate.value)
    non_na = user.value > 0 and aggregate.value > 0

    if non_na and user.value < 3 and aggregate.value < 3:
        return "eval-inconsistent"
    elif non_na and user.value > 3 and aggregate.value > 3:
        return "eval-consistent"
    elif user.value == 0 or aggregate.value == 0:
        return "disagree-mild-dispute"
    elif diff >= 3:
        return "disagree-extreme-dispute"
    elif diff >= 2:
        return "disagree-large-dispute"
    elif diff >= 1:
        return "disagree-mild-dispute"
        return "disagree-consensus"

def bootstrap_alert(tags):
    """Return the Bootstrap alert CSS class for the given Django message level tag.

    Requires the message to only contain a single tag. For more information, see:
    mapping = {
        "debug": "alert-info",
        "info": "alert-info",
        "success": "alert-success",
        "warning": "alert-warning",
        "error": "alert-error",
    return mapping[tags] if tags in mapping else tags

def board_url(board):
    """Return the URL for the board, including the slug if available."""
    # In the future, we might just want to directly use get_absolute_url in the template. However, this extra level
    # of indirection gives us some additional flexibility
    return board.get_absolute_url() if board is not None else None

def canonical_reverse(request, url_name):
    """Return the canonical URI for url_name."""
    # this should probably be a tag that calls the url template method and then builds the absolute uri
    return request.build_absolute_uri(reverse(url_name))

def canonical_reverse_arg(request, url_name, arg):
    """Return the canonical URI for url_name with arg."""
    return request.build_absolute_uri(reverse(url_name, args=(arg,)))

def full_url(request, model):
    """Return the URL of the model, including domain."""
    return request.build_absolute_uri(model.get_absolute_url())

def canonical_url(request, model):
    """Return the canonical URL of the model, including domain, and excluding slugs and parameters."""
    return request.build_absolute_uri(model.get_canonical_url())

def canonical_profile_url(request, user):
    """Return the canonical URL of the user's public profile."""
    return request.build_absolute_uri(reverse("profile", args=(,)))

def get_verbose_field_name(instance, field_name):
    """Return the verbose name for a field."""
    # _meta is a standard API in Django:
    return instance._meta.get_field(
    ).verbose_name.title()  # pylint: disable=protected-access

def url_replace(request, field, value):
    """Return a GET dictionary with field=value."""
    # taken from:
    dict_ = request.GET.copy()
    dict_[field] = value
    return dict_.urlencode()

def is_private(board):
    """Return True iff the board is only readable by the owner and/or collaborators."""
    return board.permissions.read_board in [

def domain(url):
    """Return the domain with suffix for a URL."""
    parsed = tldextract.extract(url)
    return parsed.domain + "." + parsed.suffix