

4 hrs
Test Coverage
"""Contains actual task implementations that can be either called directly or via the click cli."""
import json
import os
import textwrap
from typing import AbstractSet, Any, Dict, List, MutableMapping, Set, Tuple, Type, Union

import click
import toml

from skjold.core import DependencyList, SecurityAdvisorySource, SkjoldException
from skjold.ignore import SkjoldIgnore

_sources: MutableMapping[str, Type[SecurityAdvisorySource]] = {}

def default_from_context(attr: str, cls: object) -> Type[click.Option]:
    class OptionDefaultFromContext(click.Option):
        def get_default(self, ctx: Any, call: bool = False) -> Any:
            self.default = getattr(ctx.find_object(cls), attr)
            return super().get_default(ctx, call)

    return OptionDefaultFromContext

def get_configuration_from_toml(filename: str) -> Any:
    """Return the tool.skjold section from the given pyproject.toml location."""
    document = toml.load(filename)
    section = document.get("tool", {}).get("skjold", {})
    return section

class Configuration:
    sources: List[str] = []  # Advisory sources enabled by default.
    report_only: bool = (
        False  # Return non-zero exit code when vulnerabilities are found.
    report_format: str = "cli"  # Output parsable JSON instead of stupid colors.
    cache_dir: str = ".skjold_cache"  # Cache location.
    cache_expires: int = 12 * 3600  # Cache maximum age.
    ignore_file: str = ".skjoldignore"  # Default ignore file.
    verbose: bool = False  # Be verbose when processing package list.

    def use(self, config: Dict) -> None:
        self.sources = config.get("sources", self.sources)
        self.report_only = config.get("report_only", self.report_only)
        self.report_format = config.get("report_format", self.report_format)
        # Configure cache_dir selection: ENV > pyproject.toml > default(posix).
        self.cache_dir = os.environ.get(
            "SKJOLD_CACHE_DIR", config.get("cache_dir", self.default_cache_dir)
        self.cache_expires = config.get("cache_expires", self.cache_expires)
        self.ignore_file = os.environ.get(
            "SKJOLD_IGNORE_FILE", config.get("ignore_file", self.ignore_file)
        # self.verbose = bool(config.get("verbose", self.verbose))

        # Sources
        for source_name in self.sources:
            if not is_registered_source(source_name):
                raise click.ClickException(
                    f"Source with name '{source_name}' does not exist!"

    def app_home(self) -> str:
        return str(click.get_app_dir("skjold", roaming=False, force_posix=True))

    def default_cache_dir(self) -> str:
        return os.path.join(self.app_home, "cache")

    def available_sources(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
        """Return list of available sources by name."""
        return _sources.keys()

    def as_dict(self) -> MutableMapping[str, Union[bool, str, int, List]]:
        """Return dictionary representation of configuration object."""
        return {
            "sources": self.sources,
            "report_only": self.report_only,
            "report_format": self.report_format,
            "verbose": self.verbose,
            "cache_dir": self.cache_dir,
            "cache_expires": self.cache_expires,
            "ignore_file": self.ignore_file,

def register_source(new_source_name: str, source: Type[SecurityAdvisorySource]) -> None:
    """Registers a new source by name. Throws Exception otherwise."""
    if not new_source_name or new_source_name in _sources:
        raise SkjoldException(
            f"A source named '{new_source_name}' appears to be already registered!"

    _sources[new_source_name] = source

def get_registered_sources() -> AbstractSet[str]:
    """Return list of keys for registered advisory sources."""
    return _sources.keys()

def is_registered_source(name: str) -> bool:
    """Return True if a resource by the given name exists. False otherwise."""
    return name in _sources.keys()

def print_configuration(configuration: Configuration, stderr: bool = True) -> None:
    """Prints the currently active configuration for skjold to stdout and exits."""
    for key, value in configuration.as_dict().items():
        click.secho(key, fg="white", nl=False, err=stderr)
        click.secho(": ", nl=False, err=stderr)
        click.secho(str(value), fg="white", nl=False, err=stderr)
        click.secho("", err=stderr)

def report(
    configuration: Configuration, findings: List[Dict[str, Any]]
) -> Tuple[Set[str], List[str]]:
    """Renders (ignored) findings and list of vulnerable packages to stdout and prints a short summary to stderr."""
    vulnerable_packages, ignored_findings = set({}), []
    for finding in findings:
        if finding["ignored"]["ignored"]:

    if configuration.report_format == "json":
        click.echo(json.dumps(findings, indent=2))
        return vulnerable_packages, ignored_findings

    for finding in findings:
        _color = {
            "NONE": "white",
            "LOW": "yellow",
            "MODERATE": "yellow",  # Github
            "MEDIUM": "yellow",  # CVSS
            "HIGH": "red",
            "CRITICAL": "red",
            "UNKNOWN": "red",

        if finding["ignored"]["ignored"]:
            click.secho(finding["name"], fg="white", nl=False)
            click.secho("==", nl=False)
            click.secho(finding["version"], fg=_color, nl=False)
            click.secho(" (", nl=False)
            click.secho(finding["versions"], fg=_color, nl=False)
            click.secho(") via ", nl=False)
            click.secho(finding["source"], fg="cyan", nl=False)
            click.secho(" as ", nl=False)
            click.secho(finding["identifier"], fg="yellow", nl=False)
            click.secho(" found in ", nl=False)
            click.secho(finding["__file__"]["path"], fg=_color, nl=False)
            click.secho(" ignored until ", nl=False)
            click.secho(finding["ignored"]["expires"], fg="cyan", nl=False)

            click.secho(finding["ignored"]["reason"], fg="cyan")
            click.secho("-- ")

        click.secho(finding["name"], fg="white", nl=False)
        click.secho("==", nl=False)
        click.secho(finding["version"], fg=_color, nl=False)
        click.secho(" (", nl=False)
        click.secho(finding["versions"], fg=_color, nl=False)
        click.secho(") via ", nl=False)
        click.secho(finding["source"], fg="cyan", nl=False)
        click.secho(" as ", nl=False)
        click.secho(finding["identifier"], fg="yellow", nl=False)
        click.secho(" found in ", nl=False)
        click.secho(finding["__file__"]["path"], fg=_color, nl=False)

        click.secho(textwrap.fill(finding["summary"], 79), fg="white")
        click.secho(finding["url"], fg="green")
        for reference in finding["references"]:
            click.secho(reference, fg="white")
        click.secho("-- ")

    # Always print the summary to stderr.
    if len(ignored_findings):
            f"Ignored {len(ignored_findings)} finding(s)!", fg="yellow", err=True
    if len(vulnerable_packages) > 0:
            f"Found {len(vulnerable_packages)} vulnerable package(s)!",
        click.secho(f"No vulnerable packages found!", fg="green", err=True)

    return vulnerable_packages, ignored_findings

def audit(
    configuration: Configuration,
    dependencies: DependencyList,
    ignore: SkjoldIgnore,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:

    findings = []
    for name in configuration.sources:
        source = _sources[name](
            cache_dir=configuration.cache_dir, cache_expires=configuration.cache_expires

        for dependency in dependencies:
            if source.has_security_advisory_for(dependency):
                is_vulnerable, advisories = source.is_vulnerable_package(dependency)

                if is_vulnerable:
                    for advisory in advisories:
                        # Check if the advisories identifier is part of the ignore list.
                        is_ignored, entry = ignore.should_ignore(
                            advisory.identifier, advisory.package_name
                                "identifier": advisory.identifier,
                                "severity": advisory.severity,
                                "version": dependency.version,
                                "versions": advisory.vulnerable_versions,
                                "summary": advisory.summary,
                                "references": advisory.references,
                                "url": advisory.url,
                                "ignored": {
                                    "ignored": is_ignored,
                                    "expires": entry.get("expires"),
                                    "reason": entry.get("reason"),
                                "__file__": {
                                    "path": dependency.source[0],
                                    "lineno": dependency.source[1],

    return findings