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package fwdservice

import (

    log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
    v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
    metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
    _ "k8s.io/client-go/plugin/pkg/client/auth"
    restclient "k8s.io/client-go/rest"

// ServiceFWD Single service to forward, with a reference to
// all the pods being forwarded for it
type ServiceFWD struct {
    ClientSet    kubernetes.Clientset
    ListOptions  metav1.ListOptions
    Hostfile     *fwdport.HostFileWithLock
    ClientConfig restclient.Config
    RESTClient   restclient.RESTClient

    // Context is a unique key (string) in kubectl config representing
    // a user/cluster combination. Kubefwd uses context as the
    // cluster name when forwarding to more than one cluster.
    Context string

    // Namespace is the current Kubernetes Namespace to locate services
    // and the pods that back them for port-forwarding
    Namespace string

    // ClusterN is the ordinal index of the cluster (from configuration)
    // cluster 0 is considered local while > 0 is remote
    ClusterN int

    // NamespaceN is the ordinal index of the namespace from the
    // perspective of the user. Namespace 0 is considered local
    // while > 0 is an external namespace
    NamespaceN int

    // FwdInc the forward increment for ip
    FwdInc *int

    // Domain is specified by the user and used in place of .local
    Domain string

    PodLabelSelector     string      // The label selector to query for matching pods.
    NamespaceServiceLock *sync.Mutex //
    Svc                  *v1.Service // Reference to the k8s service.

    // Headless service will forward all of the pods,
    // while normally only a single pod is forwarded.
    Headless bool

    LastSyncedAt time.Time  // When was the set of pods last synced
    PortMap      *[]PortMap // port map array.

    // Use debouncer for listing pods so we don't hammer the k8s when a bunch of changes happen at once
    SyncDebouncer func(f func())

    // A mapping of all the pods currently being forwarded.
    // key = podName
    PortForwards map[string]*fwdport.PortForwardOpts
    DoneChannel  chan struct{} // After shutdown is complete, this channel will be closed

    ForwardConfigurationPath string   // file path to IP reservation configuration
    ForwardIPReservations    []string // cli passed IP reservations

add port map
@url https://github.com/txn2/kubefwd/issues/121
type PortMap struct {
    SourcePort string
    TargetPort string

// String representation of a ServiceFWD returns a unique name
func (svcFwd *ServiceFWD) String() string {
    return svcFwd.Svc.Name + "." + svcFwd.Namespace + "." + svcFwd.Context

// GetPodsForService queries k8s and returns all pods backing this service
// which are eligible for port-forwarding; exclude some pods which are in final/failure state.
func (svcFwd *ServiceFWD) GetPodsForService() []v1.Pod {
    listOpts := metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: svcFwd.PodLabelSelector}

    pods, err := svcFwd.ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(svcFwd.Svc.Namespace).List(context.TODO(), listOpts)

    if err != nil {
        if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
            log.Warnf("WARNING: No Pods found for service %s: %s\n", svcFwd, err.Error())
        } else {
            log.Warnf("WARNING: Error in List pods for %s: %s\n", svcFwd, err.Error())
        return nil

    podsEligible := make([]v1.Pod, 0, len(pods.Items))

    for _, pod := range pods.Items {
        if pod.Status.Phase == v1.PodPending || pod.Status.Phase == v1.PodRunning {
            podsEligible = append(podsEligible, pod)

    return podsEligible

// SyncPodForwards selects one or all pods behind a service, and invokes
// the forwarding setup for that or those pod(s). It will remove pods in-mem
// that are no longer returned by k8s, should these not be correctly deleted.
func (svcFwd *ServiceFWD) SyncPodForwards(force bool) {
    sync := func() {

        defer func() { svcFwd.LastSyncedAt = time.Now() }()

        k8sPods := svcFwd.GetPodsForService()

        // If no pods are found currently. Will try again next re-sync period.
        if len(k8sPods) == 0 {
            log.Warnf("WARNING: No Running Pods returned for service %s", svcFwd)

        // Check if the pods currently being forwarded still exist in k8s and if
        // they are not in a (pre-)running state, if not: remove them
        for _, podName := range svcFwd.ListServicePodNames() {
            keep := false
            for _, pod := range k8sPods {
                if podName == pod.Name && (pod.Status.Phase == v1.PodPending || pod.Status.Phase == v1.PodRunning) {
                    keep = true
            if !keep {

        // Set up port-forwarding for one or all of these pods normal service
        // port-forward the first pod as service name. headless service not only
        // forward first Pod as service name, but also port-forward all pods.
        if len(k8sPods) != 0 {

            // if this is a headless service forward the first pod from the
            // service name, then subsequent pods from their pod name
            if svcFwd.Headless {
                svcFwd.LoopPodsToForward([]v1.Pod{k8sPods[0]}, false)
                svcFwd.LoopPodsToForward(k8sPods, true)

            // Check if currently we are forwarding a pod which is good to keep using
            podNameToKeep := ""
            for _, podName := range svcFwd.ListServicePodNames() {
                if podNameToKeep != "" {
                for _, pod := range k8sPods {
                    if podName == pod.Name && (pod.Status.Phase == v1.PodPending || pod.Status.Phase == v1.PodRunning) {
                        podNameToKeep = pod.Name

            // Stop forwarding others, should there be. In case none of the currently
            // forwarded pods are good to keep, podNameToKeep will be the empty string,
            // and the comparison will mean we will remove all pods, which is the desired behaviour.
            for _, podName := range svcFwd.ListServicePodNames() {
                if podName != podNameToKeep {

            // If no good pod was being forwarded already, start one
            if podNameToKeep == "" {
                svcFwd.LoopPodsToForward([]v1.Pod{k8sPods[0]}, false)
    // When a whole set of pods gets deleted at once, they all will trigger a SyncPodForwards() call.
    // This would hammer k8s with load needlessly.  We therefore use a debouncer to only update pods
    // if things have been stable for at least a few seconds.  However, if things never stabilize we
    // will still reload this information at least once every 5 minutes.
    if force || time.Since(svcFwd.LastSyncedAt) > 5*time.Minute {
        // Replace current debounced function with no-op
        svcFwd.SyncDebouncer(func() {})

        // Do the syncing work
    } else {
        // Queue sync

// LoopPodsToForward starts the port-forwarding for each
// pod in the given list
func (svcFwd *ServiceFWD) LoopPodsToForward(pods []v1.Pod, includePodNameInHost bool) {
    publisher := &fwdpub.Publisher{
        PublisherName: "Services",
        Output:        false,

    // Ip address handout is a critical section for synchronization,
    // use a lock which synchronizes inside each namespace.
    defer svcFwd.NamespaceServiceLock.Unlock()

    for _, pod := range pods {
        // If pod is already configured to be forwarded, skip it
        if _, found := svcFwd.PortForwards[pod.Name]; found {

        podPort := ""

        serviceHostName := svcFwd.Svc.Name
        svcName := svcFwd.Svc.Name

        if includePodNameInHost {
            serviceHostName = pod.Name + "." + svcFwd.Svc.Name
            svcName = pod.Name + "." + svcFwd.Svc.Name

        opts := fwdIp.ForwardIPOpts{
            ServiceName:              svcName,
            PodName:                  pod.Name,
            Context:                  svcFwd.Context,
            ClusterN:                 svcFwd.ClusterN,
            NamespaceN:               svcFwd.NamespaceN,
            Namespace:                svcFwd.Namespace,
            Port:                     podPort,
            ForwardConfigurationPath: svcFwd.ForwardConfigurationPath,
            ForwardIPReservations:    svcFwd.ForwardIPReservations,
        localIp, err := fwdnet.ReadyInterface(opts)
        if err != nil {
            log.Warnf("WARNING: error readying interface: %s\n", err)

        // if this is not the first namespace on the
        // first cluster then append the namespace
        if svcFwd.NamespaceN > 0 {
            serviceHostName = serviceHostName + "." + pod.Namespace

        // if this is not the first cluster append the full
        // host name
        if svcFwd.ClusterN > 0 {
            serviceHostName = serviceHostName + "." + svcFwd.Context

        for _, port := range svcFwd.Svc.Spec.Ports {

            // Skip if pod port protocol is UDP - not supported in k8s port forwarding yet, see https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/47862
            if port.Protocol == v1.ProtocolUDP {
                log.Warnf("WARNING: Skipped Port-Forward for %s:%d to pod %s:%s - k8s port-forwarding doesn't support UDP protocol\n",

            podPort = port.TargetPort.String()
            localPort := svcFwd.getPortMap(port.Port)
            p, err := strconv.ParseInt(localPort, 10, 32)
            if err != nil {
            port.Port = int32(p)
            if _, err := strconv.Atoi(podPort); err != nil {
                // search a pods containers for the named port
                if namedPodPort, ok := portSearch(podPort, pod.Spec.Containers); ok {
                    podPort = namedPodPort

            log.Debugf("Resolving: %s to %s (%s)\n",

            log.Printf("Port-Forward: %16s %s:%d to pod %s:%s\n",

            pfo := &fwdport.PortForwardOpts{
                Out:        publisher,
                Config:     svcFwd.ClientConfig,
                ClientSet:  svcFwd.ClientSet,
                RESTClient: svcFwd.RESTClient,
                Context:    svcFwd.Context,
                Namespace:  pod.Namespace,
                Service:    svcName,
                ServiceFwd: svcFwd,
                PodName:    pod.Name,
                PodPort:    podPort,
                LocalIp:    localIp,
                LocalPort:  localPort,
                HostFile:   svcFwd.Hostfile,
                ClusterN:   svcFwd.ClusterN,
                NamespaceN: svcFwd.NamespaceN,
                Domain:     svcFwd.Domain,

                ManualStopChan: make(chan struct{}),
                DoneChan:       make(chan struct{}),

            // Fire and forget. The stopping is done in the service.Shutdown() method.
            go func() {
                if err := pfo.PortForward(); err != nil {
                    select {
                    case <-pfo.ManualStopChan: // if shutdown was given, we don't bother with the error.
                        log.Errorf("PortForward error on %s: %s", pfo.PodName, err.Error())
                } else {
                    select {
                    case <-pfo.ManualStopChan: // if shutdown was given, don't log a warning as it's an intented stopping.
                        log.Warnf("Stopped forwarding pod %s for %s", pfo.PodName, svcFwd)



// AddServicePod
func (svcFwd *ServiceFWD) AddServicePod(pfo *fwdport.PortForwardOpts) {
    ServicePod := pfo.Service + "." + pfo.PodName
    if _, found := svcFwd.PortForwards[ServicePod]; !found {
        svcFwd.PortForwards[ServicePod] = pfo

// ListServicePodNames
func (svcFwd *ServiceFWD) ListServicePodNames() []string {
    currentPodNames := make([]string, 0, len(svcFwd.PortForwards))
    for podName := range svcFwd.PortForwards {
        currentPodNames = append(currentPodNames, podName)
    return currentPodNames

func (svcFwd *ServiceFWD) RemoveServicePod(servicePodName string) {
    if pod, found := svcFwd.PortForwards[servicePodName]; found {
        delete(svcFwd.PortForwards, servicePodName)

func portSearch(portName string, containers []v1.Container) (string, bool) {
    for _, container := range containers {
        for _, cp := range container.Ports {
            if cp.Name == portName {
                return fmt.Sprint(cp.ContainerPort), true

    return "", false

// port exist port map return
func (svcFwd *ServiceFWD) getPortMap(port int32) string {
    p := strconv.Itoa(int(port))
    if svcFwd.PortMap != nil {
        for _, portMapInfo := range *svcFwd.PortMap {
            if p == portMapInfo.SourcePort {
                //use map port
                return portMapInfo.TargetPort
    return p