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import $ from 'jquery'
import { debounce } from 'lodash'

import editor from './editor'
import layout from './layout'

let scrollingSide = null
let timeoutHandle = null
const scrollSide = (side, howToScroll) => {
  if (scrollingSide !== null && scrollingSide !== side) {
    return // the other side hasn't finished scrolling
  scrollingSide = side
  timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => { scrollingSide = null }, 512)

const scrollEditor = (scrollTop, when) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    editor.scrollTo(null, scrollTop)
  }, when)
const scrollLeft = (scrollTop) => {
  scrollSide('left', () => {
    const current = editor.getScrollInfo().top
    const step = (scrollTop - current) / 8
    for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) { // to create some animation
      scrollEditor(current + step * i, 128 / 8 * i)
    scrollEditor(scrollTop, 128)

const scrollRight = (scrollTop) => {
  scrollSide('right', () => {
    $('.ui-layout-east').animate({ scrollTop: scrollTop }, 128)

const getEditorScroll = () => {
  const lineMarkers = $('article#preview > [data-source-line]')
  const lines = []
  lineMarkers.each((index, element) => {
  const currentPosition = editor.getScrollInfo().top
  let lastMarker
  let nextMarker
  for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
    const line = lines[i]
    const height = editor.heightAtLine(line - 1, 'local')
    if (height < currentPosition) {
      lastMarker = line
    } else {
      nextMarker = line
  let percentage = 0
  if (lastMarker && nextMarker && lastMarker !== nextMarker) {
    percentage = (currentPosition - editor.heightAtLine(lastMarker - 1, 'local')) / (editor.heightAtLine(nextMarker - 1, 'local') - editor.heightAtLine(lastMarker - 1, 'local'))
  // returns two neighboring markers' lines, and current scroll percentage between two markers
  return { lastMarker: lastMarker, nextMarker: nextMarker, percentage }

const setPreviewScroll = (editorScroll) => {
  let lastPosition = 0
  let nextPosition = $('article#preview').outerHeight() - $('.ui-layout-east').height() // maximum scroll
  if (editorScroll.lastMarker) { // no marker at very start
    lastPosition = $('article#preview').find('>[data-source-line="' + editorScroll.lastMarker + '"]').get(0).offsetTop
  if (editorScroll.nextMarker) { // no marker at very end
    nextPosition = $('article#preview').find('>[data-source-line="' + editorScroll.nextMarker + '"]').get(0).offsetTop
  const scrollTop = lastPosition + (nextPosition - lastPosition) * editorScroll.percentage // right scroll according to left percentage

const getPreviewScroll = () => {
  const scroll = $('.ui-layout-east').scrollTop()
  let lastLine = 0
  let lastScroll = 0
  let nextLine = editor.getValue().split('\n').length // number of lines of markdown
  let nextScroll = $('article#preview').outerHeight() - $('.ui-layout-east').height()  // maximum scroll
  const lineMarkers = $('article#preview > [data-source-line]')
  for (let i = 0; i < lineMarkers.length; i++) {
    const lineMarker = lineMarkers[i]
    if (lineMarker.offsetTop < scroll) {
      lastLine = parseInt(lineMarker.getAttribute('data-source-line'), 10)
      lastScroll = lineMarker.offsetTop
    } else {
      nextLine = parseInt(lineMarker.getAttribute('data-source-line'), 10)
      nextScroll = lineMarker.offsetTop
  let percentage = 0
  if (lastScroll !== nextScroll) {
    percentage = (scroll - lastScroll) / (nextScroll - lastScroll)
  // returns two neighboring marker lines, and current scroll percentage between two markers
  return { lastMarker: lastLine, nextMarker: nextLine, percentage: percentage }

const setEditorScroll = (previewScroll) => {
  const last = editor.heightAtLine(previewScroll.lastMarker - 1, 'local')
  const next = editor.heightAtLine(previewScroll.nextMarker - 1, 'local')
  scrollLeft((next - last) * previewScroll.percentage + last)

const syncPreview = debounce(() => { // sync right with left
  if (layout.panes.east.outerWidth() < 8) {
    return // no need to sync if panel closed
  if (scrollingSide !== 'left') {
}, 256, false)

const syncEditor = debounce(() => { // sync left with right
  if (layout.panes.east.outerWidth() < 8) {
    return // no need to sync if panel closed
  if (scrollingSide !== 'right') {
}, 256, false)

export { syncPreview, syncEditor }