# Rjawbone
<dt>Homepage</dt><dd><a href="#">homepage</a></dd>
<dt>Author</dt><dd><a href="">Taylor Daugherty</a></dd>
<dt>Documentation</dt><dd><a href="#">Ruby Gems</a></dd>
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## Installation
gem install rjawbone
## Configuration
Rjawbone.configure do |config|
config.client_id = ENV['JAWBONE_CLIENT']
config.client_secret = ENV['JAWBONE_SECRET']
config.redirect_uri = redirect_uri
config.scope = %w(basic_read sleep_read move_read) # any scope you need here
For a rails project, you can put this in `config/initializers/rjawbone.rb`.
## Authentication
This gem provides two helper methods for following the OAuth 2.0 flow.
# Returns a url for your configured jawbone application
# Exchanges the authorization code for an access token
After obtaining an access token, you will need to persist it.
[Here]( you can read about the authorization flow.
## Client
API calls are made by initializing a Rjawbone client object.
The `ACCESS_TOKEN` is retrieved from the Authentication step.
client = ACCESS_TOKEN, refresh_token: REFRESH)
# OR
client = do |config|
config.access_token = TOKEN
config.refresh_token = REFRESH
After initializing the client object, you can retrieve any object allowed by your configured scope.
## Resources
#### Lists
# Returns a Rjawbone::Model::List object
list = client.moves
# The list has a collection attribute, composed of Rjawbone::Model::Item objects
# The list object has methods that assist in retrieving information
# Pagination
# Enumerability {|move| move.xid } {|move| move.details.distance >= 5000}
#### Items
# The item object has all the fields from the raw API response
# When a "sleep" or "move" type, the Rjawbone::Model::Item can implement the #ticks method
list = client.moves
move = list.first
# Returns a Rjawbone::Model::List of objects of "ticks"
# The ticks associated with that move resource
ticks = move.ticks
# These ticks are a list, so include enumerablity and pagination methods
ticks.reject {|tick| tick.steps <= 50}
ticks = {|item| item.ticks}
#### Resources
Implemented endpoints:
- moves
- sleeps
- heartrates
## Rails
There is Rails helper for generating the authorization url. If you are in a rails view:
# jawbone_url generates the correct OAuth url.
<%= link_to "Login with Jawbone", jawbone_url %>
- band_events
- body_events
- goals
- meals
- mood
- settings
- timezone
- trends
- friends