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Test Coverage
  "entry": {
    "canAdd": false,
    "categories": [
    "description": "View your current courses and class schedule, and see each course's library materials and online resources, location, time, and contacts. ",
    "faIcon": "fa-pencil",
    "fname": "MyCourses",
    "id": "2397",
    "keywords": [
      "class schedule",
      "library material",
      "online resources",
      "course info",
      "library reserves",
    "layoutObject": {
      "altMaxUrl": true,
      "description": "View your current courses and class schedule, and see each course's library materials and online resources, location, time, and contacts. ",
      "faIcon": "fa-pencil",
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    "marketplaceScreenshots": [
        "captions": [
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        "url": "/images/screenshotImages/my-courses/courseList.png"
        "captions": [
          "View Your Course Schedule in a Grid View"
        "url": "/images/screenshotImages/my-courses/courseGrid.png"
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    "name": "My Courses",
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    "portletReleaseNotes": {
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      "releaseNotes": [
        "One-stop hub for all your course information",
        "Printable course and final exam schedules",
        "Access to your course and schedule history",
        "Responsive design in mind so it looks great on phones and desktop"
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