Measures the relative speeds of linear search and binary search.
The current output is human readable, but for large-scale experiments you will
want to modify it so that the output can be graphed
(e.g. generate CSV to put in a spreadsheet, or introduce a plotting library).
You should also consider generating special cases of searches, such as
searching for the last item in a list.
The following constants should be modified to run the experiments
on a wider range of data:
This is for Python version 2.7.
Caitlin Duncan, January 2014
Modified by Courtney Bracefield, June 2020
import time
from random import randint
# Each searching method will be evaluated for lists of the following sizes
NUMBER_OF_KEYS = [10, 1000]
# The experiments will be repeated this many times
def binary_search_count(list_of_keys, search_key):
Perform a Binary search.
Returns the number of comparisons required.
Based on code from:
length = len(list_of_keys)
if length == 0:
print "List of keys not found."
return 0
if length == 1:
return 1
key_comparisons_made = 0
low = 0
high = len(list_of_keys) - 1
while low <= high:
middle = (low + high) / 2
key_comparisons_made += 1
if list_of_keys[middle] > search_key:
high = middle - 1
elif list_of_keys[middle] < search_key:
low = middle + 1
key_comparisons_made += 1
# increment here because the previous comparison was unsuccessful
key_comparisons_made += 1
return key_comparisons_made
return 0
def linear_search_count(list_of_keys, search_key):
Perform a Linear search.
Returns the number of comparisons required.
length_of_list = len(list_of_keys)
if length_of_list == 0:
print "List of keys not found."
return 0
key_comparisons_made = 0
search_key_index = 0
while search_key_index < length_of_list:
key_comparisons_made += 1
if list_of_keys[search_key_index] == search_key:
return key_comparisons_made
search_key_index += 1
return key_comparisons_made
def test_binary_search(n):
Perform a Binary search on a list of size n.
Returns the number of key comparisons made and
the time taken for the algorithm to run.
sample_list = range(n) # create a sorted list of n keys
item = randint(0, n - 1)
print "\nBinary Searching for", item, "in a list of", n, "items"
start = time.clock()
key_comparisons_made = binary_search_count(sample_list, item)
end = time.clock()
result = "For binary search of {} items, {} comparisons of keys were used"
time_taken = "Time taken: {:.4f} milliseconds elapsed"
print result.format(n, key_comparisons_made)
print time_taken.format((end - start) * 1000)
def test_linear_search(n):
Perform a Linear search on a list of size n.
Returns the number of key comparisons made and
the time taken for the algorithm to run.
sample_list = range(n) # create a sorted list of n keys
item = randint(0, n - 1)
print "\nLinear Searching for", item, "in a list of", n, "items"
start = time.clock()
key_comparisons_made = linear_search_count(sample_list, item)
end = time.clock()
result = "For linear search of {} items, {} comparisons of keys were used"
time_taken = "Time taken: {:.4f} milliseconds elapsed"
print result.format(n, key_comparisons_made)
print time_taken.format((end - start) * 1000)
# This is an example of how to run an experiment
# For thorough results, experiments should be run for a larger range of values
# and experiments should be repeated multiple times
for number_of_keys in NUMBER_OF_KEYS:
for repeat_of_experiment in range(NUMBER_OF_REPEATED_EXPERIMENTS):
for repeat_of_experiment in range(NUMBER_OF_REPEATED_EXPERIMENTS):