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# 2D Shape Manipulations

**Created by:** Hayley van Waas
**Modified by:** Alasdair Smith

Formerly 2d Arrow Manipulations

This is the base system for a series of interactives used to show how to translate, scale and rotate a Seven shape by using coordinates and/or matrices.

## URL Parameters

- `config=X`: Sets the interactive to load with the given configuration name `X`.
- `showIndex`: Reveals a dropdown box, allowing the user to change configurations from within the interactive.

## Required files

The interactive loads from a base website template which includes a JavaScript file containing jQuery, Bootstrap, and a few other utilities and polyfills.
See `static/js/website.js` for a full list.

## Licences

Code was modified from the [css3patterns](https://github.com/LeaVerou/css3patterns) library to create the graph background, the licence file can be found in third-party-licences/css3patterns