# Binary Cards Interactive
**Author:** Jack Morgan
**Modified by:** Courtney Bracefield, Alasdair Smith
This interactive is created to teach binary numbers, and emulates the Binary Cards CS Unplugged activity.
## Usage
The interactive shows the cards with dots from **128** to **1** by default (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1), however these can be configured by the following parameters:
- `base=value` - Where `value` is the number base to use (default is 2 i.e. binary).
- `cards=value` OR `digits=value` - Where `value` is the number of cards to display (default is 8, minimum is 1). If both are given then the value of `cards` is used.
- `offset=value` - Where `value` is the amount to offset the displayed cards (default is 0). Using a positive number will show the placings from the `cards` + `offset` value, for the number of given cards. For example, using a base of `10`, cards as `3`, and offset as `2` will show the 100,000, 10,000, 1,000, and 100 placings. Using a negative number for the `value` will display floating point numbers.
- `start=sides` - Where `sides` is a sequence of `W` and `B` characters, to state the sides that should be displayed when the interactive starts. The first letter states whether the first card (on the left) should be white (`W`) or black (`B`), the second letter stands for the second card. Therefore the number of letters should match the number of cards used.
- `input=value` - Where `value` is `true` or `false` (default is true). Indicates whether or not to display the input box that lets users choose how many cards are displayed.
- `total=value` - Where `value` is `true` or `false` (default is true). Indicates whether or not to display the total number of dots visible. Setting the value to `false` disables the ability to turn the total on.
- `hide-ui=value` - Where `value` is `true` or `false` (default is false).
Indicates whether to hide UI elements, like the title and flip all cards buttons., Setting to true will only show the cards and the dot total (which can be hidden with the `total` parameter, see above).
- `rtl=value` - Where `value` is `true` or `false` (default is false).
Indicates whether or not to display the cards from right to left.
This is only intended for use when the screen size is fixed, as it only works for a small number of cards.
### Input box drawback
To avoid several display problems the maximum number of cards that can be displayed is limited to 16 or the value of the `cards`/`digits` parameter – whichever is highest.
### Examples
- `?base=16&cards=4` - Shows the first 4 cards of base 16 (hexadecimal).
- `?cards=4&offset=-2` - Shows 4 cards of base 2 (binary). 2, 1, 0.5 and 0.25. The input box will allow any number of cards up to 16.
- `?cards=64` - Shows 64 cards of base 2 (binary). The input box will allow any number of cards up to 64.
- `?cards=5&start=BBBBB` - Shows 5 cards of base 2 (binary), with all sides showing black to start.
- `?cards=2&start=BBBWW` - Here the number of cards is less than the length of the start parameter. The cards parameter will always take precedence, therefore 2 cards with sides with their sides set to white will be shown to start. The next 3 hidden cards to the left will have their sides set to black.
- `?cards=4&start=BB` - Here the number of cards is more than the length of the start parameter. The cards parameter will always take precedence, therefore 4 cards will be displayed, with their sides set to WWBB.
To use these parameters, the interactive must be used in either `whole-page` or `iframe` mode.
## Required files
The interactive loads from a base website template which includes a JavaScript file containing jQuery, Bootstrap, and a few other utilities and polyfills.
See `static/js/website.js` for a full list.