* An object representing the left side of the interactive.
let left = {
image: null,
canvas: null,
x: null,
y: null,
toString: function () {
return "left";
* An object representing the right side of the interactive.
let right = {
image: null,
canvas: null,
x: null,
y: null,
toString: function () {
return "right";
const DOT_SIZE = 10;
* Initialization. Prepares the image select, confirm ('Calculate distance'), and distance between images dropdown
* buttons. Assigns the values in the left and right objects and adds the click callbacks to the canvases. Updates the
* canvases. Adds a callback to handle screen size changes as this can change the size of the images.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#stereo-left-input').change(function() { loadImageDialog(this, left) });
$('#stereo-right-input').change(function() { loadImageDialog(this, right) });
$('#distance-unit-list a').on('click', unitChangeHandler);
left.image = document.getElementById("img-left");
left.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas-left");
left.canvas.onmousedown = (event) => { canvasClickHandler(event, left) };
right.image = document.getElementById("img-right");
right.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas-right");
right.canvas.onmousedown = (event) => { canvasClickHandler(event, right) };
window.onresize = reset;
* Handles when the user changes the unit. Updates the displayed unit and converts the unit if necessary.
function unitChangeHandler() {
let distanceUnit = $('#distance-unit');
let hasChanged = distanceUnit.html() !== $(this).text();
let distance = document.getElementById("camera-distance");
if (hasChanged) {
if (distanceUnit.html() === "Inches") {
distance.value = metresToInches(distance.value)
} else {
distance.value = inchesToMetres(distance.value)
* Resets parts of the interactive by resizing the canvases and clearing the click coordinates of images in both the
* left and right objects, and the displayed values.
function reset() {
left.x = left.y = right.x = right.y = null;
document.getElementById("left-x").innerHTML = null;
document.getElementById("left-y").innerHTML = null;
document.getElementById("right-x").innerHTML = null;
document.getElementById("right-y").innerHTML = null;
* Updates a Canvas such that its dimensions match those of its corresponding image. Also updates the displayed width
* value under the image.
* @param side The side to update the canvas of.
function updateCanvas(side) {
side.canvas.width = side.image.width;
side.canvas.height = side.image.height;
document.getElementById(side.toString() + "-width").innerHTML = side.image.width.toString();
* Handles an uploaded image by displaying the image, clearing click coordinates, updating the canvas, and displaying
* the filename.
* @param input For obtaining the file data.
* @param side The side to update.
function loadImageDialog(input, side) {
if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
side.image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
side.image.src = e.target.result;
side.x = side.y = null;
document.getElementById(side.toString() + "-x").innerHTML = null;
document.getElementById(side.toString() + "-y").innerHTML = null;
// Sometimes the image seemingly is not ready yet, meaning the canvas won't update to the new size. A delay is
// created to reduce the chances of this occurring, though it still does happen very rarely. Increasing the
// timeout (or finding a better solution) may fix this.
setTimeout(() => { updateCanvas(side); }, 10);
const inputName = "stereo-" + side.toString() + "-input";
$("label[for=" + inputName + "]").text(input.files[0].name);
* Handles a click in a canvas by updating the coordinates and drawing a dot.
* @param event The click event.
* @param side The side to update.
function canvasClickHandler(event, side) {
const rect = side.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
side.x = Math.round(event.clientX - rect.left);
side.y = Math.round(event.clientY - rect.top);
document.getElementById(side.toString() + "-x").innerHTML = side.x.toString();
document.getElementById(side.toString() + "-y").innerHTML = side.y.toString();
drawDot(side.x, side.y, side.canvas);
* Draws a dot in a canvas.
* @param x The x-coordinate to place the dot.
* @param y The y-coordinate to place the dot.
* @param canvas The canvas to draw on.
function drawDot(x, y, canvas) {
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
ctx.fillRect(x - 0.5 * DOT_SIZE, y - 0.5 * DOT_SIZE, DOT_SIZE, DOT_SIZE);
* Checks all the inputs have been supplied and are valid. If so, displays the calculated result.
function displayResult() {
if (left.x == null || left.y == null) {
alert("Select a point in the left camera.");
} else if (right.x == null || right.y == null) {
alert("Select a point in the right camera.");
} else if (document.getElementById("angle-of-view").value === "") {
alert("Provide a valid half angle-of-view.");
} else if (document.getElementById("camera-distance").value === "") {
alert("Provide a valid distance between cameras.");
} else if (left.image.width !== right.image.width) {
alert("The images should be the same width.");
document.getElementById("result-title").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = calculateDistance().toString() + " Meters";
* Calculates the distance to the object based on the equation proposed in the paper
* http://www.icoci.cms.net.my/proceedings/2017/Pdf_Version_Chap04e/PID105-235-242e.pdf. Also converts the distance from
* inches to metres if necessary.
* @returns {number} The distance in metres.
function calculateDistance() {
let angle_of_view = Number(document.getElementById("angle-of-view").value);
let angle_of_view_radians = angle_of_view * Math.PI / 180;
let distance = Number(document.getElementById("camera-distance").value);
if ($('#distance-unit').html() === "Inches") {
distance = inchesToMetres(distance);
return (distance * left.image.width) / (2 * Math.tan(angle_of_view_radians / 2) * (left.x - right.x));
* Converts metres to inches.
* @param metres Int distance in metres.
* @returns {number} Int distance in inches.
function metresToInches(metres) {
return metres * 39.37007874;
* Converts inches to metres.
* @param inches Int distance in inches.
* @returns {number} Int distance in metres.
function inchesToMetres(inches) {
return inches / 39.37007874;