const MAX_DOTS = 6;
const MIN_DOTS = 2;
var patternsFound = [];
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#dot-0').on('click', function () {toggleColour(0)});
$('#dot-1').on('click', function () {toggleColour(1)});
$('#dot-2').on('click', function () {toggleColour(2)});
$('#dot-3').on('click', function () {toggleColour(3)});
$('#dot-4').on('click', function () {toggleColour(4)});
$('#dot-5').on('click', function () {toggleColour(5)});
$('#number-of-dots').on('change', function () {updateNumberOfDots()});
* Toggles dot-x between black and white, where x is in [0, MAX_DOTS - 1].
* Then calls updatePatternsFound();
function toggleColour(x) {
$('#dot-' + x).toggleClass('white');
* Updates the number of dots visible.
* Sets all visible dots to white and resets the patterns found
function updateNumberOfDots() {
var number = $('#number-of-dots').val();
for (var i=0; i < number; i++) {
$('#dot-' + i).removeClass('d-none');
$('#dot-' + i).addClass('white');
for (i=number; i < MAX_DOTS; i++) {
$('#dot-' + i).addClass('d-none');
* Resets the patterns found to be none, then calls updatePatternsFound()
function resetPatternsFound() {
patternsFound = [];
* If the current pattern is not in the list of already found patterns,
* adds it and calls displayPatternsFound().
* Also shows or hides the congratulations message depending on if all 2^x patterns have been found
function updatePatternsFound() {
var i = 0;
$nextDot = $('#dot-' + i);
currentPattern = '';
while (!$nextDot.hasClass('d-none') && i < MAX_DOTS) {
currentPattern += ($nextDot.hasClass('white')? 'T':'F');
$nextDot = $('#dot-' + i);
if (patternsFound.indexOf(currentPattern) < 0) {
if (patternsFound.length >= 2 ** $('#number-of-dots').val()) {
} else {
var dotCombosFound = ngettext('You have found 1 combination.', 'You have found %(combos)s combinations.', patternsFound.length);
$('#dot-combinations-count').html(interpolate(dotCombosFound, {"combos": patternsFound.length}, true));
* Builds a formatted html string of the currently found patterns, and displays it appropriately
function displayPatternsFound() {
var displayHtml = '';
for (var i=0; i < patternsFound.length; i++) {
displayHtml += createDotPattern(patternsFound[i]);
* Returns a formatted HTML section of divs to represent the given pattern as a sequence of white and black dots
function createDotPattern(pattern) {
var returnHtml = '<div class="col dot-solution mx-1 my-3">\n';
for (var i=0; i < pattern.length; i++) {
returnHtml += ' <div class="div-circle little ' + ((pattern.charAt(i) == 'T')? 'white':'') + '"></div>\n'
returnHtml += '</div>\n';
return returnHtml;