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3 hrs
Test Coverage
 * A script for handling the interactivity of the Fitts' law experiment interactive.

 * How many clickable columns (div elements) there are.
 * @type {number}
let numCols = 0;

 * The time the timer started. Required to determine how long it took the user to click the current target. Reset every
 * time the user successfully clicks the current target.
 * @type {Date}
let startTime = null;

 * A flag for switching between placing the target on the left or right.
 * @type {boolean}
let swap = false;

 * The mouse X-coordinate of the last time the user clicked the target. Used to determine the distance to the new
 * target.
 * @type {number}
let lastMousePosition = null;

 * Keeps track of which iteration the script is at for the current set.
 * @type {number}
let count = 0;

 * The number of iterations per set.
 * @type {number}
const MAX_COUNT = 11;

 * A list of the clickable column elements.
 * @type {*[]}
let cols = [];

 * A list of lists. Each list is a pair of elements representing (colIndex, width). Used to ensure all possible
 * combinations have been used.
 * @type {*[]}
let colsToWidths = [];

 * The current pair selected from colsToWidths.
 * @type {null}
let currentColToWidth = null;

 * A list of lists. The ith element is the results for the ith set. Each list contains POJOs with 'distance',
 * 'width', and 'time' keys.
 * @type {*[]}
let results = [];

 * The index of which set the script is at. There are as many sets as elements in colsToWidths.
 * @type {number}
let set = 0;

 * The div element that appears when the game is over.
 * @type {null}
let finishScreenDiv = null;

 * The div element that appears when the game is over.
 * @type {null}
let endOfGameControlsDiv = null;

 * The Datatable for displaying the results.
 * @type {null}
let table = null;

 * The number of successful clicks remaining in the experiment.
 * @type {null}
let clicksRemaining = null;

 * The span element for showing the number of successful clicks
 * remaining in the experiment.
 * @type {null}
let clicksRemainingSpan = null;

 * Initialises the page. Sets some of the global variables. Sets up the results datatable. Adds click events to the
 * columns and play again button. Calls reset for the first time.
$(document).ready(function() {
    numCols = $('.col').length;
    cols = $(".col").map(function() { return this; }).get();
    endOfGameControlsDiv = document.getElementById("end-of-game-controls-div");
    finishScreenDiv = document.getElementById("finish-screen");
    clicksRemainingSpan = document.getElementById("clicks-remaining");
    table = $('#results-table').DataTable( {
        "paging":   false,
        "info":     false,
        "searching": false,
        "oLanguage": {
            "sEmptyTable": "Complete the experiment to show statistics"
        "dom": 'frti',
        "buttons": [

    for (let col of cols) {

 * Prepares state for the next game. Re-hides the play again div and clears the results table. Clears the results list
 * and resets the set number back to zero. Repopulates the colsToWidths list.
 * Picks and removes a random element from the colsToWidths and sets it to currentColToWidth. Calls setColumns and
 * starts the timer.
function reset() {
    endOfGameControlsDiv.hidden = true;
    finishScreenDiv.hidden = true;
    results = [];
    set = 0;

    for (let col = 0; col < Math.floor(numCols / 2); col++) {
        for (let width = 1; width <= 3; width++) {
            colsToWidths.push({ "col": col, "width": width })
    for (let i = 0; i < colsToWidths.length; i++) {

    clicksRemaining = (MAX_COUNT * colsToWidths.length) + 1;
    clicksRemainingSpan.textContent = clicksRemaining;

    currentColToWidth = getRandomItemFromList(colsToWidths);
    colsToWidths.splice(colsToWidths.indexOf(currentColToWidth), 1);
    setColumns(currentColToWidth["col"], currentColToWidth["width"]);
    startTime = new Date().getTime();

 * Handles when a column is clicked.
 * Calculates the time it took the user to click the column, and the distance from the last successful click to the
 * center of this column. Adds an entry to the corresponding set in results.
 * If the count has reached MAX_COUNT then the set is over. Another element is selected from colsToWidths and calls
 * setColumns with the new currentColToWidth or the old one if the set is not over yet. If colsToWidths is empty,
 * then all set are complete, thus showResults is called.
 * Restarts the timer.
 * @param event The click event. Used to obtain the coordinates of the click.
function clickHandler(event) {
    if (this.classList.contains("bg-danger")) {
        let end = new Date().getTime();
        let time = end - startTime;
        let width = this.offsetWidth;
        let distance = Math.abs((this.offsetLeft + this.offsetWidth / 2) - lastMousePosition);
        results[set].push({ "distance": distance, "time": time, "width": width });

        lastMousePosition = event.pageX;
        clicksRemainingSpan.textContent = clicksRemaining;
        if (count === MAX_COUNT) {
            currentColToWidth = getRandomItemFromList(colsToWidths);

            count = 0;
            if (currentColToWidth == null) {
            colsToWidths.splice(colsToWidths.indexOf(currentColToWidth), 1);
        setColumns(currentColToWidth["col"], currentColToWidth["width"]);
        startTime = new Date().getTime();

 * Updates the current pair of columns for the current set. One column from this pair is the target. The swap flag
 * is used to switch the target every time.
 * @param index The index of the left column for the current set. The right column can be determined from this.
 * @param width The width for the target. This is a BootStrap col width (i.e. not pixel widths).
function setColumns(index, width) {
    let otherIndex = numCols - 1 - index;
    if (swap) {
        [index, otherIndex] = [otherIndex, index];
    swap = !swap;

    cols[index].classList.replace("col", "col-" + width);
    cols[otherIndex].classList.replace("col", "col-" + width);

 * Resets all the col divs by ensuring the cols only have the col class.
function resetCols() {
    for (let col of cols) {
        col.className = "col";

 * Returns a random element from a given list.
 * @param list The list to pick from.
 * @return {*} The element from the list.
function getRandomItemFromList(list) {
    return list[Math.floor(Math.random()*list.length)];

 * Shows the results for the last game.
 * Un-hides the play again div. Iterates through all the set lists in results. Determines the average distance and
 * time, the target width, the set number, and index of difficulty for each set. Adds a new row to the results
 * table for that set.
 * Note the first successful click of each set is ignored. This is because this is the first time the target pair has
 * changed, meaning this would have a significant different in the distance from the rest of the entries in the set.
function showResults() {
    endOfGameControlsDiv.hidden = false;
    finishScreenDiv.hidden = false;

    for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        let setList = results[i];
        let averageDistance = Math.round(setList.reduce((partial_sum, result) => partial_sum + result["distance"], 0)
        / setList.length * 100)  / 100;
        let averageTime = Math.round(setList.reduce((partial_sum, result) => partial_sum + result["time"], 0)
        / setList.length * 100) / 100;
        let width = setList[0]["width"];
        let set = i + 1;
        let indexOfDifficulty = Math.round(Math.log2(averageDistance / width + 1) * 100) / 100;

        ]).draw( false );

 * Downloads the table data as a CSV file.
function downloadCSV() {