* JS for setting up the SVG arrows
* loosely based on:
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6278152/drawing-a-connecting-line-between-two-elements
* and:
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20037122/draw-an-arrow-between-two-divs
var analysisDiv;
var designDiv;
var implementationDiv;
var testingDiv;
var feedbackDiv;
var analysisToDesignArrow;
var designToImplementationArrow;
var implementationToTestingArrow;
var testingToAnalysisArrow;
var feedbackArrow;
$(document).ready(function() {
analysisDiv = $('#analysis');
designDiv = $('#design');
implementationDiv = $('#implementation');
testingDiv = $('#testing');
feedbackDiv = $('#feedback-text');
analysisToDesignArrow = $('#analysis-design');
designToImplementationArrow = $('#design-implementation');
implementationToTestingArrow = $('#implementation-testing');
testingToAnalysisArrow = $('#testing-analysis');
feedbackArrow = $('#feedback');
window.onresize = function() {
createArrow(analysisToDesignArrow, analysisDiv, designDiv, 1);
createArrow(designToImplementationArrow, designDiv, implementationDiv, 2);
createArrow(implementationToTestingArrow, implementationDiv, testingDiv, 3);
createArrow(testingToAnalysisArrow, testingDiv, analysisDiv, 4);
createFeedbackArrow(feedbackArrow, feedbackDiv);
* Sets the svg for the given arrow so that it curves from the 'from' div to
* the 'to' div.
* order specifies which arrow it is, of four, in clockwise order
function createArrow(arrow, from, to, order) {
var fromLocation = from.offset();
var toLocation = to.offset();
var start = [0,0];
var end = [0,0];
var endpointOffset = [0,0]; // To account for the arrowhead
switch(order) {
endpointOffset = [0, -13];
start = [(fromLocation.left + from.width()), (fromLocation.top + from.height() / 2)];
end = [(toLocation.left + to.width() / 2 + endpointOffset[0]), (toLocation.top + endpointOffset[1])];
endpointOffset = [13, 0];
start = [(fromLocation.left + from.width() / 2), (fromLocation.top + from.height())];
end = [(toLocation.left + to.width() + endpointOffset[0]), (toLocation.top + to.height() / 2 + endpointOffset[1])];
endpointOffset = [0, 13];
start = [(fromLocation.left), (fromLocation.top + from.height() / 2)];
end = [(toLocation.left + to.width() / 2 + endpointOffset[0]), (toLocation.top + to.height() + endpointOffset[1])];
endpointOffset = [-13, 0];
start = [(fromLocation.left + from.width() / 2), (fromLocation.top)];
end = [(toLocation.left + endpointOffset[0]), (toLocation.top + to.height() / 2 + endpointOffset[1])];
console.log("Strange value entered as order number: " + order);
buildCurvedArrow(arrow, start, end);
* Creates an arrow from the div's height below the div, to the bottom
* right corner of the div.
function createFeedbackArrow(arrow, div) {
var divLocation = div.offset();
var start = [(divLocation.left + div.width() / 2), (divLocation.top + div.height() * 2)];
var end = [(divLocation.left + div.width()), (divLocation.top + div.height())];
buildCurvedArrow(arrow, start, end);
* Based on defining a 90 degree curve as a partial ellipse:
* start: (x1,y1)
* curve: (x2-x1,y2-y1) will make it have the line start and end perpendicular to the divs
* end: (x2,y2)
function buildCurvedArrow(arrow, start, end) {
var curve = [0,0];
var line = "M";
curve = [end[0] - start[0], end[1] - start[1]];
line += start[0] + "," + start[1] + " A" + curve[0] + "," + curve[1];
line += " 0 0,1 "; // Rotation and boolean flags, constant
line += end[0] + "," + end[1];
arrow.attr('d', line);