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 * Scroller
 * http://github.com/zynga/scroller
 * Copyright 2011, Zynga Inc.
 * Licensed under the MIT License.
 * https://raw.github.com/zynga/scroller/master/MIT-LICENSE.txt
 * Based on the work of: Unify Project (unify-project.org)
 * http://unify-project.org
 * Copyright 2011, Deutsche Telekom AG
 * License: MIT + Apache (V2)

var Scroller;

(function() {
    var NOOP = function(){};

     * A pure logic 'component' for 'virtual' scrolling/zooming.
    Scroller = function(callback, options) {

        this.__callback = callback;

        this.options = {

            /** Enable scrolling on x-axis */
            scrollingX: true,

            /** Enable scrolling on y-axis */
            scrollingY: true,

            /** Enable animations for deceleration, snap back, zooming and scrolling */
            animating: true,

            /** duration for animations triggered by scrollTo/zoomTo */
            animationDuration: 250,

            /** Enable bouncing (content can be slowly moved outside and jumps back after releasing) */
            bouncing: true,

            /** Enable locking to the main axis if user moves only slightly on one of them at start */
            locking: true,

            /** Enable pagination mode (switching between full page content panes) */
            paging: false,

            /** Enable snapping of content to a configured pixel grid */
            snapping: false,

            /** Enable zooming of content via API, fingers and mouse wheel */
            zooming: false,

            /** Minimum zoom level */
            minZoom: 0.5,

            /** Maximum zoom level */
            maxZoom: 3,

            /** Multiply or decrease scrolling speed **/
            speedMultiplier: 1,

            /** Callback that is fired on the later of touch end or deceleration end,
                provided that another scrolling action has not begun. Used to know
                when to fade out a scrollbar. */
            scrollingComplete: NOOP,
            /** This configures the amount of change applied to deceleration when reaching boundaries  **/
            penetrationDeceleration : 0.03,

            /** This configures the amount of change applied to acceleration when reaching boundaries  **/
            penetrationAcceleration : 0.08


        for (var key in options) {
            this.options[key] = options[key];


    // Easing Equations (c) 2003 Robert Penner, all rights reserved.
    // Open source under the BSD License.

     * @param pos {Number} position between 0 (start of effect) and 1 (end of effect)
    var easeOutCubic = function(pos) {
        return (Math.pow((pos - 1), 3) + 1);

     * @param pos {Number} position between 0 (start of effect) and 1 (end of effect)
    var easeInOutCubic = function(pos) {
        if ((pos /= 0.5) < 1) {
            return 0.5 * Math.pow(pos, 3);

        return 0.5 * (Math.pow((pos - 2), 3) + 2);

    var members = {


        /** {Boolean} Whether only a single finger is used in touch handling */
        __isSingleTouch: false,

        /** {Boolean} Whether a touch event sequence is in progress */
        __isTracking: false,

        /** {Boolean} Whether a deceleration animation went to completion. */
        __didDecelerationComplete: false,

         * {Boolean} Whether a gesture zoom/rotate event is in progress. Activates when
         * a gesturestart event happens. This has higher priority than dragging.
        __isGesturing: false,

         * {Boolean} Whether the user has moved by such a distance that we have enabled
         * dragging mode. Hint: It's only enabled after some pixels of movement to
         * not interrupt with clicks etc.
        __isDragging: false,

         * {Boolean} Not touching and dragging anymore, and smoothly animating the
         * touch sequence using deceleration.
        __isDecelerating: false,

         * {Boolean} Smoothly animating the currently configured change
        __isAnimating: false,


        /** {Integer} Available outer left position (from document perspective) */
        __clientLeft: 0,

        /** {Integer} Available outer top position (from document perspective) */
        __clientTop: 0,

        /** {Integer} Available outer width */
        __clientWidth: 0,

        /** {Integer} Available outer height */
        __clientHeight: 0,

        /** {Integer} Outer width of content */
        __contentWidth: 0,

        /** {Integer} Outer height of content */
        __contentHeight: 0,

        /** {Integer} Snapping width for content */
        __snapWidth: 50,

        /** {Integer} Snapping height for content */
        __snapHeight: 50,

        /** {Integer} Height to assign to refresh area */
        __refreshHeight: null,

        /** {Boolean} Whether the refresh process is enabled when the event is released now */
        __refreshActive: false,

        /** {Function} Callback to execute on activation. This is for signalling the user about a refresh is about to happen when he release */
        __refreshActivate: null,

        /** {Function} Callback to execute on deactivation. This is for signalling the user about the refresh being cancelled */
        __refreshDeactivate: null,

        /** {Function} Callback to execute to start the actual refresh. Call {@link #refreshFinish} when done */
        __refreshStart: null,

        /** {Number} Zoom level */
        // Changed to 0.8 for this interactive
        __zoomLevel: 0.8,

        /** {Number} Scroll position on x-axis */
        __scrollLeft: 0,

        /** {Number} Scroll position on y-axis */
        __scrollTop: 0,

        /** {Integer} Maximum allowed scroll position on x-axis */
        __maxScrollLeft: 0,

        /** {Integer} Maximum allowed scroll position on y-axis */
        __maxScrollTop: 0,

        /* {Number} Scheduled left position (final position when animating) */
        __scheduledLeft: 0,

        /* {Number} Scheduled top position (final position when animating) */
        __scheduledTop: 0,

        /* {Number} Scheduled zoom level (final scale when animating) */
        __scheduledZoom: 0,


        /** {Number} Left position of finger at start */
        __lastTouchLeft: null,

        /** {Number} Top position of finger at start */
        __lastTouchTop: null,

        /** {Date} Timestamp of last move of finger. Used to limit tracking range for deceleration speed. */
        __lastTouchMove: null,

        /** {Array} List of positions, uses three indexes for each state: left, top, timestamp */
        __positions: null,


        /** {Integer} Minimum left scroll position during deceleration */
        __minDecelerationScrollLeft: null,

        /** {Integer} Minimum top scroll position during deceleration */
        __minDecelerationScrollTop: null,

        /** {Integer} Maximum left scroll position during deceleration */
        __maxDecelerationScrollLeft: null,

        /** {Integer} Maximum top scroll position during deceleration */
        __maxDecelerationScrollTop: null,

        /** {Number} Current factor to modify horizontal scroll position with on every step */
        __decelerationVelocityX: null,

        /** {Number} Current factor to modify vertical scroll position with on every step */
        __decelerationVelocityY: null,

            PUBLIC API

         * Configures the dimensions of the client (outer) and content (inner) elements.
         * Requires the available space for the outer element and the outer size of the inner element.
         * All values which are falsy (null or zero etc.) are ignored and the old value is kept.
         * @param clientWidth {Integer ? null} Inner width of outer element
         * @param clientHeight {Integer ? null} Inner height of outer element
         * @param contentWidth {Integer ? null} Outer width of inner element
         * @param contentHeight {Integer ? null} Outer height of inner element
        setDimensions: function(clientWidth, clientHeight, contentWidth, contentHeight) {

            var self = this;

            // Only update values which are defined
            if (clientWidth === +clientWidth) {
                self.__clientWidth = clientWidth;

            if (clientHeight === +clientHeight) {
                self.__clientHeight = clientHeight;

            if (contentWidth === +contentWidth) {
                self.__contentWidth = contentWidth;

            if (contentHeight === +contentHeight) {
                self.__contentHeight = contentHeight;

            // Refresh maximums

            // Refresh scroll position
            self.scrollTo(self.__scrollLeft, self.__scrollTop, true);


         * Sets the client coordinates in relation to the document.
         * @param left {Integer ? 0} Left position of outer element
         * @param top {Integer ? 0} Top position of outer element
        setPosition: function(left, top) {

            var self = this;

            self.__clientLeft = left || 0;
            self.__clientTop = top || 0;


         * Configures the snapping (when snapping is active)
         * @param width {Integer} Snapping width
         * @param height {Integer} Snapping height
        setSnapSize: function(width, height) {

            var self = this;

            self.__snapWidth = width;
            self.__snapHeight = height;


         * Activates pull-to-refresh. A special zone on the top of the list to start a list refresh whenever
         * the user event is released during visibility of this zone. This was introduced by some apps on iOS like
         * the official Twitter client.
         * @param height {Integer} Height of pull-to-refresh zone on top of rendered list
         * @param activateCallback {Function} Callback to execute on activation. This is for signalling the user about a refresh is about to happen when he release.
         * @param deactivateCallback {Function} Callback to execute on deactivation. This is for signalling the user about the refresh being cancelled.
         * @param startCallback {Function} Callback to execute to start the real async refresh action. Call {@link #finishPullToRefresh} after finish of refresh.
        activatePullToRefresh: function(height, activateCallback, deactivateCallback, startCallback) {

            var self = this;

            self.__refreshHeight = height;
            self.__refreshActivate = activateCallback;
            self.__refreshDeactivate = deactivateCallback;
            self.__refreshStart = startCallback;


         * Starts pull-to-refresh manually.
        triggerPullToRefresh: function() {
            // Use publish instead of scrollTo to allow scrolling to out of boundary position
            // We don't need to normalize scrollLeft, zoomLevel, etc. here because we only y-scrolling when pull-to-refresh is enabled
            this.__publish(this.__scrollLeft, -this.__refreshHeight, this.__zoomLevel, true);

            if (this.__refreshStart) {

         * Signalizes that pull-to-refresh is finished.
        finishPullToRefresh: function() {

            var self = this;

            self.__refreshActive = false;
            if (self.__refreshDeactivate) {

            self.scrollTo(self.__scrollLeft, self.__scrollTop, true);


         * Returns the scroll position and zooming values
         * @return {Map} `left` and `top` scroll position and `zoom` level
        getValues: function() {

            var self = this;

            return {
                left: self.__scrollLeft,
                top: self.__scrollTop,
                zoom: self.__zoomLevel


         * Returns the maximum scroll values
         * @return {Map} `left` and `top` maximum scroll values
        getScrollMax: function() {

            var self = this;

            return {
                left: self.__maxScrollLeft,
                top: self.__maxScrollTop


         * Zooms to the given level. Supports optional animation. Zooms
         * the center when no coordinates are given.
         * @param level {Number} Level to zoom to
         * @param animate {Boolean ? false} Whether to use animation
         * @param originLeft {Number ? null} Zoom in at given left coordinate
         * @param originTop {Number ? null} Zoom in at given top coordinate
         * @param callback {Function ? null} A callback that gets fired when the zoom is complete.
        zoomTo: function(level, animate, originLeft, originTop, callback) {

            var self = this;

            if (!self.options.zooming) {
                throw new Error("Zooming is not enabled!");

            // Add callback if exists
            if(callback) {
                self.__zoomComplete = callback;

            // Stop deceleration
            if (self.__isDecelerating) {
                self.__isDecelerating = false;

            var oldLevel = self.__zoomLevel;

            // Normalize input origin to center of viewport if not defined
            if (originLeft == null) {
                originLeft = self.__clientWidth / 2;

            if (originTop == null) {
                originTop = self.__clientHeight / 2;

            // Limit level according to configuration
            level = Math.max(Math.min(level, self.options.maxZoom), self.options.minZoom);

            // Recompute maximum values while temporary tweaking maximum scroll ranges

            // Recompute left and top coordinates based on new zoom level
            var left = ((originLeft + self.__scrollLeft) * level / oldLevel) - originLeft;
            var top = ((originTop + self.__scrollTop) * level / oldLevel) - originTop;

            // Limit x-axis
            if (left > self.__maxScrollLeft) {
                left = self.__maxScrollLeft;
            } else if (left < 0) {
                left = 0;

            // Limit y-axis
            if (top > self.__maxScrollTop) {
                top = self.__maxScrollTop;
            } else if (top < 0) {
                top = 0;

            // Push values out
            self.__publish(left, top, level, animate);


         * Zooms the content by the given factor.
         * @param factor {Number} Zoom by given factor
         * @param animate {Boolean ? false} Whether to use animation
         * @param originLeft {Number ? 0} Zoom in at given left coordinate
         * @param originTop {Number ? 0} Zoom in at given top coordinate
         * @param callback {Function ? null} A callback that gets fired when the zoom is complete.
        zoomBy: function(factor, animate, originLeft, originTop, callback) {

            var self = this;

            self.zoomTo(self.__zoomLevel * factor, animate, originLeft, originTop, callback);


         * Scrolls to the given position. Respect limitations and snapping automatically.
         * @param left {Number?null} Horizontal scroll position, keeps current if value is <code>null</code>
         * @param top {Number?null} Vertical scroll position, keeps current if value is <code>null</code>
         * @param animate {Boolean?false} Whether the scrolling should happen using an animation
         * @param zoom {Number?null} Zoom level to go to
        scrollTo: function(left, top, animate, zoom) {

            var self = this;

            // Stop deceleration
            if (self.__isDecelerating) {
                self.__isDecelerating = false;

            // Correct coordinates based on new zoom level
            if (zoom != null && zoom !== self.__zoomLevel) {

                if (!self.options.zooming) {
                    throw new Error("Zooming is not enabled!");

                left *= zoom;
                top *= zoom;

                // Recompute maximum values while temporary tweaking maximum scroll ranges

            } else {

                // Keep zoom when not defined
                zoom = self.__zoomLevel;


            if (!self.options.scrollingX) {

                left = self.__scrollLeft;

            } else {

                if (self.options.paging) {
                    left = Math.round(left / self.__clientWidth) * self.__clientWidth;
                } else if (self.options.snapping) {
                    left = Math.round(left / self.__snapWidth) * self.__snapWidth;


            if (!self.options.scrollingY) {

                top = self.__scrollTop;

            } else {

                if (self.options.paging) {
                    top = Math.round(top / self.__clientHeight) * self.__clientHeight;
                } else if (self.options.snapping) {
                    top = Math.round(top / self.__snapHeight) * self.__snapHeight;


            // Limit for allowed ranges
            left = Math.max(Math.min(self.__maxScrollLeft, left), 0);
            top = Math.max(Math.min(self.__maxScrollTop, top), 0);

            // Don't animate when no change detected, still call publish to make sure
            // that rendered position is really in-sync with internal data
            if (left === self.__scrollLeft && top === self.__scrollTop) {
                animate = false;

            // Publish new values
            self.__publish(left, top, zoom, animate);


         * Scroll by the given offset
         * @param left {Number ? 0} Scroll x-axis by given offset
         * @param top {Number ? 0} Scroll x-axis by given offset
         * @param animate {Boolean ? false} Whether to animate the given change
        scrollBy: function(left, top, animate) {

            var self = this;

            var startLeft = self.__isAnimating ? self.__scheduledLeft : self.__scrollLeft;
            var startTop = self.__isAnimating ? self.__scheduledTop : self.__scrollTop;

            self.scrollTo(startLeft + (left || 0), startTop + (top || 0), animate);



         * Mouse wheel handler for zooming support
        doMouseZoom: function(wheelDelta, timeStamp, pageX, pageY) {

            var self = this;
            var change = wheelDelta > 0 ? 0.97 : 1.03;

            return self.zoomTo(self.__zoomLevel * change, false, pageX - self.__clientLeft, pageY - self.__clientTop);


         * Touch start handler for scrolling support
        doTouchStart: function(touches, timeStamp) {

            // Array-like check is enough here
            if (touches.length == null) {
                throw new Error("Invalid touch list: " + touches);

            if (timeStamp instanceof Date) {
                timeStamp = timeStamp.valueOf();
            if (typeof timeStamp !== "number") {
                throw new Error("Invalid timestamp value: " + timeStamp);

            var self = this;

            // Reset interruptedAnimation flag
            self.__interruptedAnimation = true;

            // Stop deceleration
            if (self.__isDecelerating) {
                self.__isDecelerating = false;
                self.__interruptedAnimation = true;

            // Stop animation
            if (self.__isAnimating) {
                self.__isAnimating = false;
                self.__interruptedAnimation = true;

            // Use center point when dealing with two fingers
            var currentTouchLeft, currentTouchTop;
            var isSingleTouch = touches.length === 1;
            if (isSingleTouch) {
                currentTouchLeft = touches[0].pageX;
                currentTouchTop = touches[0].pageY;
            } else {
                currentTouchLeft = Math.abs(touches[0].pageX + touches[1].pageX) / 2;
                currentTouchTop = Math.abs(touches[0].pageY + touches[1].pageY) / 2;

            // Store initial positions
            self.__initialTouchLeft = currentTouchLeft;
            self.__initialTouchTop = currentTouchTop;

            // Store current zoom level
            self.__zoomLevelStart = self.__zoomLevel;

            // Store initial touch positions
            self.__lastTouchLeft = currentTouchLeft;
            self.__lastTouchTop = currentTouchTop;

            // Store initial move time stamp
            self.__lastTouchMove = timeStamp;

            // Reset initial scale
            self.__lastScale = 1;

            // Reset locking flags
            self.__enableScrollX = !isSingleTouch && self.options.scrollingX;
            self.__enableScrollY = !isSingleTouch && self.options.scrollingY;

            // Reset tracking flag
            self.__isTracking = true;

            // Reset deceleration complete flag
            self.__didDecelerationComplete = false;

            // Dragging starts directly with two fingers, otherwise lazy with an offset
            self.__isDragging = !isSingleTouch;

            // Some features are disabled in multi touch scenarios
            self.__isSingleTouch = isSingleTouch;

            // Clearing data structure
            self.__positions = [];


         * Touch move handler for scrolling support
        doTouchMove: function(touches, timeStamp, scale) {

            // Array-like check is enough here
            if (touches.length == null) {
                throw new Error("Invalid touch list: " + touches);

            if (timeStamp instanceof Date) {
                timeStamp = timeStamp.valueOf();
            if (typeof timeStamp !== "number") {
                throw new Error("Invalid timestamp value: " + timeStamp);

            var self = this;

            // Ignore event when tracking is not enabled (event might be outside of element)
            if (!self.__isTracking) {

            var currentTouchLeft, currentTouchTop;

            // Compute move based around of center of fingers
            if (touches.length === 2) {
                currentTouchLeft = Math.abs(touches[0].pageX + touches[1].pageX) / 2;
                currentTouchTop = Math.abs(touches[0].pageY + touches[1].pageY) / 2;
            } else {
                currentTouchLeft = touches[0].pageX;
                currentTouchTop = touches[0].pageY;

            var positions = self.__positions;

            // Are we already is dragging mode?
            if (self.__isDragging) {

                // Compute move distance
                var moveX = currentTouchLeft - self.__lastTouchLeft;
                var moveY = currentTouchTop - self.__lastTouchTop;

                // Read previous scroll position and zooming
                var scrollLeft = self.__scrollLeft;
                var scrollTop = self.__scrollTop;
                var level = self.__zoomLevel;

                // Work with scaling
                if (scale != null && self.options.zooming) {

                    var oldLevel = level;

                    // Recompute level based on previous scale and new scale
                    level = level / self.__lastScale * scale;

                    // Limit level according to configuration
                    level = Math.max(Math.min(level, self.options.maxZoom), self.options.minZoom);

                    // Only do further compution when change happened
                    if (oldLevel !== level) {

                        // Compute relative event position to container
                        var currentTouchLeftRel = currentTouchLeft - self.__clientLeft;
                        var currentTouchTopRel = currentTouchTop - self.__clientTop;

                        // Recompute left and top coordinates based on new zoom level
                        scrollLeft = ((currentTouchLeftRel + scrollLeft) * level / oldLevel) - currentTouchLeftRel;
                        scrollTop = ((currentTouchTopRel + scrollTop) * level / oldLevel) - currentTouchTopRel;

                        // Recompute max scroll values


                if (self.__enableScrollX) {

                    scrollLeft -= moveX * this.options.speedMultiplier;
                    var maxScrollLeft = self.__maxScrollLeft;

                    if (scrollLeft > maxScrollLeft || scrollLeft < 0) {

                        // Slow down on the edges
                        if (self.options.bouncing) {

                            scrollLeft += (moveX / 2  * this.options.speedMultiplier);

                        } else if (scrollLeft > maxScrollLeft) {

                            scrollLeft = maxScrollLeft;

                        } else {

                            scrollLeft = 0;


                // Compute new vertical scroll position
                if (self.__enableScrollY) {

                    scrollTop -= moveY * this.options.speedMultiplier;
                    var maxScrollTop = self.__maxScrollTop;

                    if (scrollTop > maxScrollTop || scrollTop < 0) {

                        // Slow down on the edges
                        if (self.options.bouncing) {

                            scrollTop += (moveY / 2 * this.options.speedMultiplier);

                            // Support pull-to-refresh (only when only y is scrollable)
                            if (!self.__enableScrollX && self.__refreshHeight != null) {

                                if (!self.__refreshActive && scrollTop <= -self.__refreshHeight) {

                                    self.__refreshActive = true;
                                    if (self.__refreshActivate) {

                                } else if (self.__refreshActive && scrollTop > -self.__refreshHeight) {

                                    self.__refreshActive = false;
                                    if (self.__refreshDeactivate) {


                        } else if (scrollTop > maxScrollTop) {

                            scrollTop = maxScrollTop;

                        } else {

                            scrollTop = 0;


                // Keep list from growing infinitely (holding min 10, max 20 measure points)
                if (positions.length > 60) {
                    positions.splice(0, 30);

                // Track scroll movement for decleration
                positions.push(scrollLeft, scrollTop, timeStamp);

                // Sync scroll position
                self.__publish(scrollLeft, scrollTop, level);

            // Otherwise figure out whether we are switching into dragging mode now.
            } else {

                var minimumTrackingForScroll = self.options.locking ? 3 : 0;
                var minimumTrackingForDrag = 5;

                var distanceX = Math.abs(currentTouchLeft - self.__initialTouchLeft);
                var distanceY = Math.abs(currentTouchTop - self.__initialTouchTop);

                self.__enableScrollX = self.options.scrollingX && distanceX >= minimumTrackingForScroll;
                self.__enableScrollY = self.options.scrollingY && distanceY >= minimumTrackingForScroll;

                positions.push(self.__scrollLeft, self.__scrollTop, timeStamp);

                self.__isDragging = (self.__enableScrollX || self.__enableScrollY) && (distanceX >= minimumTrackingForDrag || distanceY >= minimumTrackingForDrag);
                if (self.__isDragging) {
                    self.__interruptedAnimation = false;


            // Update last touch positions and time stamp for next event
            self.__lastTouchLeft = currentTouchLeft;
            self.__lastTouchTop = currentTouchTop;
            self.__lastTouchMove = timeStamp;
            self.__lastScale = scale;


         * Touch end handler for scrolling support
        doTouchEnd: function(timeStamp) {

            if (timeStamp instanceof Date) {
                timeStamp = timeStamp.valueOf();
            if (typeof timeStamp !== "number") {
                throw new Error("Invalid timestamp value: " + timeStamp);

            var self = this;

            // Ignore event when tracking is not enabled (no touchstart event on element)
            // This is required as this listener ('touchmove') sits on the document and not on the element itself.
            if (!self.__isTracking) {

            // Not touching anymore (when two finger hit the screen there are two touch end events)
            self.__isTracking = false;

            // Be sure to reset the dragging flag now. Here we also detect whether
            // the finger has moved fast enough to switch into a deceleration animation.
            if (self.__isDragging) {

                // Reset dragging flag
                self.__isDragging = false;

                // Start deceleration
                // Verify that the last move detected was in some relevant time frame
                if (self.__isSingleTouch && self.options.animating && (timeStamp - self.__lastTouchMove) <= 100) {

                    // Then figure out what the scroll position was about 100ms ago
                    var positions = self.__positions;
                    var endPos = positions.length - 1;
                    var startPos = endPos;

                    // Move pointer to position measured 100ms ago
                    for (var i = endPos; i > 0 && positions[i] > (self.__lastTouchMove - 100); i -= 3) {
                        startPos = i;

                    // If start and stop position is identical in a 100ms timeframe,
                    // we cannot compute any useful deceleration.
                    if (startPos !== endPos) {

                        // Compute relative movement between these two points
                        var timeOffset = positions[endPos] - positions[startPos];
                        var movedLeft = self.__scrollLeft - positions[startPos - 2];
                        var movedTop = self.__scrollTop - positions[startPos - 1];

                        // Based on 50ms compute the movement to apply for each render step
                        self.__decelerationVelocityX = movedLeft / timeOffset * (1000 / 60);
                        self.__decelerationVelocityY = movedTop / timeOffset * (1000 / 60);

                        // How much velocity is required to start the deceleration
                        var minVelocityToStartDeceleration = self.options.paging || self.options.snapping ? 4 : 1;

                        // Verify that we have enough velocity to start deceleration
                        if (Math.abs(self.__decelerationVelocityX) > minVelocityToStartDeceleration || Math.abs(self.__decelerationVelocityY) > minVelocityToStartDeceleration) {

                            // Deactivate pull-to-refresh when decelerating
                            if (!self.__refreshActive) {
                    } else {
                } else if ((timeStamp - self.__lastTouchMove) > 100) {

            // If this was a slower move it is per default non decelerated, but this
            // still means that we want snap back to the bounds which is done here.
            // This is placed outside the condition above to improve edge case stability
            // e.g. touchend fired without enabled dragging. This should normally do not
            // have modified the scroll positions or even showed the scrollbars though.
            if (!self.__isDecelerating) {

                if (self.__refreshActive && self.__refreshStart) {

                    // Use publish instead of scrollTo to allow scrolling to out of boundary position
                    // We don't need to normalize scrollLeft, zoomLevel, etc. here because we only y-scrolling when pull-to-refresh is enabled
                    self.__publish(self.__scrollLeft, -self.__refreshHeight, self.__zoomLevel, true);

                    if (self.__refreshStart) {

                } else {

                    if (self.__interruptedAnimation || self.__isDragging) {
                    self.scrollTo(self.__scrollLeft, self.__scrollTop, true, self.__zoomLevel);

                    // Directly signalize deactivation (nothing todo on refresh?)
                    if (self.__refreshActive) {

                        self.__refreshActive = false;
                        if (self.__refreshDeactivate) {


            // Fully cleanup list
            self.__positions.length = 0;


            PRIVATE API

         * Applies the scroll position to the content element
         * @param left {Number} Left scroll position
         * @param top {Number} Top scroll position
         * @param animate {Boolean?false} Whether animation should be used to move to the new coordinates
        __publish: function(left, top, zoom, animate) {

            var self = this;

            // Remember whether we had an animation, then we try to continue based on the current "drive" of the animation
            var wasAnimating = self.__isAnimating;
            if (wasAnimating) {
                self.__isAnimating = false;

            if (animate && self.options.animating) {

                // Keep scheduled positions for scrollBy/zoomBy functionality
                self.__scheduledLeft = left;
                self.__scheduledTop = top;
                self.__scheduledZoom = zoom;

                var oldLeft = self.__scrollLeft;
                var oldTop = self.__scrollTop;
                var oldZoom = self.__zoomLevel;

                var diffLeft = left - oldLeft;
                var diffTop = top - oldTop;
                var diffZoom = zoom - oldZoom;

                var step = function(percent, now, render) {

                    if (render) {

                        self.__scrollLeft = oldLeft + (diffLeft * percent);
                        self.__scrollTop = oldTop + (diffTop * percent);
                        self.__zoomLevel = oldZoom + (diffZoom * percent);

                        // Push values out
                        if (self.__callback) {
                            self.__callback(self.__scrollLeft, self.__scrollTop, self.__zoomLevel);


                var verify = function(id) {
                    return self.__isAnimating === id;

                var completed = function(renderedFramesPerSecond, animationId, wasFinished) {
                    if (animationId === self.__isAnimating) {
                        self.__isAnimating = false;
                    if (self.__didDecelerationComplete || wasFinished) {

                    if (self.options.zooming) {
                        if(self.__zoomComplete) {
                            self.__zoomComplete = null;

                // When continuing based on previous animation we choose an ease-out animation instead of ease-in-out
                self.__isAnimating = core.effect.Animate.start(step, verify, completed, self.options.animationDuration, wasAnimating ? easeOutCubic : easeInOutCubic);

            } else {

                self.__scheduledLeft = self.__scrollLeft = left;
                self.__scheduledTop = self.__scrollTop = top;
                self.__scheduledZoom = self.__zoomLevel = zoom;

                // Push values out
                if (self.__callback) {
                    self.__callback(left, top, zoom);

                // Fix max scroll ranges
                if (self.options.zooming) {
                    if(self.__zoomComplete) {
                        self.__zoomComplete = null;

         * Recomputes scroll minimum values based on client dimensions and content dimensions.
        __computeScrollMax: function(zoomLevel) {

            var self = this;

            if (zoomLevel == null) {
                zoomLevel = self.__zoomLevel;

            self.__maxScrollLeft = Math.max((self.__contentWidth * zoomLevel) - self.__clientWidth, 0);
            self.__maxScrollTop = Math.max((self.__contentHeight * zoomLevel) - self.__clientHeight, 0);



         * Called when a touch sequence end and the speed of the finger was high enough
         * to switch into deceleration mode.
        __startDeceleration: function(timeStamp) {

            var self = this;

            if (self.options.paging) {

                var scrollLeft = Math.max(Math.min(self.__scrollLeft, self.__maxScrollLeft), 0);
                var scrollTop = Math.max(Math.min(self.__scrollTop, self.__maxScrollTop), 0);
                var clientWidth = self.__clientWidth;
                var clientHeight = self.__clientHeight;

                // We limit deceleration not to the min/max values of the allowed range, but to the size of the visible client area.
                // Each page should have exactly the size of the client area.
                self.__minDecelerationScrollLeft = Math.floor(scrollLeft / clientWidth) * clientWidth;
                self.__minDecelerationScrollTop = Math.floor(scrollTop / clientHeight) * clientHeight;
                self.__maxDecelerationScrollLeft = Math.ceil(scrollLeft / clientWidth) * clientWidth;
                self.__maxDecelerationScrollTop = Math.ceil(scrollTop / clientHeight) * clientHeight;

            } else {

                self.__minDecelerationScrollLeft = 0;
                self.__minDecelerationScrollTop = 0;
                self.__maxDecelerationScrollLeft = self.__maxScrollLeft;
                self.__maxDecelerationScrollTop = self.__maxScrollTop;


            // Wrap class method
            var step = function(percent, now, render) {

            // How much velocity is required to keep the deceleration running
            var minVelocityToKeepDecelerating = self.options.snapping ? 4 : 0.1;

            // Detect whether it's still worth to continue animating steps
            // If we are already slow enough to not being user perceivable anymore, we stop the whole process here.
            var verify = function() {
                var shouldContinue = Math.abs(self.__decelerationVelocityX) >= minVelocityToKeepDecelerating || Math.abs(self.__decelerationVelocityY) >= minVelocityToKeepDecelerating;
                if (!shouldContinue) {
                    self.__didDecelerationComplete = true;
                return shouldContinue;

            var completed = function(renderedFramesPerSecond, animationId, wasFinished) {
                self.__isDecelerating = false;
                if (self.__didDecelerationComplete) {

                // Animate to grid when snapping is active, otherwise just fix out-of-boundary positions
                self.scrollTo(self.__scrollLeft, self.__scrollTop, self.options.snapping);

            // Start animation and switch on flag
            self.__isDecelerating = core.effect.Animate.start(step, verify, completed);


         * Called on every step of the animation
         * @param inMemory {Boolean?false} Whether to not render the current step, but keep it in memory only. Used internally only!
        __stepThroughDeceleration: function(render) {

            var self = this;


            // Add deceleration to scroll position
            var scrollLeft = self.__scrollLeft + self.__decelerationVelocityX;
            var scrollTop = self.__scrollTop + self.__decelerationVelocityY;


            if (!self.options.bouncing) {

                var scrollLeftFixed = Math.max(Math.min(self.__maxDecelerationScrollLeft, scrollLeft), self.__minDecelerationScrollLeft);
                if (scrollLeftFixed !== scrollLeft) {
                    scrollLeft = scrollLeftFixed;
                    self.__decelerationVelocityX = 0;

                var scrollTopFixed = Math.max(Math.min(self.__maxDecelerationScrollTop, scrollTop), self.__minDecelerationScrollTop);
                if (scrollTopFixed !== scrollTop) {
                    scrollTop = scrollTopFixed;
                    self.__decelerationVelocityY = 0;



            if (render) {

                self.__publish(scrollLeft, scrollTop, self.__zoomLevel);

            } else {

                self.__scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
                self.__scrollTop = scrollTop;


            // SLOW DOWN

            // Slow down velocity on every iteration
            if (!self.options.paging) {

                // This is the factor applied to every iteration of the animation
                // to slow down the process. This should emulate natural behavior where
                // objects slow down when the initiator of the movement is removed
                var frictionFactor = 0.95;

                self.__decelerationVelocityX *= frictionFactor;
                self.__decelerationVelocityY *= frictionFactor;


            // BOUNCING SUPPORT

            if (self.options.bouncing) {

                var scrollOutsideX = 0;
                var scrollOutsideY = 0;

                // This configures the amount of change applied to deceleration/acceleration when reaching boundaries
                var penetrationDeceleration = self.options.penetrationDeceleration; 
                var penetrationAcceleration = self.options.penetrationAcceleration; 

                // Check limits
                if (scrollLeft < self.__minDecelerationScrollLeft) {
                    scrollOutsideX = self.__minDecelerationScrollLeft - scrollLeft;
                } else if (scrollLeft > self.__maxDecelerationScrollLeft) {
                    scrollOutsideX = self.__maxDecelerationScrollLeft - scrollLeft;

                if (scrollTop < self.__minDecelerationScrollTop) {
                    scrollOutsideY = self.__minDecelerationScrollTop - scrollTop;
                } else if (scrollTop > self.__maxDecelerationScrollTop) {
                    scrollOutsideY = self.__maxDecelerationScrollTop - scrollTop;

                // Slow down until slow enough, then flip back to snap position
                if (scrollOutsideX !== 0) {
                    if (scrollOutsideX * self.__decelerationVelocityX <= 0) {
                        self.__decelerationVelocityX += scrollOutsideX * penetrationDeceleration;
                    } else {
                        self.__decelerationVelocityX = scrollOutsideX * penetrationAcceleration;

                if (scrollOutsideY !== 0) {
                    if (scrollOutsideY * self.__decelerationVelocityY <= 0) {
                        self.__decelerationVelocityY += scrollOutsideY * penetrationDeceleration;
                    } else {
                        self.__decelerationVelocityY = scrollOutsideY * penetrationAcceleration;

    // Copy over members to prototype
    for (var key in members) {
        Scroller.prototype[key] = members[key];
