// Based on the example:
// https://github.com/skulpt/skulpt/blob/master/example/calling_from_js.html
var Sk = require("skulpt");
const WELCOME_TXT = gettext('Welcome to computer programming, student');
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#interactive-python-interpreter-run").click(function() {
var program = document.getElementById("interactive-python-interpreter-code").value;
var output = document.getElementById("interactive-python-interpreter-output");
output.innerHTML = '';
// This 'read' is required, always, but the documentation doesn't show that very well
read: function (x) {
if (Sk.builtinFiles === undefined || Sk.builtinFiles["files"][x] === undefined)
throw "File not found: '" + x + "'";
return Sk.builtinFiles["files"][x];
output: skuplt_out,
python3: true
try {
Sk.importMainWithBody("<stdin>", false, program);
} catch (e) {
// From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6637341/use-tab-to-indent-in-textarea
// Edited for this use case
// Inserts two spaces instead of tabbing to the next element
$(document).delegate('#interactive-python-interpreter-code', 'keydown', function(key) {
if(key.which == 9) {
// Tab was pressed
var start = this.selectionStart;
var end = this.selectionEnd;
// Insert the 2 spaces
$(this).val($(this).val().substring(0, start)
+ " "
+ $(this).val().substring(end));
// Put the cursor bar | where the user expects
this.selectionStart = start + 2
this.selectionEnd = this.selectionStart;
var programBox = document.getElementById("interactive-python-interpreter-code");
programBox.value = '';
var printText = '';
printText += 'print("**********************************************")\n';
printText += 'print("**********************************************")\n';
printText += 'print("** ' + WELCOME_TXT + ' **")\n';
printText += 'print("**********************************************")\n';
printText += 'print("**********************************************")\n';
programBox.value = printText;
* Pushes the result of the python calculation to the output box
function skuplt_out(text) {
var output = document.getElementById("interactive-python-interpreter-output");
text = text.replace(/</g, '<');
output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + text;