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Test Coverage
# Scene Editor Interactive

**Authors:** Courtney Bracefield, Alasdair Smith

Allows the user to apply 3D matrix transformations to objects in a scene

## Modes

The interactive has four modes, defined by url parameters:

- `(default)`: **Scene creation mode**; user can add any number of default objects, switch between them, and apply a single transform and translation to each one.
- `?mode=translation`: **Translation mode**; the user can apply a single translation vector to a single object in the scene.
- `?mode=transform`: **Transform mode**; the user can apply a single transform matrix to a single object in the scene.
- `?mode=multiple`: **Multiple matrices mode**; The user can apply matrices and vectors repeatedly to a single object in a scene.

## Licences

This interactive uses [mathjs](https://github.com/josdejong/mathjs), [three.js](https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/), [three-orbit-controls](https://github.com/mattdesl/three-orbit-controls), [sprintf-js](https://github.com/alexei/sprintf.js) and [MathJax](https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax).
Licences for these can be found in `LICENCE-THIRD-PARTY`, with full copies available in the `third_party_licences` directory.

This interactive also uses example code from three.js: `TeapotBufferGeometry.js` and `Detector.js` (both modified) are stored in `static/js/third-party/threejs/`.
The two files have a separate licence listing in `LICENCE-THIRD-PARTY` as they are modified, but are used under the same three.js licence.
Note that MathJax is loaded from a CDN in `base.html`.

## Images

The skybox scene used and stored in the `img` folder is the work of Emil Persson, aka Humus.
Its licence is included in the `img` folder.