# trAIning ground Interactive
**Created by:**
- Lia Dawson
- William Taylor
- Greg Mohler
- Rachel Muzzelo
The original can be found [here](https://github.com/wtaylor45/374-sticks-game).
**Rebuilt by:** Alasdair Smith
This interactive demonstrates how an AI makes decisions through a neural network.
## The game
The goal of the game is to pick up the final stick from a pile.
The player and AI (Nathaniel) will alternate picking up between 1 and 3 sticks.
At the conclusion of the game, Nathaniel will update its neural network based on the moves it made and the result of the game.
Its neural network can be seen by the player as a probability table on the right side of the screen.
## Image
- `stick.png`: Public domain image from [publicdomainvectors.org](https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Stick-vector-image/81315.html)
## Licences
This interactive uses [noUiSlider](https://refreshless.com/nouislider/) by Léon Gersen.
Its licence, and that of the original game, can be found in `LICENCE-THIRD-PARTY` with a full copy available in the `third-party-licences` directory.