var TXT_REMAINING = gettext("Sticks<br>remaining:");
var TXT_CHANCE = gettext("Chance AI picks (%):");
var TXT_NETWORK = gettext("Nathaniel's neural network:");
var TXT_STICKS = {
'1': gettext("1 stick"),
'2': gettext("2 sticks"),
'3': gettext("3 sticks")
const HIGHLIGHTS = {
WIN: 'green',
LOSS: 'red',
* HtmlTable contains functions for creating and manipulating an HTML probability table
class HtmlTable {
constructor(parentDiv) {
this.$parent = parentDiv;
* Builds the table, with the number of rows being the given size + 2 (for the headers)
createTable(size) {
this.rows = size;
var baseTable = '<tr>\n';
baseTable += ' <th colspan="4">' + TXT_NETWORK + '</th>\n'
+ '</tr>\n'
+ '<tr>\n'
+ ' <th rowspan="2">' + TXT_REMAINING + '</th>\n'
+ ' <th colspan="3">' + TXT_CHANCE + '</th>\n'
+ '</tr>\n'
+ '<tr>\n'
+ ' <th>' + TXT_STICKS['1'] + '</th>\n'
+ ' <th>' + TXT_STICKS['2'] + '</th>\n'
+ ' <th>' + TXT_STICKS['3'] + '</th>\n'
+ '</tr>\n';
for (var i=this.rows; i > 0; i--) {
baseTable += '<tr id="row-' + i + '">\n'
+ ' <td id="' + i + '-remaining">' + i + '</td>\n'
+ ' <td id="' + i + '-1-sticks">N/A</td>\n'
+ ' <td id="' + i + '-2-sticks">N/A</td>\n'
+ ' <td id="' + i + '-3-sticks">N/A</td>\n'
+ '</tr>\n';
* Highlights a row by adding the given css class 'colour' to two cells in the row:
* The number of sticks 'remaining' (leftmost cell) and the 'number' of sticks chosen (one of the remaining three)
highlightCell(remaining, number, colour) {
$('#' + remaining + '-remaining').addClass(colour);
$('#' + remaining + '-' + number + '-sticks').addClass(colour);
* Replaces the class of any highlighted cell with the given colour class
recolourCells(colour) {
$('.' + HIGHLIGHTS.UNDECIDED).addClass(colour).removeClass(HIGHLIGHTS.UNDECIDED);
* Removes all highlight css classes from all cells
uncolourCells() {
* Populates the probability values in the table with the given neural network map
populateTable(networkMap) {
var entry;
for (var value in networkMap) {
entry = networkMap[value];
$('#' + entry[0] + '-1-sticks').html(entry[1]);
$('#' + entry[0] + '-2-sticks').html(entry[2]);
$('#' + entry[0] + '-3-sticks').html(entry[3]);
module.exports = {