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**Processor name:** ``scratch``

.. danger::

  Scratch blocks require an understanding of the Scratch programming language and how Verto is integrated with other systems. The use of this processor requires co-ordination between authors and developers to achieve the desired functionality.

.. note::

    The following examples assume usage of the fenced code extension, by having
    ``markdown.extensions.fenced_code`` in the list of extensions given to Verto.

You can include an image of Scratch blocks using
`Scratch Block Plugin notation`_ using the following notation:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verto/tests/assets/scratch/doc_example_basic_usage.md
    :language: none

to produce the following image:

.. image:: ../images/scratch_blocks_example.png

The syntax is the same for default Markdown code blocks. The only difference
is that Verto handles the content differently due to the ``scratch`` language
set at the start.

.. note::

    This processor also works with syntax introduced by the `fenced_blocks`
    and/or `codehilite` extensions.

You can test the output of your Scratch block text (and create PNG
or SVG images) at `scratchblocks.github.io`_.

.. warning::

    Verto doesn't create the Scratch images itself, but prepares it for a
    JavaScript library to render these in the user's browser.
    See :ref:`rendering-scratch-images` section below.

The default HTML for scratch blocks is:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verto/html-templates/scratch.html
    :language: css+jinja

Using the following example tag:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verto/tests/assets/scratch/doc_example_basic_usage.md
    :language: none

The resulting HTML would be:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verto/tests/assets/scratch/doc_example_basic_usage_expected.html
    :language: html

.. _rendering-scratch-images:

Rendering Scratch blocks as images

When Verto encounters a code block with the Scratch language (see example
above), it doesn't not generate the image but renders the block code inside an
element for the `scratchblocks package`_ to render in the user's browser.
View the package website for more information on how to use it.

Overriding HTML for Scratch

When overriding the HTML for Scratch code, the following Jinja2 placeholders are available:

- ``{{ scratch_blocks }}`` - The text of the Scratch blocks notation.


For example, providing the following HTML:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verto/tests/assets/scratch/doc_example_override_html_template.html
    :language: css+jinja

with the following tag:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verto/tests/assets/scratch/doc_example_override_html.md
    :language: none

would result in:

.. literalinclude:: ../../../verto/tests/assets/scratch/doc_example_override_html_expected.html
    :language: html

.. _Scratch Block Plugin notation: https://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Block_Plugin
.. _scratchblocks.github.io: https://scratchblocks.github.io/#?style=scratch3&script=when%20flag%20clicked%0Aclear%0Aforever%0Apen%20down%0Aif%20%3C%3Cmouse%20down%3F%3E%20and%20%3Ctouching%20%5Bmouse-pointer%20v%5D%3F%3E%3E%20then%0Aswitch%20costume%20to%20%5Bbutton%20v%5D%0Aelse%0Aadd%20(x%20position)%20to%20%5Blist%20v%5D%0Aend%0Amove%20(foo)%20steps%0Aturn%20ccw%20(9)%20degrees
.. _scratchblocks package: https://github.com/scratchblocks/scratchblocks#readme