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<h1 align="center"> Thank God It's Friday</h1>
<p align="center"> Welcome To UCSD-CSE112's Public Repository for Team Friday!</p>
<h4 align="center"> <img alt="Logo" src="https://imgur.com/e9SoakZ.png"></h4>

Table of contents

   * [Table of Contents](#Table-of-contents)
   * [Use our components](#Use-our-components)
   * [Documentation](#Documentation)
   * [Meet The Team](#Meet-The-Team)
   * [How to Contribute](#Contributing)

# Use our components
Make sure that your project has npm initialized. If not, run the following command. It will ask you questions pertaining to your project. Don't worry, these can be changed in the future in 'package.json'.

`npm init`

To download our components, simply run:

`npm i friday-webcomponents`

Then, in your HTML page, include the components you want to use in the `<head>...</head>` tags. For example:

### <core-hello>

    <script src="./node_modules/friday-webcomponents/dist/core-hello.js"></script>

### <core-slider>

    <script src="./node_modules/friday-webcomponents/dist/core-slider.js"></script>

### <core-tooltip>

    <script src="./node_modules/friday-webcomponents/dist/core-tooltip.js"></script>

### <core-link>

    <script src="./node_modules/friday-webcomponents/dist/core-link.js"></script>
# Documentation
### See Fridays Webpage 
We worked hard to make it a one stop solution, check it out [here](https://ucsd-cse112.github.io/team13)
### Confused about how to use our components ?
See simple examples of our components [here](https://ucsd-cse112.github.io/team13/storybook)
### Read our API docs here
See in-depth documentation [here](https://ucsd-cse112.github.io/team13/api)

# Meet The Team
This project could only be finished with the contribution of our members
[meet us](https://ucsd-cse112.github.io/team13/teamintro)

# Contributing
If youre as passionate as we are, Thats all you need. 
See our [How To Contribute](./CONTRIBUTING.md) docs for simple steps!

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

# License