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/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
/* eslint-disable no-prototype-builtins */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */

 * Useful utility functions for creating web components.
 * @module CoreElement

import * as WebComponentUtil from './WebComponentUtil';
import * as WebElementUtil from './WebElementUtil';

 * The key for the map of properties associated with the class.
 * @private
const classProperties = Symbol('classProperties');

 * Checks whether the class has initialized class properties.
 * @private
function hasClassProperties(elementClass) {
  return elementClass.hasOwnProperty(classProperties);

 * Adds a property to the class properties. These are used to define the properties
 * of its children and instances.
 * @private
function addClassProperty(elementClass, property, opts) {
  // Define attribute name for property...
  if (typeof opts.attribute === 'undefined') {
    opts.attribute = WebElementUtil.getAttributeNameFromProperty(property);

  // Add the property to the class.
  const elementClassProperties = elementClass[classProperties];
  elementClassProperties.options.set(property, opts);
  if (opts.attribute) {
    elementClassProperties.attributes.set(opts.attribute, property);

 * Creates a new class properties for the class.
 * @private
function defineClassProperties(elementClass) {
  let optionMap;
  let attributeMap;

  // Build properties for parents too...
  const superClass = Object.getPrototypeOf(elementClass);
  if (typeof superClass.buildProperties === 'function') {

  if (superClass && hasClassProperties(superClass)) {
    // Derive class properties from parent...
    const superClassProperties = superClass[classProperties];
    optionMap = new Map(superClassProperties.options);
    attributeMap = new Map(superClassProperties.attributes);
  } else {
    // Standalone class properties...
    optionMap = new Map();
    attributeMap = new Map();

  // Actually assign class properties to result.
  elementClass[classProperties] = {
    options: optionMap,
    attributes: attributeMap,

 * Builds the property map and properly initializes the class. This is only done once by
 * observedAttributes().
 * @private
function buildClassProperties(elementClass) {
  if (hasClassProperties(elementClass)) return;

  // Initialize current property map (with parent's properties).

  // Add new properties to the hierarchy (don't re-add old ones).
  if (elementClass.hasOwnProperty('properties')) {
    for (const property of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(elementClass.properties)) {
      addClassProperty(elementClass, property, elementClass.properties[property]);

 * Load and initialize the properties for the element. This should be called
 * in the constructor. Otherwise, some browsers may auto-insert their own
 * property-attribute entries, which will incur infinite loops.
 * This does the same thing as calling addProperty() for every property.
 * @private
function constructProperties(element) {
  const elementClass = element.constructor;
  const elementClassProperties = elementClass[classProperties];
  for (const [property, opts] of elementClassProperties.options.entries()) {
    WebElementUtil.addProperty(element, property, opts);

function handleAttributeChange(element, attribute, oldValue, newValue) {
  // Don't bother parsing if the attribute data string is the same.
  if (oldValue === newValue) return;

  const elementClass = element.constructor;
  // Not all attributes are added/handled in class properties...
  const elementClassProperties = elementClass[classProperties];
  if (elementClassProperties.attributes.has(attribute)) {
    // Gets the property linked to the attribute.
    const property = elementClassProperties.attributes.get(attribute);
    const opts = elementClassProperties.options.get(property);

    // Parse the attribute data strings to property values of valid type.
    const oldPropertyValue = opts.attributeOnly
      ? WebElementUtil.attributeToPropertyData(opts.type, oldValue)
      : element[property];
    const newPropertyValue = WebElementUtil.attributeToPropertyData(opts.type, newValue);

    // Will cause the element to update data. Since this is called
    // whenever a change occurs on the tag, even at the beginning,
    // the data will always be synchronized when attribute is set.
    WebElementUtil.requestPropertyUpdate(element, property, opts,
      oldPropertyValue, newPropertyValue, WebElementUtil.ATTRIBUTE_SIDE);

/** The base element for web components to handle as much boilerplate code as possible. */
class CoreElement extends HTMLElement {
   * Builds the property map and properly initializes the class. This is only done once by
   * observedAttributes().
  static buildProperties() {

  /** @override */
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return Array.from(this[classProperties].attributes.keys());

   * Creates a core element.
   * @param {Node} templateString the html template node to attach to the shadow root.
  constructor(templateNode = null) {

    // Why shadow root? Encapsulation and separation of style.
    // Why initialize here? Cause no one can mess with this.

    // Attach the shadow root to this element and appends the templateNode as a child, if it exists.
    WebComponentUtil.attachShadowRoot(this, templateNode);

    // Create all properties for this instance.

  /** @override */
  attributeChangedCallback(attribute, oldValue, newValue) {
    handleAttributeChange(this, attribute, oldValue, newValue);

  /** @override */
  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  connectedCallback() {}

  /** @override */
  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  disconnectedCallback() {}

  /** @override */
  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  adoptedCallback() {}

   * Called by property setters (and attributeChangedCallback) with new values of property type.
   * Any further changes to properties will not re-call propertyChangedCallback(), therefore any
   * transformations to data should be handled here.
   * @param {String|Symbol} property the property key
   * @param {*} oldValue the previous value for the property
   * @param {*} newValue the next value for the property
  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  propertyChangedCallback() {}

// Aliases for template and custom tag functions

 * Creates a template DOM node that contains the parsed HTML and style string.
 * @function
 * @name templateNode
 * @param {String} templateString the html content
 * @param {String} styleString the style content
CoreElement.templateNode = WebComponentUtil.createTemplate;
 * Registers the class to the specified custom tag name. The tag name must contain a dash.
 * @function
 * @name customTag
 * @param {String} tag the custom tag
 * @param {HTMLElement} elementClass the class to register the tag with
CoreElement.customTag = WebComponentUtil.registerCustomTag;
 * Attaches the shadow DOM to the passed-in element. If using CoreElement, this is already
 * handled by the constructor if passed-in the tempate DOM node.
 * @function
 * @name shadowRoot
 * @param {HTMLElement} element the element root to attach the shadow DOM to
 * @param {Node} childNode the child of the shadow root to append
CoreElement.shadowRoot = WebComponentUtil.attachShadowRoot;

export default CoreElement;