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Test Coverage
# Roadmap

UGtastic is a service that connects user-group organizers with sponsorship opportunities. We seek to faciliate reliable and respectful communications and access for companies looking to connect with user-group communities.

We need to at a minimum provide a way for potential supporters to register and select sponsorship opportunities that can distribute those funds across user-group Builders

## Revenue opportunities

- Sponsorship opportunities.
  - Maybe X% off the top of the offer?
  - Maybe it should be X/2% for accepted offers and X% for rejected offers.
    - The idea being to encourage quality sponsorship offers by offering to increase the amount paid for good and accepted offers.
    - Might be a bad idea to appear to take a percentage at offer time because recipient Builder might feel like they're being pinched.

# Something along the idea of how I think the discount for accepted offers could look like...

$50 allocated for offer
10 user-groups eligible
5% transaction fee (not a final percentage, just for demo)

5 accept
  Discounted 2.5% transaction fee for accepted offer

  $5 * 0.975 = $4.875 | Offer to Builder
  $5 * 0.975 = $4.875 | Paid to Builder
  $24.375 total distributed to user-groups
  $0.625 collected by UGtastic

5 reject
  Full 5% transaction fee

  $5 * 0.975 = $4.875 | Offer to Builder
  $5 * 0.95 = $4.75   | Calculate refund
  $4.75 * 5 = $23.75  | Refunded to supporter
  $1.25 collected by UGtastic

## Minimum Viable Product

- Supporters can submit funds.
- Supports can select from a variety of sponsorship options (one to start)
- Supporters can select conditions for distribution.
- Builders can be deemed eligible for receiving funds by UGtastic admins.
- Builders can be notified when there are funds available.
- Builders can elect whether to accept the conditions.
- Builders can receive the funds paid out through PayPal.
- First option is to display a logo on the User-Group's profile page that the group is sponsored in part by the builder.
- Supporters can see a list of the User-Groups that their funds went to and the amount allocated.
- Builders can see a list of the sponsorship opportunities they've accepted and the amount received.
- All transactions can be viewed by UGtastic admin with the origin of the sponsorship and who accepted/rejected the offer.

## Scenario:

- Builder registers and enters PayPal account information
- Supporter registers and enters credit card information
- Supporter goes to the sponsorship options page
- Supporter selects the "Sponsored in part by" option
- Supporter selects whether to repeat the offer until cancelled or one-time 30 day offer
- Supporter sets the amount to spend on the sponsorship option
- Supporter submits the sponsorship
- Builder receives an email that there is a pending sponsorship opportunity
- Builder receives a site notification that there is a pending sponsorship opportunity
- Builder can see a list of all their pending notifications
- Builder views the pending sponsorship notification.
- Builder sees that the notification is a "Sponsored in part by" opportunity
- Builder sees the value of the sponsorship, who is offering the sponsorship and the logo that would be displayed
- Builder can accept or reject the offer
- If Builder accepts the offer
  - Builder will receive the funds into their PayPal account
  - Sponsored logo appears on the site
  - Builder continues to receive funds and display the logo for the duration of the offer
  - Builder can cancel the offer but cannot remove the logo until the end of 30 days
- If Builder rejects the offer
  - Supporter is refunded the amount spent on the rejected offer minus the UGtastic opportunity fee
  - Builder has opportunity to provide a reason for rejection

Supporter receives a monthly list of their offers with information on who accepted and who rejected and why.
Builder receives a monthly email list of offers received, accepted, rejected

# Next step feature ideas

- When a user registers ask them how they're planning to use the site. Are they planning to create a user-group, join local user-groups, or are looking for user-groups to sponsor.
  - Builders: navigate to the create your user-group form
  - Participants: navigate to the user-groups list
  - Supporters: navigate to the sponsorship options form
- More control of how sponsorship opportunities are distributed
  - Supporter can select a geographic region (e.g. US only, Chicago only, Chicago and Milwaukee)
  - Supporter can select a set of interests for which User-Groups should receive sponsorship opportunities (e.g. only Ruby or JavaScript groups)
  - Supporter can blacklist a user-group to never send a sponsorship opportunity to them
  - Builder can blacklist a Supporter to never receive a sponsorship opportunity from them
  - Builder can opt-out of specific sponsorship opportunities (e.g. Never receive "Sponsored in part by" offers)
- Sponsorship opportunities
  - Send a direct email to members of a User-Group through UGtastic
    - Supporter enters a message that they would like to send to a User-Group.
    - Builder receives offer and sees the message that would be sent.
    - If accepted the message would be sent on behalf of the Supporter to the user-group members through UGtastic
    - Some stats could be collected on how the email was received.
    - Q: Should the amount of the offer be contingent on how many members are in the user-group? (Something like $1 for each member who is opted-in to receive sponsored emails)
- Participants can opt-out of receiving sponsored emails
- Supporters can opt to reapply rejected funds to accepting User-Groups. (Encourages accepting funds because there's a chance you could end up with more than minimum)

## Long-term feature ideas

- User-Group meetings and events
- Swag sponsorships
- Direct messaging to Builders by Supporters
- Social media promotion
- Job board