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- content_for :title, "Import pens"

  'Importing all your pens by hand is hard. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just upload a spreadsheet
  'with all of your pens and have them "magically" 🧙🏻‍♀️ appear here? Unfortunately these types of imports
  'are super brittle and a lot can go wrong. So someone needs to look over it before that can happen.
  'Unfortunately, as this site is run by volunteers (well, just
  a href="/users/1" me
  ') this is not a service that we can offer to everyone as much as we would like to.
    'However, as a
    a href="https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=6900241" Patron
    ' we will import your list of pens (and inks) for you!
  'The minimal requirements are that you include the brand and model. All other fields are optional
  'but can be imported as well. Once you have your list (and are a Patron) send the spreadsheet(s) to
  a href="mailto:hello@fountainpencompanion.com" hello@fountainpencompanion.com
  ' and we will import them for you. Adding additional inks at a later stage is of course also