

4 hrs
Test Coverage
import type { UniqueIdentifier } from '@dnd-kit/core'
import { arrayMove } from '@dnd-kit/sortable'

import type { FlattenedItem, TreeItem, TreeItems } from './types'

export const iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform)

function getDragDepth(offset: number, indentationWidth: number) {
  return Math.round(offset / indentationWidth)

export function getProjection(
  items: FlattenedItem[],
  activeId: UniqueIdentifier,
  overId: UniqueIdentifier,
  dragOffset: number,
  indentationWidth: number,
) {
  const overItemIndex = items.findIndex(({ id }) => id === overId)
  const activeItemIndex = items.findIndex(({ id }) => id === activeId)
  const activeItem = items[activeItemIndex]
  const newItems = arrayMove(items, activeItemIndex, overItemIndex)
  const previousItem = newItems[overItemIndex - 1]
  const nextItem = newItems[overItemIndex + 1]
  const dragDepth = getDragDepth(dragOffset, indentationWidth)
  const projectedDepth = activeItem.depth + dragDepth
  const maxDepth = getMaxDepth({
  const minDepth = getMinDepth({ nextItem })
  let depth = projectedDepth

  if (projectedDepth >= maxDepth) {
    depth = maxDepth
  } else if (projectedDepth < minDepth) {
    depth = minDepth

  return { depth, maxDepth, minDepth, parentId: getParentId() }

  function getParentId() {
    if (depth === 0 || !previousItem) {
      return null

    if (depth === previousItem.depth) {
      return previousItem.parentId

    if (depth > previousItem.depth) {

    const newParent = newItems
      .slice(0, overItemIndex)
      .find((item) => item.depth === depth)?.parentId

    return newParent ?? null

function getMaxDepth({ previousItem }: { previousItem: FlattenedItem }) {
  if (previousItem) {
    return previousItem.depth + 1

  return 0

function getMinDepth({ nextItem }: { nextItem: FlattenedItem }) {
  if (nextItem) {
    return nextItem.depth

  return 0

function flatten(
  items: TreeItems,
  parentId: UniqueIdentifier | null = null,
  depth = 0,
): FlattenedItem[] {
  return items.reduce<FlattenedItem[]>((acc, item, index) => {
    return [
      { ...item, parentId, depth, index },
      ...flatten(item.children,, depth + 1),
  }, [])

export function flattenTree(items: TreeItems): FlattenedItem[] {
  return flatten(items)

export function buildTree(flattenedItems: FlattenedItem[]): TreeItems {
  const root: TreeItem = { id: 'root', children: [] }
  const nodes: Record<string, TreeItem> = { []: root }
  const items = => ({ ...item, children: [] }))

  for (const item of items) {
    const { id, children } = item
    const parentId = item.parentId ??
    const parent = nodes[parentId] ?? findItem(items, parentId)

    nodes[id] = { id, children }

  return root.children

export function findItem(items: TreeItem[], itemId: UniqueIdentifier) {
  return items.find(({ id }) => id === itemId)

export function findItemDeep(
  items: TreeItems,
  itemId: UniqueIdentifier,
): TreeItem | undefined {
  for (const item of items) {
    const { id, children } = item

    if (id === itemId) {
      return item

    if (children.length) {
      const child = findItemDeep(children, itemId)

      if (child) {
        return child

  return undefined

export function removeItem(items: TreeItems, id: UniqueIdentifier) {
  const newItems = []

  for (const item of items) {
    if ( === id) {

    if (item.children.length) {
      item.children = removeItem(item.children, id)


  return newItems

export function setProperty<T extends keyof TreeItem>(
  items: TreeItems,
  id: UniqueIdentifier,
  property: T,
  setter: (value: TreeItem[T]) => TreeItem[T],
) {
  const newItems = => {
    if ( === id) {
      const newItem = item.clone()
      newItem[property] = setter(newItem[property])
      return newItem
    if (item.children.length) {
      const newItem = item.clone()
      newItem.children = setProperty(newItem.children, id, property, setter)
      return newItem
    return item

  return [...newItems]

function countChildren(items: TreeItem[], count = 0): number {
  return items.reduce((acc, { children }) => {
    if (children.length) {
      return countChildren(children, acc + 1)

    return acc + 1
  }, count)

export function getChildCount(items: TreeItems, id: UniqueIdentifier) {
  const item = findItemDeep(items, id)

  return item ? countChildren(item.children) : 0

export function removeChildrenOf(
  items: FlattenedItem[],
  ids: UniqueIdentifier[],
) {
  const excludeParentIds = [...ids]

  return items.filter((item) => {
    if (item.parentId && excludeParentIds.includes(item.parentId)) {
      if (item.children.length) {
      return false

    return true