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# Changelog

## 40.2.3
[Full Changelog]() (27-02-2024)
* POLS-94 Add codeowners file

## 40.2.2
[Full Changelog]() (20-02-2024)
* KLS-1948 - Bump Minimum Django to 4.2.10

# Changelog
## 40.1.1
[Full Changelog]( (22-01-2024)
* KLS-1864 - Bump Minimum Django to 4.2.7

# Changelog
## 40.1.0
[Full Changelog](
* KLS-1822 - Bump Django to 4.2.8
## 39.1.4
[Full Changelog](
* KLS-1229 - Bump jquery to 3.7.1
## 39.1.3
[Full Changelog](
* KLS-1009 - Bump jquery to 3.5.0
## 39.1.1
[Full Changelog](
* KLS-705 - Bump directory-constants to 23.1.0
## 39.1.0
[Full Changelog](
* KLS-622 - Bump Django to 4.2 from 3.1.9
## 39.0.2
KLS-457 - Changed footer margin top to 15px in domestic SOO
## 39.0.2
Changed footer margin top to 10px
## 39.0.1
Error in logo chosen in magma and great header component fixed (red => white)
## 39.0.0
Change of logos and department name to Department of business and trade
## 38.2.1
[Full Changelog](
* KLS-399 - update directory-constants version to 22.0.2
## 38.2.0
[Full Changelog](
* KLS-115 - update directory-constants version

## 38.1.0
[Full Changelog](
* GLS-390 - Pin Python version as 3.9.13 for CI

## 38.0.0
[Full Changelog](
* GLS-390 - dependencies update

## 37.3.0
[Full Changelog](
## 37.2.2
[Full Changelog](
### feature
- HOTFIX - fix cookie banner styles for mobile devices

## 37.2.1
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- GP2-3281 - Update contact us URL for international use

## 37.2.0
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- GP2-2711 - Updates invest header logo
- GP2-2784 - Fixes header and footer domestic issues

## 37.1.0
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- No ticket - Fixes international mobile menu issue
- No ticket - Remove dit logo from domestic footers

## 37.0.0
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- GP2-2754 - Remove great branding from header
- GP2-2755 - Remove great branding from footer
- GP2-2711 - Update international logo

## 36.3.1
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- No ticket - Revert to previous logout link

## 36.3.0
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- GP2-2380 - Sign out via JS through Magna

## 36.2.0
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- GP2-2358- Upgraded directory-constants package

## 36.1.0
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- GP2-2332- Minor tweak for Magna URLS

## 36.0.0
  [Full Changelog](
### feature
- GP2-2256- Added logic to load magna header based on feature flag

## 35.27.0
  [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- GBAU-889 - Fix focus error in console

## 35.26.0
  [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- GAA-27 - Change form element focus border to 4px

## 35.25.0
  [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- GAA-09 - Force focus into cookie modal

## 35.24.0
  [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- GAA-20 - anchor tag fix for screen readers

## 35.23.0
 [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- GAA-32 - Added alt text for image with caption component

## 35.22.0
  [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- GAA-27 - Form field outline increase width

## 35.21.0
  [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
 - GAA-8 - Add hidden label to search field

## 35.20.0
  [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- GAA-12 - Add role to form errors
- GAA-1  - Add fieldset and legend around multiple checkboxes

## 35.19.0
 [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- No ticket - Fix gulp dependencies
- GAA-25 - replace teal-text with grey-text
- GAA-14 - make mobile/desktop ids unique

## 35.18.0
 [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- no ticket - Change vault updater to account for vault backend upgrade

## 35.17.1
 [Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- no ticket - Remove "refreshing" alert

## 35.17.0
 [Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- no ticket - Update GA360 context_processor to handle non-sso users

## 35.16.0
 [Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- no ticket - preserve querystring on link to /cookies, preserve querystring and refresh page on accept all cookies

## 35.15.2
[Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- no ticket - Fix trailing commas in javascript

## 35.15.1
[Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- no ticket - Fix spelling mistake

## 35.15.0
[Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- no ticket - Added mobile support for cookie modal

## 35.14.2
[Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- no ticket - Fix no ga360 handler

## 35.14.1
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- XOT-1296 - Improve cookies modal

## 35.14.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- XOT-1296 - Add react cookies modal component

## 35.13.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- MVP - modify skip_ga360 to remove ga360 in-view javascript if true

## 35.12.1
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- XOT-1290 - make banner buttons equal width

## 35.12.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- XOT-1290 - update cookie banner to requirements

## 35.11.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- MVP - add GA360 Context Processor

## 35.10.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- XOT-1271 - allow button text to wrap and align text to center

## 35.9.1
[Full Changelog](
### Fixed bugs
- TT-2225 - Fix `vault_update` so obfuscations are not upload to vault

## 35.9.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- TT-2225 - Add `vault_update` command for bulk updating vault values

## 35.8.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- CI-606 - Make international header sub nav not sticky

## 35.7.2
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- TT-1818 - Fix mobile header links height

## 35.7.1
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancementscen
- No ticket - remove override border-radius styles on checkboxes

## 35.7.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- No ticket - add smaller checkbox style

## 35.6.2
[Full Changelog](

### Fixed bugs
- No ticket - Fix bad details collapsed style

## 35.6.1
[Full Changelog](

### Fixed bugs
- No ticket - Fix bad sass importing

## 35.6.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- TT-1132 - Improved contrast of breadcrumbs and error reporting components
- No ticket - Added error reporting component

## 35.5.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- TT-1132 - Improved contrast of breadcrumbs and error reporting components
- No ticket - Added error reporting component

### Fixed bugs
- No ticket - Fixed the sass importer hanging when file is not found

## 35.4.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- Added RadioNestedField
- Added TextInputWithSubmitButton widget
- Added SelectMultipleAutocomplete widget

## 35.3.1
[Full Changelog](
### Fixed bugs
- Fixed skip navigation on IE 11

## 35.3.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- remove arrow from hero cta button

## 35.2.1
[Full Changelog](
### Fixed bugs
- changed padding and h3 margin for no-padding-card

## 35.2.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- add field to allow html content to be added inline with the other card-inner fields, alternative to html_content

## 35.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Add options for transparent background and no padding on card component - add subheading to key facts

## 35.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Fix accordions details arrow not hiding in IE

## 35.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Separate details and accordions into two styles

### Breaking changes
- `details_list` template tag has been renamed to `accordion_list`
- `great-details-list` class has been renamed to `great-accordion-list`

## 34.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Fixed bugs
- Removed trailing commas in javascript

## 34.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Fixed bugs
- Revert to old hero using `background-image` style. `picture` element is not supported by IE

### Breaking changes
- `hero` template tag no longer takes the params `xlarge_image`, `large_image`, `medium_image`, `small_image`. Instead just use `image`

## 33.4.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- no ticket - change bullet point colour to #333

## 33.3.0
[Full Changelog](

## Implemented enhancements
- Split out the content of the error pages, so that they can be used on multiple apps.

## 33.2.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- GTRANSFORM-368 - update directory constants version

## 33.1.2
[Full Changelog](
### Bugs fixed
- no ticket - fix CallableBool(False) is not of type 'boolean' error for user.is_authenticated

## 33.1.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs fixed
- GA360 mixin handles AnonymouseUser, SSOUser, and None

## 33.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- GTRANSFORM-368 - Add accessibility footer link, update constants version

## 33.0.2
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs fixed
- GA360 mixin handles `request.user` and `request.sso_user`

## 33.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Gave `search-page-expandable-options` an aria-label to fix accessibility error

## 33.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- `django_language` and `country` cookies are now set as secure and http-only.

### Breaking Changes
- All implementing applications are required to provide the following additional settings
-- `LANGUAGE_COOKIE_SECURE` should be `true` for all production environments. Should be `false` locally if required to run without https.
-- `COUNTRY_COOKIE_SECURE` should be `true` for all production environments. Should be `false` locally if required to run without https.

## 32.3.1
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Amended list elements in footer to pass accessibility and mobile menu

## 32.3.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- no ticket: Refactored makefile
- No ticket: Speed up tests during development and test by not running collectstatic
- No ticket: renamed config to conf for consistency
- TT-1808: Add no-validate to no cache middleware

## 32.2.1
[Full Changelog](

### Fix bugs
- CMS-1843: Fix language picker not appearing in international header.
- no ticket: Fix home and domestic URL's in international header.
- no ticket: Fix country selector in the international header.

## 32.2.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Changed the colour of the second level nav (again) and the underline active colour of first level

## 32.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Changed the colour of the second level nav

## 32.0.2
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Update params for featured articles component to work properly with CMS fields

## 32.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Update params for key facts and featured articles components to work properly with CMS fields

## 32.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Add featured articles list component

### Breaking changes
- `section` padding-bottom has been updated from 30px to 60px

## 31.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Add details/accordion list component

## 31.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Breaking Changes
- Update required version of directory-constants.
This will require you to update your settings file.
`DIRECTORY_CONSTANTS_URL_INTERNATIONAL` should be added and should point at the root page for the international site (ie, please DO NOT include `content/`)
`DIRECTORY_CONSTANTS_URL_GREAT_INTERNATIONAL` is no longer required for this library, and can be deleted as long as it isn't directly used in your application.

## 30.2.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Add key facts component

## 30.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Do not render labels and container of hidden form fields

## 30.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Breaking Changes
- Some class names have changed:
* `case-study` => `great-case-study`
* `hero` => `great-hero`
* `hero-with-cta` => `great-hero-with-cta`
* `hero-title` => `great-hero-title`
* `hero-text` => `great-hero-text`
* `heading-hero-generic` => `great-hero-heading`
* `hero-subheading` => `great-hero-subheading`
* `hero-description` => `great-hero-description`

- Some classes have been removed:
* `hero-domestic`
* `heading-hero-domestic`
* `heading-hero-generic-compact`
* `hero-title-compact`

- The `large_title` param has been removed from hero components
- `{% render_form form %}` has been removed. Please use `{{ form }}` instead

## 29.0.0
[Full Changelog](
- Update to latest version of directory-constants

### Breaking Changes
- now uses `directory-constants` in the range `>=19.1.0,<20.0.0`

## 28.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Changes to international header to improve support for new sticky second tier navigation.

### Breaking Changes
- The `InternationalHeader` mixin has been removed, and replaced with the `international_header` templatetag.

## 27.14.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added new full width image component `full_width_image_with_list_and_media`, this shows list of items with title and text and can have an image or video on the right

## 27.13.0
[Full Changelog]

### Implemented enhancements
- adding 5 column responsive grid layout class

## 27.12.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Show non-field errors in forms
- Added deprecation warning for `{% render_form form %}`: now can simply do `{{ form }}`.

## 27.11.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Gtransform 338 external link tag added

## 27.10.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Allow override of login links for SOO static header

## 27.9.3
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Fix language selector not preserving other query params in URL on submit.

## 27.9.2
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Remove remaining lazyload code from templates

## 27.9.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Reduce false positives for settings janitor unused settings

## 27.8.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Center hero images horizontally and vertically

## 27.7.0
[Full Changelog](
- Disable Lazy loading of images.

## 27.6.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Add external window parameter to card component
- Add title and rel attribute to external footer link

## 27.5.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Reduce false positives for settings janitor obsolete settings
- Colour output of environment_diff

## 27.4.1
[Full Changelog](

### Fixed bugs
- Fixed missing url in domestic header logo

## 27.4.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added environment_diff management command
- Added settings_shake management command

## 27.3.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs Fixed
- Fixed search input on domestic header which was covered by other elements and not clickable

## 27.2.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs Fixed
- Fixed NPE JS error when submitting a form without serializing the data.

## 27.2.0
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs fixed
- Fixed login state links collapsed
- Removed old documentation and conf

### Implemented enhancements
- Demo login state in header footer

## 27.1.3
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs fixed
- Remove reference to old css file in base template

## 27.1.2
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs fixed
- Regenerate missing CSS

## 27.1.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs fixed
- re-order min-width breakpoints

## 27.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Introduce filter that adds anchors to _all_ headings, not just `<h2>`s.

## 27.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs Fixed
- Fix header arrow keys not working in IE.

### Implemented Enhancements
- Refactored header css to simplify code and make it easier to extend.

## 27.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs Fixed
- Fixed regression in accessibility of headers

### Implemented Enhancements
- Refactored header code to simplify code and make it easier to extend.

### Breaking Changes
- `domestic_header_static.html` has been removed. I believe this is unused, and so ought to have no impact.
- Templates extending `domestic_header.html` and `international_header.html` can now only overwrite the header_logo. All other overwrites are no longer allowed. I believe no templates do this, so there ought to be no impact.
- Templates overwriting the `header_logo` on `domestic_header.html` and `international_header.html` should now use a `header_logo.html` block to do so, instead of just an image. I believe no templates do this, so there ought to be no impact.
- `dit.classes.Dropdown.js` has been removed. This should no longer be required anywhere, so can be safely removed.

## 26.3.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added the class `bold-small` when bold is used in `add-export-elements-classes` filter

## 26.2.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bugs fixed
- `get_pagination_url` returns correct url with `?` when no query params and removes added `&` when page number and no query

## 26.2.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Support SSO auth backend

### Bugs fixed
- Fix landing page library version number detection

## 26.1.1
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Display package version on demo homepage

## 26.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Add overridable blocks to component templates to allow some services to modify them when needed

## 26.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Can add custom css classes to fields via `Field.container_css_classes`
- Added `forms.field_factory` for streamlining creating augmented django form fields.
- Added `helpers.get_pagination_url`

### Breaking changes
- members of `form.widgets`, `form.fields` are now imported from `forms` directly.

## 25.0.1
[Full Changelog](

## Bugs fixed
- Update lodash vulnerability

## 25.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Add lazysizes library, which allows lazy loading of images (and more). Check out the directory-components app for usage notes.

### Breaking changes
- Moved the JQuery script tag in `base.html` from block `head_js` to block `vendor_js`

## 24.0.0
[Full Changelog](

## Implemented Enhancements
- Pagination component takes in Pagination object from the page it is being used on rather than creating it's own

### Breaking Changes
- When pagination component is used the page is required to create it's own Pagination object in the view and pass this in to pagination component

## 23.0.0
[Full Changelog](

## Implemented Enhancements
- New international header with optional 2 tier navigation.
- Improvements to no-js header navigation

### Breaking Changes
- greatInternationalHeader.js has been replaced by header.js (which is automatically included in base.html)

## 22.0.0
[Full Changelog](
### Bug fixes
- Moved javascript from actual component `search-page-expandable-options.html`to `dit.components.searchPageExpandableOptions.js` which needs to be loaded when component is used (fixes bug when component is used more than once on a page)

### Breaking changes
- Requires javascript file `dit.components.searchPageExpandableOptions.js` to be loaded when `search-page-expandable-options` component is used
## 21.0.1
[Full Changelog](
### Bug fixes
- Moved javascript from demo page `selected_page_components.html` to actual component `search-page-expandable-options.html`

## 21.0.0
[Full Changelog](
### Bug fixes
- Made `search-page-expandable-options` use a form

### Breaking change
- `search-page-expandable-options` previously required different parameters so needs to be changed to pass in a form with choices that are a list of tuples

## 20.3.1
[Full Changelog](
### Bug fixes
- Re-added

## 20.3.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added `pagination` template tag

## 20.2.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- Added new `Search page components` including the `selected filters` and `expandable options` components

## 20.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added `error_box` and `success_box` template tags
- Removed

## 20.0.1
[Full Changelog](
### Bug fixes
- Fixed build on gov uk PaaS

## 20.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Breaking Changes
- Updated to version 18.x.x of directory-constants.

## 19.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes
- Fixed too tall line height in header domestic/international links

## 19.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added new tagging.js file to automatically tag links forms and videos.
- Added new ga360_data tag for customising data sent to GA360.
- Removed old methods for GA360 interaction tagging.
- Added GTM page to the demo app to explain how it all works

### Breaking Changes
- `ga360_tracker` has been removed.
- You can now (probably) just delete any existing `tagging.js` files. Most user interaction tagging will now be
performed automatically via the `tagging.js` file within directory components.
See the [google tag manager demo page]( for details of what's covered in the new system.
- `dit.components.greatDomesticHeader.js` has been removed from the base template. Each service will now need to explicitly load the JS file for the version of the header they are using e.g.

{% block header_js %}
    {{ block.super }}
    <script src="{% static 'directory_components/js/dit.components.greatDomesticHeader.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock %}

Or for international-facing services:

{% block header_js %}
    {{ block.super }}
    <script src="{% static 'directory_components/js/dit.components.greatInternationalHeader.js' %}"></script>
{% endblock %}

## 18.1.0

### Implemented enhancements
- Breadcrumbs template tag now supports context variables as first argument.

## 18.0.0

### Implemented enhancements
- Breadcrumbs template tag now is more flexible: supports any number of levels simplifies most usecases.

### Breaking changes
- Remove support for python 3.5
- breadcrumbs template tag interface has changed:

#### before
1. `{% breadcrumbs left_url='/' left_label='Home' right_label='Statistics' %}`
2. `{% breadcrumbs left_url='/' left_label='Home' middle_url='/middle/' middle_label='middle' right_label='Statistics' %}`

#### after
1. `{% breadcrumbs 'Statistics' %}<a href="/">Home</a>{% endbreadcrumbs %}`
2. `{% breadcrumbs 'Statistics' %}<a href="/">Home</a><a href="/middle/">middle</a>{% endbreadcrumbs %}`

## 17.0.0

### Implemented enhancements
- Removed Overpass semibold (600) weight from font imports
- Add CSS sourcemaps to aid style debugging in local dev

### Bug fixes
- Fixed margins on .underline class when used in the stats component

### Breaking changes
- `card-grid` CSS class has been removed in favour of the more descriptive `flex-grid`
- Images used in card components (excluding `labelled_image_card`) now use the image's original aspect ratio. If the aspect ratios of multiple images used in a grid of cards do not match, their heights will no longer be aligned. In this case, please update your images to all be the same aspect ratio

## 16.5.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
 - Added `handler404` so 404 pages render urls correctly.
 - Added `handler500` so 500 pages render urls correctly.

## 16.4.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added message box with icon component
- Improved mobile style of message box
- Updated documentation
- Added 500 error page template based on [ design system](

### Bug fixes
- Fixed invalid property values

## 16.3.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added support for Django 2 -> 2.2

## 16.2.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Gave `hero_with_cta` a min-height of 350px

## 16.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added ga360_tracker tag for adding GA360 attributes to components.

## 16.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Breaking changes
- Fixed leaking of information between ga360_payload in different requests

## 16.0.0
[Full Changelog](
### Implemented enhancements
- Added separate isd url via directory-constants context processor

### Breaking changes
- Added separate isd url please set DIRECTORY_CONSTANTS_URL_INVESTMENT_SUPPORT_DIRECTORY in all dev environments

## [15.2.0]( (2019-06-03)
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- Added contact form office finder url to urls_processor

## 15.1.1
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- CI-108: Improve error handling to be simpler and give more informative error messages.

## 15.1.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements

- Added `header_footer/invest_header` using invest logo specifically for invest pages

## 15.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bug Fixes
- CI-108: Fix GA360 Mixin failing when request.sso_user is unset.

## 15.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- CI-108: Added middleware to check that all views have appropriate GA tags have been set or marked as 'skip_ga360'
- CI-108: Updated International Header GA tagging to match the new specification

### Breaking changes
- Changed the ga_payload format for the GA360Mixin. (see mixins.GA360Payload for details).

## 14.1.0
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Added GA360 tagging for the domestic header
- Cleaned up unused templates and js

## 14.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Breaking Changes

- Rename all instances of `directory_components_tags` to `directory_components`

The best way to do the rest of the upgrade is to switch to using the latest header/footer.

- CSS to do with the old header/footer have been removed.
- Feature flag no longer used:
- Six templates have been removed:
    - `header_footer/invest_footer.html`
    - `header_footer/invest_header.html`
    - `header_footer_old/footer.html`
    - `header_footer_old/header.html`
    - `header_footer_old/header_international_link_js_disabled.html`
    - `header_footer_old/header_static.html`
- Images removed:
    - `IIG_Invest_in_GREAT_White_WITH_Flag.png`
    - `UK-Gov_STACK_WHITE_AW.png`
- JavaScript files removed:
    - `invest-header.js`
- Templates renamed/moved:
    - `header_footer/header_static.html` changed to `header_footer/domestic_header_static.html`
    - `header_footer/footer.html` changed to `header_footer/domestic_footer.html`
    - `header_footer/header.html` changed to `header_footer/domestic_header.html`

## 13.2.0
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Added if statements to 'informative banner' so label or content can be used without the other

## 13.1.0
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Added Investment Support Directory URL

## 13.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements
- CMS-1528: Add a feature flag for the country selector in the international header.

### Breaking Changes
- All apps using this library must now provide the 'COUNTRY_SELECTOR_ON' feature flag in their settings file.

## 12.1.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes:
- Set text direction in country selector so English text displays correctly on pages in Arabic

## 12.1.0
[Full changelog](

### Bug fixes:

- CMS-1245 Changed default country selector text to "Select a country"

## 12.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Implemented enhancements:
- Improved mobile/tablet styling of full width banner/case study component, added examples to docs
- Added non-responsive classes for widths
- Added responsive display classes

### Breaking changes:
- `full_width_banner_with_cta` inclusion tag has been renamed to `case_study`
- `full-width-banner-with-cta` CSS class has been renamed to `case-study`

## 11.0.4
[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes:
- [[CI-108]]( Fix potential bug where `dit.tagging` is undefined.

## 11.0.3
[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes:
- [[CMS-1460]]( Fix spacing issues of language/country selector on some browsers.

## 11.0.2
[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes:
- [[CI-108]]( Fix applying tags to international header.

## 11.0.1
[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes:

- [[CI-120]]( Fixed language selector cutting off the language text on firefox

## 11.0.0
[Full Changelog](

### Upgrade instructions
- Rename references to `dit.tagging.internatinalHeader.js` to `dit.tagging.internationalHeader.js`

### Fixed Bugs
- Fix typo in filename of `dit.tagging.internationalHeader.js`

## 10.9.2

[Full Changelog](

### Implemented Enhancements:

- Added 'UK setup guide' to the international header.

## 10.9.1
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented Enhancements**

- Add GA tagging script for the international header.

## 10.9.0

[Full Changelog](

- [[CMS-1395]]( PersistLocaleMiddleware deletes deprecated cookie names

## 10.8.3

[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes:

- Improved accessibility of breadcrumbs components based on [WAI-ARIA guidelines](

## 10.8.2

[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes:

- Improved contrast on international header language dropdown for better accessibility

## 10.8.1

[Full Changelog](

### Bug fixes:

- Specified support for python 3.6 in

## 10.8.0

[Full Changelog](

### Implemented Enhancements:

- Add breadcrumbs template tag that supports two and three levels.

## 10.7.0

[Full Changelog](

### Implemented Enhancements:

- [[CMS-1258]]( Add background-tint and section-id capability to full_width_banner_with_cta her banner

## 10.6.0

[Full Changelog](

### Implemented Enhancements:

- [[CI-108]]( Add mixin for Google Analytics Tags.

## 10.5.0

[Full Changelog](

### Implemented Enhancements:

- [[CMS-1386]]( Add block to base template for adding content after error-reporting banner