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{% load i18n %}
{% load add_export_elements_classes from directory_components %}

<div class="card{% if title and not description and not html_content %} only-title{% endif %}{% if no_padding_card %} no-padding-card{% endif %}{% if transparent_card %} transparent-card{% endif %}"
  {% if card_id %}id="{{ card_id }}"{% endif %}
  {% if url %}
    href="{{ url }}"
    {% if card_id %}id="{{ card_id|add:'-link' }}"{% endif %}
    {% if external_link %}target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="{% trans 'Opens in a new window' %}"{% endif %}
  {% endif %}
    {% block image %}
    {% if img_src %}
        <img class="card-image" src="{{ img_src }}" alt="{{ img_alt }}" {% if card_id %}id="{{ card_id|add:'-image' }}"{% endif %}>
    {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}
    <div class="card-inner">
      {% block content %}
      {% if html_content %}
      {{ html_content }}
      {% else %}
        {% if subheading %}
          <p class="subheading">{{ subheading }}</p>
        {% endif %}
        {% if title or heading %}
          <h3 class="heading-large">{% firstof title heading %}</h3>
        {% endif %}
        {% if html_snippet %}
        {{ html_snippet|add_export_elements_classes }}
        {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      {% endblock %}
  {% if url %}
  {% endif %}
  {% if description %}
    <p class="description">{{ description }}</p>
  {% endif %}