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title: Get started

## Prerequisites

Python 3.6.7+

## Installation

You can install stream-unzip and its dependencies from [PyPI]( using pip.

pip install stream-unzip

This installs the latest version of stream-unzip, and the latest compatible version of all of its dependencies.

If you regularly install stream-unzip, such as during application deployment, to avoid unexpected changes as new versions are released, you can pin to specific versions. [Poetry]( or [pip-tools]( are popular tools that can be used for this.

## Usage

A single function is exposed, `stream_unzip`, that takes a single argument: an iterable that should yield the bytes of a ZIP file [with no zero-length chunks]. It returns an iterable, where each yielded item is a tuple of the file name, file size [`None` if this is not known], and another iterable itself yielding the unzipped bytes of that file.

from stream_unzip import stream_unzip
import httpx

def zipped_chunks():
    # Iterable that yields the bytes of a zip file
    with'GET', '') as r:
        yield from r.iter_bytes(chunk_size=65536)

for file_name, file_size, unzipped_chunks in stream_unzip(zipped_chunks(), password=b'my-password'):
    # unzipped_chunks must be iterated to completion or UnfinishedIterationError will be raised
    for chunk in unzipped_chunks:

The file name and file size are extracted as reported from the file. If you don't trust the creator of the ZIP file, these should be treated as untrusted input.