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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utilities regarding RTDs, e.g. PT100 or PT1000.

PT1000 Rationale

This module implements a polynomial-fit based correction to obtain mathematically accurate
temperature values (down to < 58.6 µ°C) for PT100/PT1000 given a measured resistance.

The correction polynomial is precalculated and automatically applied if r0==100.0 or r0==1000.0.
For other r0 values, you can precalculate the polynomial.

For details read:
from UliEngineering.Physics.Temperature import normalize_temperature_celsius
from UliEngineering.EngineerIO import normalize_numeric
from UliEngineering.Units import Unit
import functools
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import numbers

PTCoefficientStandard = namedtuple("PTCoefficientStandard", ["a", "b", "c"])

# Source: http://www.code10.info/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D82:measuring-temperature-platinum-resistance-thermometers%26catid%3D60:temperature%26Itemid%3D83
ptxIPTS68 = PTCoefficientStandard(+3.90802e-03, -5.80195e-07, -4.27350e-12)
ptxITS90 = PTCoefficientStandard(+3.9083E-03, -5.7750E-07, -4.1830E-12)

noCorrection = np.poly1d([])
pt1000Correction = np.poly1d([1.51892983e-15, -2.85842067e-12, -5.34227299e-09,
                              1.80282972e-05, -1.61875985e-02, 4.84112370e+00])
pt100Correction = np.poly1d([1.51892983e-10, -2.85842067e-08, -5.34227299e-06,
                             1.80282972e-03, -1.61875985e-01, 4.84112370e+00])

def ptx_resistance(r0, t, standard=ptxITS90) -> Unit("Ω"):
    Compute the PTx resistance at a given temperature.
    The reference for the test code is a DIN PT1000.

    See http://www.thermometricscorp.com/pt1000 for reference
    t = normalize_temperature_celsius(t)
    A, B = standard.a, standard.b
    # C := 0 for t > 0, else std.c. This also works for numpy arrays
    if isinstance(t, numbers.Number):
        C = standard.c if t < 0.0 else 0
        C = np.piecewise(t, [t < 0, t >= 0], [standard.c, 0])
    return r0 * (1.0 + A * t + B * t * t + C * (t - 100.0) * t * t * t)

def ptx_temperature(r0, r, standard=ptxITS90, poly=None) -> Unit("°C"):
    Compute the PTx temperature at a given temperature.

    Accepts an additive correction polynomial that is applied to the resistance.
    If the poly kwarg is None, the polynom is automatically selected.
    noCorrection is used for other r0 values. In this case, use a
    custom polynomial (numpy poly1d object) as the poly kwarg.

    See http://www.thermometricscorp.com/pt1000 for reference
    r = normalize_numeric(r)
    A, B = standard.a, standard.b
    # Select
    if poly is None:
        if abs(r0 - 1000.0) < 1e-3: poly = pt1000Correction
        elif abs(r0 - 100.0) < 1e-3: poly = pt100Correction
        else: poly = noCorrection

    t = ((-r0 * A + np.sqrt(r0 * r0 * A * A - 4 * r0 * B * (r0 - r))) /
         (2.0 * r0 * B))
    # For subzero-temperature refine the computation by the correction polynomial
    if isinstance(r, numbers.Number):
        if r < r0:
            t += poly(r)
    else:  # Treated like a numpy array
        t += poly(r) * np.piecewise(r, [r < r0, r >= r0], [1.0, 0.0])
    return t

def checkCorrectionPolynomialQuality(r0, reftemp, poly):
    Get a difference array for a given correction polynomial.
    Return (resistances, diffarray, peak-to-peak scalar)
    # Compute reftemp -> resistance -> computed temp
    resistances = ptx_resistance(r0, reftemp)
    temperatures = ptx_temperature(r0, resistances, poly=poly)
    tempdiff = reftemp - temperatures
    quality = np.max([np.abs(tempdiff.max()), np.abs(tempdiff.min())])
    return (resistances, tempdiff, quality)

def computeCorrectionPolynomial(r0, order=5, n=1000000):
    Compute a correction polynomial that can be applied to the resistance
    to get an additive correction coefficient that approximately corrects
    for errors induced by the C * (t - 100) * t³ term in the formula which
    can't be easily solved.

    This module contains several precomputed polynomials:
        - noCorrection
        - pt1000Correction
        - pt100Correction

    It is recommended to use order=5 for this problem.
    # Compute values with no correct
    reftemp = np.linspace(-200.0, 0.0, n)
    resistances, tempdiff, _ = checkCorrectionPolynomialQuality(r0, reftemp, poly=noCorrection)
    # Compute best polynomial
    return np.poly1d(np.polyfit(resistances, tempdiff, order))

# Short definitions for commonly used functions.
pt100_resistance = functools.partial(ptx_resistance, 100.0)
pt1000_resistance = functools.partial(ptx_resistance, 1000.0)

pt100_temperature = functools.partial(ptx_temperature, 100.0)
pt1000_temperature = functools.partial(ptx_temperature, 1000.0)