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# unix-dgram-socket
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Connection-less, reliable unix datagram socket implementation with abstract namespace support for local interprocess communication in Node.JS application.
UNIX domain sockets can be either unnamed, or bound to a filesystem pathname (marked as being of type socket).
Linux also supports an abstract namespace which is independent of the filesystem.

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## Installation
npm i unix-dgram-socket --save
Package C++ addons will be compiled during installation.

## Examples
#### Open socket
import {UnixDgramSocket} from "unix-dgram-socket";

const socket = new UnixDgramSocket();

// Call on error
socket.on('error', (error: any) => {

// Call when new message is received
socket.on('message', (message: Buffer, info: any) => {

// Call when socket is bind to path
socket.on('listening', (path: string) => {
    console.log(`socket listening on path: ${path}`);

// Bind socket to filesystem path

#### Sending messages
import {UnixDgramSocket} from "unix-dgram-socket";

const socket = new UnixDgramSocket();

// Call on error
socket.on('error', (error: any) => {

// Call when new message is received
socket.on('message', (message: Buffer, info: any) => {

// Call on successful connect
socket.on('connect', (path: string) => {
    console.log(`socket connected to path: ${path}`);

// Call when socket is bind to path
socket.on('listening', (path: string) => {
    console.log(`socket listening on path: ${path}`);

socket.send("Special inter-process delivery!", "/tmp/socket1.sock");

// Dgram socket is connection-less so call connect only set default destination path and can be called many times

// Send can be called without path if 'connect' was called before
socket.send("I will be send to default path, set by connect!");

// CLose socket to prevent further communication

#### Operating with abstract namespace path
Abstract namespace path can be passed by starting path string from null byte ('\0') or "@" character.
// Bind socket to abstract path

// Send data to abstract namespace path
socket.send("Special inter-process delivery!", "@/abstract/path/socket1.sock");

## Additional information 
#### Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

#### License

#### References
- http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/unix.7.html
- http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/socket.2.html