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Test Coverage
# 1.0.0 - 2023 - 10 - 30

### [FIXED]

- Words can now be placed correctly
- Multiple bugs that ocurred when placing words

# 0.1.5 - 2023 - 10 - 18

### [ADDED]

- Tests for main file
- Exceptions in-game

### [FIXED]

- Structure of project
- Dockerfile was fixed

# 0.1.5 - 2023 - 10 - 17

### [ADDED]

- Scrabble is now playable 

### [FIXED]

- Project structure, class structure
- Moved methods to classes where they made more sense
- Fixed and added tests accordingly

# 0.1.4 - 2023 - 10 - 06

### [ADDED]

- Print board method

### [FIXED]

- Changed the way some classes are represented to make them clearer
- Some methods were changed for better performance

### [WIP]

- Crossed words now get accounted for, but incorrectly. Working on that fix.

# 0.1.3 - 2023 - 10 - 03

### [ADDED]

- Function that will get the score for a list of words
to be used when words are intercepted
- Method that GETS the word that is intercepted by another word
- Utils class for general purpose functions


- General structure of classes for better clarity

# 0.1.2 - 2023 - 10 - 02
### [ADDED]

- Method that checks if there are words to the sides of 
each letter
- Exceptions for when the player attempts an "illegal" move

### [WIP]

- Score word method that will add scores if a word crosses another
- Print board method

### [FIXED]

- Several methods have been fixed to work with newer ones
- Some methods were improved

# 0.1.1 - 2023 - 09 - 14

### [ADDED]

- Conditions for where the first word must be placed

### [WIP]
- Print board method
- More word score features

# 0.1.0 - 2023 - 09 - 11

### [ADDED]

- First working version of the game
- Main file for executing program and starting game
- More functionality to the player turn method
- Dockerfile that launches the game

### [FIXED]

- Order of some conditionals for better flow
- Syntax of some methods for better readability
### [WIP]

- Method to display the board

# 0.0.10 - 2023 - 09 - 09

### [ADDED]

- More functions to player turn method
- Game state attribute to ScrabbleGame(Game ongoing, game over)
- Method that ends and starts the game.
- Name attribute to the player class


- Minor fixes to structure

### [WIP]

- Method to display the board
- Better word scores

# 0.0.9 - 2023 - 09 - 08

### [ADDED]

- Player turn method, play, pass or draw tiles

### [FIXED]

- Squares now show their contents even when empty
- Player turn updates score
- Player tiles are now updated when they place tiles

# 0.0.8 - 2023 - 09 - 06

### [ADDED]

- A class that works as interface between the player and the game logic

### [FIXED]

- Several functions that weren't working as expected (see commits)

### [WIP]

- Player turn takes input from player and places a word where the player
wants, doesn't add score YET.

# 0.0.7 - 2023 - 09 - 04

### [FIXED]

- Methods for the square class, renamed them for better clarity
- Refactored references to old method names to use the improved ones

### [ADDED]

- A method that allows printing of each Square
- WIP method to print the whole board

# 0.0.6 - 2023 - 09 - 01

### [ADDED]

- Method that checks if a certain player has the tiles neccesary to make the word they intendo to make
- WIP player turn function

# 0.0.5 - 2023-08-28

### [FIXED]:

- Methods from the board class

### [ADDED]:

- Another method to the board class that returns the tile inside a certain square.
- A method that will place a word into the board to the ScrabbleGame class.

# 0.0.4 - 2023-08-23

### [FIXED]:

- Rearranged files

### [ADDED]:

- Added methods to the Square class
- Added a Scrabble class WIP

# 0.0.3 - 2023-08-21

### [ADDED]:

- Player class
- Score for players
- The tiles that each player has in possession
- Players can swap pieces they don't want with a random one from the bag
- Board class 
- The board is a grid of squares
- You can place tiles on the board

### [FIXED]:

- Square class now has a default multiplier of x1
- Tiles were given a custom comparison operator
- Changed structure of the project, the dictionary is now in a separate folder
- structure of the dictionary class

# 0.0.2 - 2023-08-19

### [ADDED]:

- List of words in Spanish considered legal for this version of Scrabble. 
- Function that checks if a given word is part of said list.
- Square class for future implementation of a Board class.

# 0.0.1 - 2023-08-18

### [ADDED]:

- List of letters to the Tilebag class. The amount of letters is now Fixed, as well as their score.

### [FIXED]:

- Fixed tests in order to stay relevant and evaluate the new format of the Tilebag class