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# Scrabble

The goal of this development project is to create a Scrabble game using the Python programming language, 
following the rules and mechanics set out in the Wikipedia article on the game of Scrabble. The resulting 
game will allow users to play Scrabble games in a console interface, with functionality for the board, tiles, 
scoring and word validation.

The whole project was done following industry standards for CI/CD. Every line of code was tested and checked
before merging to main.

This software is delivered using containers via Docker, for more info on how to install docker read below,
and for details on the contents of the container check DockerFile.

# Instructions:
- Install docker
- Clone repo
- Build docker image from the Dockerfile
- Run docker image
- Enjoy =)

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# CodeClimate Badge

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### Made on earth by humans

### Author: **Dino Meschini**