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Test Coverage
from game.square import Square
from game.utils import check_word_dictionary

ROWS = 15
TRIPLE_WORD_SCORE = ((0, 0), (7, 0), (14, 0), (0, 7), (14, 7), (0, 14), (7, 14), (14, 14))
DOUBLE_WORD_SCORE = ((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (1, 13), (2, 12), (3, 11), (4, 10), (13, 1), (12, 2), (11, 3),
                     (10, 4), (13, 13), (12, 12), (11, 11), (10, 10))
TRIPLE_LETTER_SCORE = ((1, 5), (1, 9), (5, 1), (5, 5), (5, 9), (5, 13), (9, 1), (9, 5), (9, 9), (9, 13), (13, 5),
                       (13, 9))
DOUBLE_LETTER_SCORE = ((0, 3), (0, 11), (2, 6), (2, 8), (3, 0), (3, 7), (3, 14), (6, 2), (6, 6), (6, 8), (6, 12),
                       (7, 3), (7, 11), (8, 2), (8, 6), (8, 8), (8, 12), (11, 0), (11, 7), (11, 14), (12, 6), (12, 8),
                       (14, 3), (14, 11))

class PlacementOutOfBounds(Exception):

class WordNotValid(Exception):

class WordOutOfBounds(Exception):

class Board:
    def __init__(self):
        self.rows = ROWS
        self.columns = COLUMNS
        self.grid = [[Square(
        ) for _ in range(self.columns)] for _ in range(self.rows)]
        self.last_word = []

    def add_premium_squares(self):
        for coordinate in TRIPLE_WORD_SCORE:
            self.set_square_multiplier(coordinate, "word", 3)

        for coordinate in DOUBLE_WORD_SCORE:
            self.set_square_multiplier(coordinate, "word", 2)

        for coordinate in TRIPLE_LETTER_SCORE:
            self.set_square_multiplier(coordinate, "letter", 3)

        for coordinate in DOUBLE_LETTER_SCORE:
            self.set_square_multiplier(coordinate, "letter", 2)

    def set_square_multiplier(self, coordinate, multiplier_type, multiplier_value):
        square = self.grid[coordinate[0]][coordinate[1]]
        square.multiplier_type = multiplier_type
        square.multiplier = multiplier_value

    def place_tile(self, row, column, tile):
        if not (0 <= row < self.rows and 0 <= column < self.columns):
            raise PlacementOutOfBounds("Placement is outside the valid boundaries.")

    def get_square(self, row, column):
        return self.grid[row][column]

    def get_tile(self, row, column):
        return self.grid[row][column].get_tile()

    def place_word(self, word, starting_row, starting_column, direction):
        if direction.lower() == 'horizontal':
            self.place_horizontal(word, starting_row, starting_column)
        if direction.lower() == 'vertical':
            self.place_vertical(word, starting_row, starting_column)

    def place_horizontal(self, word, starting_row, starting_column):
        if starting_column + len(word) > 15:
            raise WordOutOfBounds
        for i in range(len(word)):
            if self.get_square(starting_row, i + starting_column).has_tile():
            self.place_tile(starting_row, i + starting_column, word[i])
            self.last_word.append(self.grid[starting_row][starting_column + i])

    def place_vertical(self, word, starting_row, starting_column):
        if starting_row + len(word) > 15:
            raise WordOutOfBounds
        for i in range(len(word)):
            if self.get_square(starting_row + i, starting_column).has_tile():
            self.place_tile(i + starting_row, starting_column, word[i])
            self.last_word.append(self.grid[starting_row + i][starting_column])

    # def check_middle_square(self, row, col):
    #     return self.grid[row][col]

    # def check_word_horizontal(self, row, col):
    #     return self.check_word_vh((self.check_word_left, self.check_word_right), row, col)
    #     # left = self.check_word_left(row, col)
    #     # right = self.check_word_right(row, col)
    #     # center = self.check_middle_square(row, col)
    #     # left.append(center)
    #     # left.extend(right)
    #     # if len(left) < 2:
    #     #     return False
    #     # return left
    # def check_word_vertical(self, row, col):
    #     return self.check_word_vh((self.check_word_up, self.check_word_down), row, col)
    #     # up = self.check_word_up(row, col)
    #     # down = self.check_word_down(row, col)
    #     # center = self.check_middle_square(row, col)
    #     # up.append(center)
    #     # up.extend(down)
    #     # if len(up) < 2:
    #     #     return False
    #     # return up
    # def check_word_vh(self, funcs, row, col):
    #     one_side_func, other_side_func = funcs
    #     one_side = one_side_func(row, col)
    #     other_side = other_side_func(row, col)
    #     center = self.check_middle_square(row, col)
    #     one_side.append(center)
    #     one_side.extend(other_side)
    #     if len(one_side) < 2:
    #         return False
    #     return one_side

    def check_word_left(self, row, col):
        word = []
        while col >= 0 and self.grid[row - 1][col].has_tile():
            word.insert(0, self.grid[row][col - 1].get_tile())
            col -= 1
        return word

    def check_word_right(self, row, col):
        word = []
        while col >= 0 and self.grid[row + 1][col].has_tile():
            word.append(self.grid[row][col + 1].get_tile())
            col += 1
        return word

    def check_word_up(self, row, col):
        word = []
        while row >= 0 and self.grid[row][col - 1].has_tile():
            word.insert(0, self.grid[row - 1][col].get_tile())
            row -= 1
        return word

    def check_word_down(self, row, col):
        word = []
        while row >= 0 and self.grid[row][col + 1].has_tile():
            word.append(self.grid[row + 1][col].get_tile())
            row += 1
        return word