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  <ion-navbar color="primary">
    <button ion-button menuToggle>
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    <ion-title>Privacy Policy</ion-title>

<ion-content padding>
    This application uses your location (when available) and Google Analytics.
    The data collected is the property of UMass Transit Services.
    Google Analytics data my be used
    (1) by the developers of this application for the purpose of continuing to improve the application and
    (2) by the <a href="">PVPC</a> and <a href="">PVTA</a> for the purpose of service analysis.
    Google Analytics data is not personally identifiable.
    For more information on how Google Analytics stores data about you, please click
    <a onclick="'', '_blank');">here</a>.
    Your location is sent via HTTPS to Avail Technologies (a PVTA contractor) and Google Maps,
    and is used for the purpose of providing location-based services to you.
    This includes, but is not limited to, finding nearby bus stops and obtaining
    directions to bus stops.  Your location is not saved for any period of time
    beyond what is immediately reqired to provide the requested service.
    Use of this application constitutes an agreement to this policy and consent to
    the data collection described herein.  This policy may change
    at any time.
    If you have any further questions, please email <a href="">UMass Transit IT</a>
    and we will be happy to answer your questions.