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Test Coverage
* 2015-08-01 version 1.0.6
  * fix Deferred#then problem.
    * change to use 'throw error' action as failCallback when it is not set.

* 2015-03-09 version 1.0.3
  * update dependent modules. (jasmine,requirejs)
  * use npm to manage dependent modules.
  * changes a building tool to gulp.

* 2013-11-04 version 1.0.2
  * supports setting the default packaging policy by the constructor arguments of the container.

* 2013-08-12 version 1.0.1
  * fix cyclic dependency checking problem.
  * supports latest version of require.js (2.1.8).
  * updates dependant modules and tools. (r.js/rhino/Closure Compiler)
  * refactoring specs.

* 2012-08-20 version 1.0.0
  * first release.