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# CI/CD overview

## GitOps

CI/CD is fully automated using different Git events and GitHub actions. This repository uses [bump-everywhere](https://github.com/undergroundwires/bump-everywhere) to automate versioning, tagging, creation of `CHANGELOG.md` and GitHub releases. A dedicated workflow [release.desktop.yaml](./../.github/workflows/release.desktop.yaml) creates desktop installers and executables and attaches them into GitHub releases.

Everything that's merged in the master goes directly to production.

[![CI/CD using GitHub Actions](./../img/architecture/gitops.png)](../.github/workflows/)

## Pipeline files

privacy.sexy uses [GitHub actions](https://github.com/features/actions) to define and run pipelines as code.

GitHub workflows i.e. pipelines exist in [`/.github/workflows/`](./../.github/workflows/) folder without any subfolders due to GitHub actions requirements [1] .

Local GitHub actions are defined in [`/.github/actions/`](./../.github/actions/) and used to reuse same workflow steps.

## Pipeline types

We categorize pipelines into different categories. We use these names in convention when naming files and actions, see [naming conventions](#naming-conventions).

The categories consist of:

- `tests`: Different types of tests to verify functionality.
- `checks`: Other controls such as vulnerability scans or styling checks.
- `release`: Pipelines used for release of deployment such as building and testing.

## Naming conventions

Convention for naming pipeline files: **`<type>.<name>.yaml`**.


- Sub-folders do not work for GitHub workflows [1] so we use `<type>.` prefix to organize them.
- See also [pipeline types](#pipeline-types) for list of all usable types.


- We name workflows using kebab-case.
- E.g. file name `tests.unit.yaml`, pipeline file should set the naem as: `name: unit-tests`.
- Kebab-case allows to have better URL references to them.
  - [README.md](./../README.md) uses URL references to show status badges for actions.

[1]: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#about-yaml-syntax-for-workflows