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import type { Logger } from '@/application/Common/Log/Logger';
import { ElectronLogger } from '@/infrastructure/Log/ElectronLogger';
import { PowerShellArgumentEscaper } from './ShellArgument/PowerShellArgumentEscaper';
import { EncodedPowerShellInvokeCmdCommandCreator } from './PowerShellInvoke/EncodedPowerShellInvokeCmdCommandCreator';
import type { ShellArgumentEscaper } from './ShellArgument/ShellArgumentEscaper';
import type { CommandDefinition } from '../CommandDefinition';
import type { PowerShellInvokeShellCommandCreator } from './PowerShellInvoke/PowerShellInvokeShellCommandCreator';

export class WindowsVisibleTerminalCommand implements CommandDefinition {
    private readonly escaper: ShellArgumentEscaper = new PowerShellArgumentEscaper(),
    private readonly powershellCommandCreator: PowerShellInvokeShellCommandCreator
    = new EncodedPowerShellInvokeCmdCommandCreator(),
    private readonly logger: Logger = ElectronLogger,
  ) { }

  public buildShellCommand(filePath: string): string {
    const powershellCommand = [
      '-Verb RunAs', // Run as administrator with GUI sudo prompt
      `-FilePath ${this.escaper.escapePathArgument(filePath)}`,
    ].join(' ');
      Running PowerShell command is preferred due to its flexibility and the way it provides
      GUI sudo prompt through `RunAs` argument.
      Other options considered:
        "path", `cmd.exe /c "path"`
          ❌  Script execution in the background without a visible terminal.
              This occurs only when the user runs the application as administrator, as seen
              in Windows Pro VMs on Azure.
        `PowerShell Start -Verb RunAs "path"`
          ✅  Visible terminal window
          ✅  GUI sudo prompt (through `RunAs` option)
        `PowerShell Start "path"`
        `explorer.exe "path"`
        `start cmd.exe /c "$path"`
          ✅  Visible terminal window
          ✅  GUI sudo prompt (through `RunAs` option)
          👍  Among all options `start` command is the most explicit one, being the most resilient
              against the potential changes in Windows or Electron framework (e.g. https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/36765).
              `%COMSPEC%` environment variable should be checked before defaulting to `cmd.exe.
      Related docs: https://web.archive.org/web/20240106002357/https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#spawning-bat-and-cmd-files-on-windows
    this.logger.info(`Building command for PowerShell execution:\n\tCommand: ${powershellCommand}`);
    return this.powershellCommandCreator.createCommandToInvokePowerShell(powershellCommand);

  public isExecutionTerminatedExternally(): boolean {
    return false;

  public isExecutablePermissionsRequiredOnFile(): boolean {
      In Windows, whether a file can be executed is determined by its file extension
      (.exe, .bat, .cmd, etc.) rather than executable permissions set on the file.
    return false;